How to call TWS Beans from another Java EE server - workload-scheduler

How to call TWS beans from another Java EE server like JBoss or even WAS Liberty Profile?

I've no direct experience with JBoss or Liberty, but we have tried several times from Tomcat without success. Maybe it's possible with Liberty but as said I've never tried it.
This is one of the reason we are moving to REST APIs that makes interoperability much easier. REST APIs has been introduced on TWSd with 9.3 FP2, but are still not available on TWSz.
If you need them on TWSz, you can try to open an RFE to push this new feature.
If you don't have a product/release that natively support REST APIs, a possible pattern is to implement your own REST APIs based on J2EE APIs and deploy them as an additional WAR on the engine/connector WAS, and the call these REST APIs from your JBoss, Liberty.


How to deploy multiple version of an application in production for microservice based application

Is it possible to have multiple versions of service(s) deployed in production at the same time. From my assumption, this should be pretty common pattern for microservice/api based projects or mobile projects. I want to know how do you do it and what are common pattern in industry for this kind of problems. It would be helpful if your answers around AWS environment or Kubernetes environment.
Thanks in Advance.
Is it possible to have multiple versions of service(s) deployed in production at the same time
Yes, it is possible. The idea is to keep all used microservices in production (v1, v2 ...) at the same time and to bring down the versions that are not used anymore. For this, you should somehow know when a version is not used anymore.
AFAIK, you have to options:
For every new version you make a new endpoint (like /v2/someApiCall) that is connected to the same (now upgraded) microservice and gradually instruct clients to use the new endpoind; when the old endpoint is not used anymore you deleted it; this is the preferred way.
For every new version you make a new microservice that share the same persistence with the old microservice; you should avoid the use of this solution; Netflix uses this strategy in rare occasions when the cost of changing old consumers is too high.
You can read more at page 62 from Building microservices by Sam Newman.
With AWS API Gateway you could deploy multiple versions of your code and switch between them from the mapping templates, as explained here. You might also want to look into stage variables.
Assuming your are exposing services over An HTTP REST API, the general standard is to always base line your service urls with a version.
If you need to release a new version, expose it over:
Where v2 can run over a different branch of the codebase.
I have blogged about this: Multi-version Service Discovery using Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka and Ribbon, focussed on Spring Cloud Netflix components / libraries though.
But the idea is to deploy a new version of the artifact / binary in a new host / VPS / Container and have the service register with a registry server (Eureka, Consul, ....) and include metadata about the API versions it supports (v1, v2, ...). Client apps would discover which host / container / ... serves the API version needed.

Is it possible to deploy a JAX-RS web service to MobileFirst Server?

My team is working on the migration of a hybrid app from Tibco Silver Mobile(TSM) platform to IBM MobileFirst Platform.
I have a JAX-RS webservice developed using Weblogic IDE which is currently hosted on TSM server. This webservice does a security check for all the incoming back-end requests and pass the request to the back-end if it is from a valid source.
When the app will be migrated from TSM to MobileFirst platform the TSM server will be moved out of the scene. I am looking for some alternate options for hosting this JAX-RS webservice. I don't want to make any changes to the webservice since it is a tested and proven code used in the TSM based solution.
I understand from the IBM MobileFirst Platform 7.0 documentation that JAX-RS support is now available on the MobileFirst Server and JAX-RS specification based Java adapters can be developed and deployed to the server.
Can I deploy the above mentioned webservice .WAR file as such to MobileFirst Server, without making any customizations?
If yes, what is the procedure for deploying the webservice (.WAR) to MobileFirst Server?
If no, what are the alternate options that can be considered?
As indicated in the comments above:
MFP Server is actually a Java EE application deployed to a supported Java EE application server, WebSphere Liberty or full WebSphere ND being the normal options, though TomCat is also supported.
In principle your own JAX/RS WAR file can be deployed to these same servers, the details will depend upon exactly what Java EE features you exploit and you will need to understand those Java EE servers' administration model. MFP itself is not affected by this, and you need no MFP knowledge to do it. You just need to understand the chosen Java EE server. Personally I would start with WebSphere Liberty.
A further question would be whether it is better to isolate your JAX/RS and Mobile First servers into their own Java EE server instances. It can be easier to manage and scale if you keep things separate, but technically there should be no interference if you do co-locate them. It is pretty trivial to spin up a dedicated Liberty server.
A more interesting question is whether there is value in actually exploiting the MFP Adapter capability to create JAX/RS services. In effect it's your familiar JAX/RS programming model but packaged slightly differently, deployed as a MFP adapter, and with the option explicitly to exploit the MFP security model and easily call other MFP adapters.
Personally, if I were coming to a project with no existing JAX/RS services and have commited to MFP and its security model then I would do my JAX/RS in the MFP Adapters.

Setting up a SOAP enviornment?

I want to set up a SOAP development enviornment. So I can create web services and such. I tried following the docs for the TOMCAT/AXIS/APACHE stuff but it all seemed outdated? Any recommendations, links or resources to good ways to set up an SOAP enviornment? I will be using Eclipse.
First, you'll need to decide on what container to use, Apache Axis2 is a popular choice. You can then go through the QuickStart guide to get things up and running quickly. Another popular choice is Apache CXF.
I know you favor eclipse, but NetBeans comes with some example web services packages installed.
Well you need to write your webservice in a development language such as PHP and have it served up to the consumer of your webservice with something like a webserver(apache)

Why would I use Apache ServiceMix over just ActiveMQ

I am starting to plan a new platform which needs to integrate various services from various externals platforms. Essentially I'm tying together a bunch of internal, homegrown services and several outside services we license from 3rd parties.
Generally speaking the external services are all web services but they are a mishmash of REST, SOAP and XML-RPC.
Some of our internal services have REST API's but there are many things that aren't so easy: XMPP, Hessian, custom socket protocols, Java RPC, uWSGI, and the list goes on.
From my research it seems like an ESB like Apache ServiceMix might be a good fit for my needs. However it looks REALLY complex. I'm not launching rockets but I do need transactional messaging (mostly for eCommerce and entitlement stuff). I feel like the message queue ServiceMix uses under the hood (ActiveMQ) might be enough on its own.
Can anyone explain what ServiceMix provides above and beyond ActiveMQ? I know there is a lot but it is hard for an ESB n00b like me to really grasp the tangible difference when I'm waste-deep in buzzwords.
ServiceMix is an OSGi based container that allows you to deploy and run applications in a controlled runtime environment (like a J2EE container but less heavy weight and without programming to e.g. J2EE contracts).
Thanks to OSGi you can partition your applications into parts and update/evolve these parts independently from each other. You can upgrade parts of your application without having to take down the entire application. There is far better life cycle management in OSGi then you get with standalone Java processes.
If you think of creating an application that will evolve over time, then OSGi is something you should consider. And ServiceMix provides you a runtime OSGi container to deploy your applications to. I highly recommend the book "OSGi in Action" from Manning.
For tying together different external services that might even use different transport protocols I recommend Apache Camel, which btw also deploys nicely into ServiceMix.
Btw, existing applications can be deployed into an OSGi container with fairly little effort (without requiring code changes).
Torsten Mielke

Why use Glassfish instead of Apache? What's it strengths and weaknesses?

Sorry for my ignorance here, but when I hear the word webserver, I immediately imagine Apache, although I know people use Microsoft's IIS too. However since I've been hanging out here at Stackoverflow I've noticed lots of people use Glassfish.
Which made me wonder, why would I want to use Glassfish (in the sense that I'm interested, but I don't really understand why it might make my life easier). From what I read it's Sun's open-source derivate of Apache's Tomcat, thus I imagine it's a good (or great) quality product. But since I don't know its strengths and weaknesses, I don't know when it would be wise to choose Glassfish over another server. Could anyone elaborate ?
GlassFish is an Application Server which can also be used as a Web Server (Http Server).
A web Server means: Handling HTTP requests (usually from browsers).
A Servlet Container (e.g. Tomcat) means: It can handle servlets & JSP.
An Application Server (e.g. GlassFish) means: It can manage Java EE applications (usually both servlet/JSP and EJBs).
You should use GlassFish for Java EE enterprise applications.
The need for a seperate Web server is mostly needed in a production environment. You would normally find a Application server to be suffice most of your development needs. A web server is capable of holding larger number of active sessions and connections, thus providing the necessary balance without performance costs.
Stick to a simple web server if you are only working with servlets/jsps. It is also to be noted that in a netbeans environment, glassfish has better support than other App servers. In the context of eclipse though, WSAD and JBoss seem to the preferred options.
Glassfish will soon release the modular kernel.
This means that the containers you need start up and shutdown as you need them. I.e no EAR deployed, EJB container won;t start up. This seems to have made it very good for development as it can start and stop very quickly. This takes it a lot closer to development environments like Rails (where redeployment is a massive part of your development)
I have used GlassFish server for developing Web Services.
It provides a very interactive Admin Console where admin can test the Web Services.
I really find it helpful while developing Web Services