When building ORM query, I want to see what the actual (raw) query is that is executed.
For example in Rails we can do like this:
User.where(name: 'Oscar').to_sql
# => SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" = 'Oscar'
This feature present in Bookshelfjs? or any other way to get this?
Thanks in advance
Looks like there is no direct way to get SQL statement like Rails produce..
You can use .query() .toSQL() or .query() .toString(). But achieving exact result as in Rails is a bit more complicated as queries may be not complete. The cause is that many statements get applied just before performing the query in Bookshelf. For example Bookshelf relations behave so. Also many plugins use events to apply query statements. If you want to debug the queries then I would suggest you to use Knex#debug instead. For example
model.query(function(qb) {
It prints the debug info in the console.
Source: from officials bookshelfjs github
I have a Keyword based JPA query I need to modify in order to exclude records with a particular status. Currently, I have the following:
findAllByLatestVersion_Entity_DataFieldGreaterThanEqualAndLatestVersion_AnotherFieldNull(datefield: Istant, pageable: Pageable)
I do not want to parameterise, therefore I would like to have the query to work as there was a WHERE clause stating that the status IS NOT C, for example. I am struggling to find clear documentation on how to go about. Is it possible to write something along these lines:
findAllByLatestVersion_Entity_DataFieldGreaterThanEqualAndLatestVersion_AnotherFieldNullAndLatestVersion_StatusCNot(datefield: Istant, pageable: Pageable)
Thank you
No this is not possible with query derivation, i.e. the feature you are using here. And even if it were possible you shouldn't do it.
Query derivation is intended for simple queries where the name of the repository method that you would choose anyway perfectly expresses everything one needs to know about the query to generate it.
It is not intended as a replacement for JPQL or SQL.
It should never be used when the resulting method name isn't a good method name.
So just formulate the query as a JPQL query and use a #Query annotation to specify it.
Suppose I have Posts and posts' Comments. I want to filter all the Posts that have more than 10 comments. I began writing something like Posts.includes(:comments).group("post.id").count("comments.id"), to obtain a hash of posts and their counts, and I can extract the information from there, but I want some one-line straightforward way to do that
Sure I can use some pure sql syntax statements, but I want it in a pure rails way. Any idea ?
Assuming the models are named in the more typical singular form of Post and Comment and have the usual association relationship, then the following should work:
Post.joins(:comments).group('posts.id').having('count(comments.id) > 10')
I am having trouble optimizing a large activerecord query. I need to include an associated model in my request but due to the size of the return set I only want to include a couple of the associated columns. For example I have:
While I am looking for something like:
Post.includes(:user.name, :user.profile_pic).large_set
I need to actually use the name and profile pic attributes so Post.joins(:user) is not an option as far as I understand.
select is what you are looking for:
Post.select("posts.*, users.name, users.profile_pic").large_set
You'll have to use join to accomplish what you want, as includes does not have this functionality. Or you could white your own includes method :-)
I have tested and done quite some research online, but still no luck. Did anyone ever encounter this problem ?
Say, I have a doctrine query set up like:
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->set('id_path', "CONCAT(?, RIGHT(id_path, LENGTH(id_path)-?))", array($newPath, $lenOld))
->where("id_path like '$oldPath%'");
// and I print the query out
$qstr = $q->getSqlQuery(array($newPath, $lenOld));
Instead of giving me:
UPDATE pck_folder SET id_path = CONCAT(?, RIGHT(id_path, LENGTH(id_path)-?)) WHERE (id_path like '1/2//%')
Doctrine gave me:
UPDATE pck_folder SET id_path = CONCAT(?, RIGHT(id_path, LENGTH(id_path-?))) WHERE (id_path like '1/2//%')
please note this part RIGHT(id_path, LENGTH(id_path)-?)
(Note: I'm assuming you're using Doctrine 1.2. I haven't used Doctrine 2.0 yet.)
I had not encountered that specific bug before, but I have found numerous problems with the implementation of update() in Doctrine_Query. Essentially anything but the most very straightforward update queries will cause the parser to generate wrong or invalid queries. For example, it can't handle sub-selects within an update.
Try writing a Raw SQL query, or else use a less efficient but fully-functional workaround: Select the records you want to update using Doctrine_Query, then iterate over them and set the field in PHP, then call save() on each one.
By the way, there's a big GOTCHA inherent with use of UPDATE queries and Doctrine that sort of forces you to use that workaround in many cases anyway. That is, if you or your plugins have made use of the nifty Doctrine hook methods within your models but you execute a SQL-level update that affects those records, the hooks will get silently circumvented. Depending on your application, that may wreck your business logic processing.
We have an SQL query in our Rails 3 app.
#followers returns an array of IDs of users following the current_user.
#followers = current_user.following
#feed_items = Micropost.where("belongs_to_id IN (?)", #followers)
Is there a more efficient way to do this query?
The query you have can't really be optimized anymore than it is. It could be made faster by adding an index to belongs_to_id (which you should almost always do for foreign keys anyway), but that doesn't change the actual query.
There is a cleaner way to write IN queries though:
Micropost.where(:belongs_to_id => #followers)
where #followers is an array of values for belongs_to_id.
It looks good to me.
However if you're looking for real minimum numer of characters in the code, you could change:
Micropost.where("belongs_to_id IN (?)", #followers)
Micropost.where("belongs_to_id = ?", #followers)
which reads a little easier.
Rails will see the array and do the IN.
As always the main goal of the ruby language is readability so little improvements help.
As for query being inefficent, you shuld check into indexs on that field.
They tend to be a little more specific for each db - you have only specified generic sql. in your question.