How to create an op like conv_ops in tensorflow? - tensorflow

What I'm trying to do
I'm new to C++ and bazel and I want to make some change on the convolution operation in tensorflow, so I decide that my first step is to create an ops just like it.
What I have done
I copied from //tensorflow/core/kernels and change the name of the ops registrated in my I also changed some name of the functions in the file to avoid duplication. And here is my BUILD file.
As you can see, I copy the deps attributes of conv_ops from //tensorflow/core/kernels/BUILD. Then I use "bazel build -c opt //tensorflow/core/" to build the new op.
What my problem is
Then I got this error.
I tried to delete bounds_check and got same error for the next deps. Then I realize that there is some problem for including h files in //tensorflow/core/kernels from //tensorflow/core/user_ops. So how can I perfectely create a new op excatcly like conv_ops?

Adding a custom operation to TensorFlow is covered in the tutorial here. You can also look at actual code examples.
To address your specific problem, note that the tf_custom_op_library macro adds most of the necessary dependencies to your target. You can simply write the following :


DBT - [WARNING]: Did not find matching node for patch

I keep getting the error below when I use dbt run - I can't find anything on why this error occurs or how to fix it within the dbt documentation.
[WARNING]: Did not find matching node for patch with name 'vGenericView' in the 'models' section of file 'models\generic_schema\schema.sql'
did you by chance recently upgrade to dbt 1.0.0? If so, this means that you have a model, vGenericView defined in a schema.yml but you don't have a vGenericView.sql model file to which it corresponds.
If all views and tables defined in schema are 1 to 1 with model files then try to run dbt clean and test or run afterward.
Not sure what happened to my project, but ran into frustration looking for missing and/or misspelled files when it was just leftovers from different compiled files not cleaned out. Previously moved views around to different schemas and renamed others.
So the mistake is here in the naming:
The model name in the models.yml file should for example be: employees
And the sql file should be named: employees.sql
So your models.yml will look like:
version: 2
- name: employees
description: "View of employees"
And there must be a model with file name: employees.sql
One case when this will happen is if you have the same data source defined in two different schema.yml file (or whatever you call it)

rstan() should not run in #'#example?

In package development, each example requires <5s. However, the pair of stan_model() and rstan::sampling() take long times more than 5s as follows:
Examples with CPU or elapsed time > 5s
user system elapsed
fit 1.25 0.11 32.47
So I put \donttest{} for each rstan::sampling() in roxygen comments #'#examples
In examples#'#examples, we should not run sampling() or is there any treatment ?
I had tried to create my package based on the code rstan_package_skeleton(path = 'BayesianAAA') when I was taught from you (Thank you !!) but, I do not understand many things about it.
Previously, rstan_package_skeleton(path = 'BayesianAAA') launched the errors in my computer ( but now the error does not occur).
So, I made my package without the rstan_package_skeleton(), say BayesianAAA, and in my original making, I put the Model_A.stan,Model_B.stan,Model_C.stan,.... in the inst/extdata and I refer my stan files as follows;
scr <- system.file("extdata", "Model_A.stan", package="BayesianAAA")
scr <- rstan::stan_model(scr)
I have many questions about the code rstan_package_skeleton(path = 'BayesianAAA').
1) The first question is How to include my existing stan files and how to refer my .stan files for the rstan::stan_model() ?
According to the page following page, it said that
If we had existing .stan files to include with the package we could use the optional stan_files argument to rstan_package_skeleton to include them.
So, I think I should execute, I am not sure but the following like manner is required;
`rstan_package_skeleton(path = 'BayesianAAA', stan_files = "Model_A.stan" )`.
But I do not know how to write the code for several stan files, say Model_A.stan,Model_B.stan,Model_C.stan in my existing package made without the rstan_package_skeleton(). I do not understand , but the following code is correct ? Since I do not where the files described in the variable stan_files is reflected in the new project created by the rstan_package_skeleton().
`rstan_package_skeleton(path = 'BayesianAAA', stan_files = c("Model_A.stan",`Model_B.stan`,`Model_C.stan` )`.
Here, the another question arise, that is,
2) The second question: Where I execute the code rstan_package_skeleton(path = 'BayesianAAA', stan_files = "Model_A.stan" ) ? I execute it form the R studio console in my existing package project. Is it correct ? And then, the new project arise and it is contained the old existing project. What should I do ?
3) I do not quite know about the packages "rstanarm" , but I try to imitate it for my package, but I can not fined any .stan file in it, I am wrong ?
I am sorry for my poor English, and Lack of study about these things.
I would be grateful if you could tell me.
You generally should not be writing a package that calls stan_model at runtime, unless like brms or tmbstan you are generating a Stan program at runtime as opposed to writing it statically. There are dozens of packages on CRAN that provide compiled Stan programs basically by following the build process developed for rstanarm, which is facilitated by the rstantools::rstan_package.skeleton function, the step-by-step guide, and the developer guidelines which directly address your question
CRAN policy permits long installation times but imposes restrictions on the time consumed by examples and unit tests that are much shorter than the time that it takes to compile even a simple Stan program. Thus, it is only possible to adequately test your package if it has pre-compiled Stan programs.
Even then, it can be difficult to sample from a posterior distribution (adequately) in five seconds, so you often have to use small datasets, one chain, a small number of iterations, etc.
It is best to pass the names of your Stan programs (which should end in a .stan extension, not use a period otherwise, and only have ASCII letters, numbers, and the underscore in their names) to rstantools::rstan_package_skeleton(). If doing so from RStudio, I would call it while not in an existing project. Then
During installation, all Stan programs will be compiled and saved in the list stanmodels that can then be used by R function in the package. The rule is that the Stan program compiled from the model code in src/stan_files/foo.stan is stored as list element stanmodels$foo.
There are dozens of R packages that have Stan programs in their src/stan_files directory (although the locations of the Stan programs are going to move to inst/stan for the next rstantools release) that for the most part just followed the vignettes and did not have to do any additional steps except write more R functions.

Tensorflow: checkpoints simple load

I have a checkpoint file:
checkpoint-20001 checkpoint-20001.meta
how do I extract variables from this space, without having to load the previous model and starting session etc.
I want to do something like
cp = load(checkpoint-20001)
It's not documented, but you can inspect the contents of a checkpoint from Python using the class tf.train.NewCheckpointReader.
Here's a test case that uses it, so you can see how the class works.
Since it isn't a documented class, its API may change in the future.

How to write summaries for multiple runs in Tensorflow

If you look at the Tensorboard dashboard for the cifar10 demo, it shows data for multiple runs. I am having trouble finding a good example showing how to set the graph up to output data in this fashion. I am currently doing something similar to this, but it seems to be combining data from runs and whenever a new run starts I see the warning on the console:
WARNING:root:Found more than one graph event per run.Overwritting the graph with the newest event
The solution turned out to be simple (and probably a bit obvious), but I'll answer anyway. The writer is instantiated like this:
writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(FLAGS.log_dir, sess.graph_def)
The events for the current run are written to the specified directory. Instead of having a fixed value for the logdir parameter, just set a variable that gets updated for each run and use that as the name of a sub-directory inside the log directory:
writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter('%s/%s' % (FLAGS.log_dir, run_var), sess.graph_def)
Then just specify the root log_dir location when starting tensorboard via the --logdir parameter.
As mentioned in the documentation, you can specify multiple log directories when running tensorboard. Alternatively, you can create multiple run subfolder in the log directory to visualize different plots in the same graph.

extra-paths not added to python path with zc.recipe.testrunner

I am trying to run tests by adding a version of tornado downloaded from in the sys.path.
recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
extra-paths = ${buildout:directory}/parts/tornado/
defaults = ['--auto-color', '--auto-progress', '-v']
But when I run bin/tests I get the following error :
ImportError: No module named tornado
Am I not understanding how to use extra-paths ?
Have you tried looking into generated bin/tests script if it contains your path? It will tell definitely if your buildout.cfg is correct or not. Maybe problem is elsewhere. Because it seem that your code is ok.
If you happen to regularly include various branches from git/mercurial or elsewhere to buildout, you might be interested in mr.developer. mr.developer can download and add package to develop =. You wont need to set extra-path in every section.