innerText -> special characters displayed incorrectly - phantomjs

I'm using casperJS/phantomJS to get the inner text of div elements like this:
On a german page, I have problems with displaying special characters like german umlauts ( e.g. ü is displayed as ü )
What can i do to display all special characters correctly with innerText?
Thank you.


Displaying special characters in a UILabel

I have a string which contains a mix of normal text and special characters. When setting the label text with this string the character codes are being displayed rather than the actual character. I was wondering is there any support for special characters or if there is a way to decode the values?
I have tried stringWithCString but haven't had any luck with it.
self.stringLabel.text = myNSString
Hello world!
Anyone else come across a similar issue?

What is the special character VT? I need to replace it from MS SQL

Somebody left this special character in the SQL table
It more looks like ♂ sign but thinner or a vertical tab Char VT sign, but when I copy it to word document or SQL query page it displays like a white space. Only Notepad++ configures it as VT sign. I tried to copy that sign to google search bar but what I saw is only a white space.
I wonder it must come from different language keyboard or something I have no idea what's about.
Anyone recognize it?
I found out this special character doesn't display in here correctly.
Represent the VT (vertical tab) character as a Transact-SQL string with char(11).
Almost any keyboard will send this character with CtrlK.
Using python:
Replace(columnName, char(11), '')

What characters are allowed in Shopify product handles?

Shopify's documentation shows some of the characters that are allowed in product handles (the product identifier that is used in URLs).
Since handles are used for your storefront navigation for products,
collections, blogs and pages, they must use alpha-numeric characters
(a-z, 0 to 9) without accents (such as umlauts, and other
diacriticals), nor characters such as # or # etc., and no spaces.
Spaces will be converted to hyphens, other characters may be stripped
entirely or converted to an equivalent standard ASCII character.
But if I create a product in the web interface with the title 'a b-c_d.e' then the handle generated by Shopify is 'a-b-c_d-e'. It seems like underscores are allowed, but spaces and dots are converted to hyphens.
What is the full set of characters allowed in product handles?
I wrote a script to test if the Shopify API accepts each of the ASCII codes from 0 to 127 in a product handle. It tries to modify the handle of an existing product to xCxC where C is the ASCII character to test and x is literally the letter x. I did it this way to find out how each character is handled when surrounded by text and also when trailing at the end of the handle.
Here are the results:
A-Z (will be converted to lowercase)
_ (underscore)
Allowed when surrounded but removed when at the end of the string:
- (hyphen)
Converted to - (hyphen) when surrounded but removed when at the end of the string
! # $ % & * + , . / : ; < = > ? # \ ^ ` { | } ~
ASCII control codes 0 to 32
" ' ( ) [ ]
See Wikipedia for details on each ASCII code:
The accepted answer is outdated.
Shopify allows many non-english characters inside URLs.
is now a valid Shopify URL.
I can confirm that the Navigation feature used to create menus inside Shopify does not pass quotation symbols or inch symbol, i.e: " specifically when creating a custom URL link in a navigation menu.
The symbol is allowed when entered but it is removed before being passed to the liquid template files.
Unexpectedly, you can use this symbol to create a query URL, i.e:
This is particularly annoying when creating a Navigation link to a custom query URL created by a search filter app, Shopify will internally remove these characters for you.
Basically all the characters that are not affected by URL decode/encode functions.
Underscores (_) and Hypens (-) escape from this, also does the stop (.); but it's a URL schema parameter and hence gets converted to Shopify handle schema namely -.

Query to get records with special characters only

I am trying to write a query which will tell me if certain record is having only the special characters. e.g- "%^&%&^%&" will error however "%HH678*(*))" is fine (as it's having alphanumeric values as well. I have written following query however, it's working fine only for English alphabets and numbers, if column is having some other characters like mandarin then also it's not giving expected value.Any help is highly appreciated.
SELECT * FROM test WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(sampletext, '[^]^A-Z^a-z^0-9^[^.^{^}^ ]' );
You may try this,
regexp_like(text, '^[^A-Za-z0-9]+$')
This would match the text only if the input text contains special chars ie, only chars which are not of letters or digits.
To detect strings containing only characters other than unaccented alphabetic, numeric, or white space characters try this:
If you don't think punctuation characters are special than add [:punct:] to the class of characters to ignore.
If you are looking for a specific set of characters you can use a character class of just those characters of interest, for example some common accented characters (note the lack of a leading ^ in the character class []:

IE 10 not rendering Japanese correctly

I recently discovered an issue with IE10. We have a web page that displays English text beside a translation in Japanese. Some of the Japanese characters display as squares. In the view source page all characters are correctly rendered. The database also has the characters correctly rendered. The unusual part is that when I block the characters with the cursor they convert to the correct characters.
IE10 I believe has a bug.
Anyone having similar issue or know of a fix? Checked all language settings, regional settings, browser font settings and many other tests. Nothing corrects this issue.
This issue was related to a dual byte character which some fonts and windows applications will support.
Some older fonts may use a two hex character representation to present a single character. Some fonts support this and some do not.
In this case the characters at issue were the following…..
シ and ゙
The latter two which I think are special characters that combined are intended to represent ジ.
The Unicode Standard from the Unicode ISO web site table defines them like so…..
Decimal Character HEX Name
12441 っ゙ 3099 COMBINING KATAKANA-HIRAGANA VOICED SOUND MARK (combined with small tu (っ))
So some fonts use 12471 + 12441 to make 12472. This is what I found. But the actual string has 12471 + 12441 and not 12472 or the hex: 0x30B7, 0x3099 and not 0x30B8.
Any time a font being used does not support this binding, a box is displayed. The challenge is that it may be as simple as someone creating a birthday card using a non-compliant UTF8 font that could cause a PC to not allow the character to display correctly.