How to split string into cells for multiple cells? - vba

I want my code to go through a list of cells containing names and split them up into the cells next to the original. I have some basic code to do the first bit, but I'm struggling to get it to cycle through the rest of my list, and also outputting it next to the original rather than in A1 as it does currently. I presume it's an issue with the 'Cell' part of the code but I can't quite fix it.
Sub NameSplit()
Dim txt As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim FullName As Variant
Dim x As String, cell As Range
txt = ActiveCell.Value
FullName = Split(txt, " ")
For i = 0 To UBound(FullName)
Cells(1, i + 1).Value = FullName(i)
Next i
End Sub

Use a For Each loop on the range of name values. In this case, I just assumed they were in the first column but you can adjust accordingly:
Sub NameSplit()
Dim txt As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim FullName As Variant
Dim x As String, cell As Range
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(1,1),Cells(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Count,1))
txt = cell.Value
FullName = Split(txt, " ")
For i = 0 To UBound(FullName)
cell.offset(0,i + 1).Value = FullName(i)
Next i
Next cell
End Sub

Make sure you are not trying to Split a blank cell and write all of the values in at once rather than nest a second For ... Next Statement.
Sub NameSplit()
Dim var As Variant
Dim rw As Long
With Worksheets("Sheet1") '<~~ you should know what worksheet you are on!!!!
'from row 2 to the last row in column A
For rw = 2 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
'check to make the cell is not blank
If CBool(Len(.Cells(rw, "A").Value2)) Then
'split on a space (e.g. Chr(32))
var = Split(.Cells(rw, "A").Value2, Chr(32))
'resize the target and stuff the pieces in
.Cells(rw, "B").Resize(1, UBound(var) + 1) = var
End If
Next rw
End With
End Sub
If you are simply splitting on a space, have you considered a Range.TextToColumns method?
Sub NameSplit2()
Dim var As Variant
Dim rw As Long
'disable overwrite warning
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
With Worksheets("Sheet1") '<~~ you should know what worksheet you are on!!!!
'from row 2 to the last row in column A
With .Range(.Cells(2, "A"), .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
'Text-to-Columns with space delimiter
.TextToColumns Destination:=.Cells(1, 2), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, _
Tab:=False, Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Other:=False, _
End With
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

One method is to combine a do loop with a for loop.
Do loops are a great way to iterate over items, when you are not sure at the outset how many items there are. In this case you may have more names during one execution than the next.
For loops are handy when you know in advance how many items you will be looping over. In this case we know at the start of the loop how many elements are in our names array.
The code below starts with the active cell and works its way down, until it finds an empty cell.
Sub SplitName()
' Splits names into columns, using space as a delimitor.
' Starts from the active cell.
Dim names As Variant ' Array. Holds names extracted from active cell.
Dim c As Integer ' Counter. Used to loop over returned names.
' Keeps going until the active cell is empty.
Do Until ActiveCell.Value = vbNullString
names = Split(ActiveCell.Value, Space(1))
' Write each found name part into a seperate column.
For c = LBound(names) To UBound(names)
' Extract element to an offset of active cell.
ActiveCell.Offset(0, c + 1).Value = names(c)
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select ' Move to next row.
DoEvents ' Prevents Excel from appearing frozen when running over a large number of items.
End Sub
There are several ways you could improve this proceedure.
As a general rule automation is more robust when it avoids objects like ActiveCell. This is because the user could move the active cell while your code is executing. You could refactor this procedure to accept a source range as a parameter. You could then build another sub that calculates the source range and passes it to this sub for processing. That would improve the reusability of SplitName.
You could also look into Excels Text to Columns method. This could potentially produce the desired result using fewer lines of code, which is always good.

Text to Columns would be a great way to do this if you can. If not here is a way to do it using arrays and a dictionary. The advantage of this is that all of the cells are read in one go and then operated on in memory before writing back the results.
Sub SplitCells()
Dim i As Long
Dim temp() As Variant
Dim dict As Variant
' Create a dictionary
Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
' set temp array to values to loop through
With Sheet1
'Declare your range to loop through
temp = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 1))
End With
' Split the values in the array and add to dictionary
For i = LBound(temp) To UBound(temp)
dict.Add i, Split(temp(i, 1), " ")
Next i
' Print dictionary results
With Sheet1.Cells(1, 2)
For Each Key In dict.keys
.Range(.Offset(Key - 1, 0), .Offset(Key - 1, UBound(dict.Item(Key)))) = dict.Item(Key)
Next Key
End With
End Sub


Select cells between bold cells using a loop

I am working with data where the only consistency is the layout and the bold headings to distinguish between a new date.
I am trying to find the cells in between these cells in bold, find the value "Individual" (in column A) in the selected rows, then sum the values of the given rows in column D (as there can be more then 1 row with "Individual"), and copy this new value to a different cell.
Since the cells between the bold is one date, if the value is not there, the output cell needs to shift down one without filling in anything.
Here is what I have so far:
Sub SelectBetween()
Dim findrow As Long, findrow2 As Long
findrow = range("A:A").Find("test1", range("A1")).Row
findrow2 = range("A:A").Find("test2", range("A" & findrow)).Row
range("A" & findrow + 1 & ":A" & findrow2 - 1).Select
range("D" & (ActiveCell.Row)).Select
sheets("Mix of Business").Select
Exit Sub
MsgBox "No Cells containing specified text found"
End Sub
How can I loop through the data and each time it loops through a range, no matter if it finds the value (e.g. individual) or not, shifts down one row on the output cell? Also, how can I change the findrow to be a format (Bold) rather then a value?
Here is some data for reference:
This is what I am trying to get it to look like:
So you have a good start to trying to work through your data. I have a few tips to share that can hopefully help get you closer. (And please come back and ask more questions as you work through it!)
First and foremost, try to avoid using Select or Activate in your code. When you look at a recorded macro, I know that's all you see. BUT that is a recording of your keystrokes and mouseclicks (selecting and activating). You can access the data in a cell or a range without it (see my example below).
In order to approach your data, your first issue is to figure out where your data set starts (which row) and where it ends. Generally, your data is between cells with BOLD data. The exception is the last data set, which just has a many blank rows (until the end of the column). So I've created a function that starts at a given row and checks each row below it to find either a BOLD cell or the end of the data.
Private Function EndRowOfDataSet(ByRef ws As Worksheet, _
ByVal startRow As Long, _
Optional maxRowsInDataSet As Long = 50) As Long
'--- checks each row below the starting row for either a BOLD cell
' or, if no BOLD cells are detected, returns the last row of data
Dim checkCell As Range
Set checkCell = ws.Cells(startRow, 1) 'assumes column "A"
Dim i As Long
For i = startRow To maxRowsInDataSet
If ws.Cells(startRow, 1).Font.Bold Then
EndRowOfDataSet = i - 1
Exit Function
End If
Next i
'--- if we make it here, we haven't found a BOLD cell, so
' find the last row of data
EndRowOfDataSet = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
End Function
To show you how to use that with your specific data, I've created a test subroutine indicating how to loop through all the different data sets:
Option Explicit
Public Sub DataBetween()
Dim thisWB As Workbook
Dim dataWS As Worksheet
Set thisWB = ThisWorkbook
Set dataWS = thisWB.Sheets("YourNameOfSheetWithData")
'--- find the first bold cell...
'Dim nextBoldCell As Range
'Set nextBoldCell = FindNextBoldInColumn(dataWS.Range("A1"))
'--- now note the start of the data and find the next bold cell
Dim startOfDataRow As Long
Dim endOfDataRow As Long
Dim lastRowOfAllData As Long
startOfDataRow = 3
lastRowOfAllData = dataWS.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
'--- this loop is for all the data sets...
endOfDataRow = EndRowOfDataSet(dataWS, startOfDataRow)
'--- this loop is to work through one data set
For i = startOfDataRow To endOfDataRow
'--- work through each of the data rows and copy your
' data over to the other sheet here
Next i
startOfDataRow = endOfDataRow + 1
Do While endOfDataRow < lastRowOfAllData
End Sub
Use both of those together and see if that can get you closer to a full solution.
EDIT: I should have deleted that section of code. It was from an earlier concept I had that didn't completely work. I commented out those lines (for the sake of later clarity in reading the comments). Below, I'll include the function and why it didn't completely work for this situation.
So here's the function in question:
Public Function FindNextBoldInColumn(ByRef startCell As Range, _
Optional columnNumber As Long = 1) As Range
'--- beginning at the startCell row, this function check each
' lower row in the same column and stops when it encounters
' a BOLD font setting
Dim checkCell As Range
Set checkCell = startCell
Do While Not checkCell.Font.Bold
Set checkCell = checkCell.Offset(1, 0)
If checkCell.Row = checkCell.Parent.Rows.Count Then
'--- we've reached the end of the column, so
' return nothing
Set FindNextBoldInColumn = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
Set FindNextBoldInColumn = checkCell
End Function
Now, while this function works perfectly well, the situation is DOES NOT account for is the end of the last data set. In other words, a situation like this:
The function FindNextBoldInColumn will return nothing in this case and not the end of the data. So I (should have completely) deleted that function and replaced it with EndRowOfDataSet which does exactly what you need. Sorry about that.

Applying VBA RIGHT to an entire column - Infinite Loop Issue

I have data that I am working to Parse Out that I have imported from approval emails sent in Outlook. At this point I am just importing the CreationTime and the SubjectLine.
For the subject line I am able to use the Split function to separate out most of the data. I then am left with Job Codes in Column B and Position numbers in Column C which includes the text: "Job Codes: XXXX" and the four digit job code number and "PN XXXX" and either a four digit or 6 digit position number. I am trying to use the Right functionality to loop through the entire column and reformat the column just to show only the four digit job code number for Column B and either just the 4 digit or 6 digit position number (the actual numbers) for Column C
For Job Code Column B:
Currently my code works for Shortening the Job Codes but it involves adding a column, putting the RIGHT formula in that column for the shortened Job Code, then copying and pasting the formula as values back into the column and then deleting the original column.
The problem- Works but perhaps not the most efficient with a larger data set (currently 200 rows but will have 2000 or more)
Sub ShortenJobCodes()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Const R4Col = "=RIGHT(RC3,4)"
Dim oRng As Range
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set oRng = Range("B:B")
Range(oRng, Cells(LastRow, "B")).FormulaR1C1 = R4Col
Set oRng = Nothing
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
For Position Numbers Column C:
Currently I have mirrored the above code but added in an if statement using LEN to count if the characters are less than 8, if so then insert one RIGHT function if not insert the other RIGHT function. This also involves adding an additional column putting the RIGHT formula in that column for the shortened Position Number(Eliminating all but just the number), then copying and pasting the formula as values back into the column and then deleting the original column.
Problem - This works but seems to take forever to process and in fact looks like it is in an infinite loop. When I Esc out of it, it does add the column and then input the proper RIGHT formula (leaving just the numeric values) but the sub never seems to end, nor does it copy and paste the formulas as values or delete the original column. As noted above I realize this is likely a more efficient way to do this but I have tried a bunch of options without any luck.
I am realizing part of the loop might be due to the range itself being an entire column but I cannot find a way to stop that with the last row (even though I have a count in there).
Sub ShortenPositionNumbers()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Const R4Col = "=RIGHT(RC4,4)"
Const R6Col = "=RIGHT(RC4,6)"
Dim oRng As Range
Dim rVal As String
Dim y As Integer
Dim selCol As Range
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set selCol = Range("D:D")
For Each oRng In selCol
rVal = oRng.Value
If Len(oRng.Value) > 8 Then
oRng.Offset(0, -1).FormulaR1C1 = R6Col
oRng.Offset(0, -1).FormulaR1C1 = R4Col
End If
Set oRng = Nothing
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Major Question: Is there a way to use RIGHT/TRIM/LEN/LEFT functions to do this within a cell without having to add columns/delete columns and insert functions?
There are a few things you can do here to speed up your code. I'm only going to reference the second code block as you can apply similar logic to the first.
The first issue is that you create a LastRow variable but never reference it again. It looks like you meant to use this in the selCol range. You should change that line to Set selCol = Range("C1:C" & lastRow). This way, when you loop through the rows you only loop through the used rows.
Next, in the For-Each loop you Select every cell you loop through. There really isn't any reason to do this and takes substantially longer. You then create the variable rVal but never use it again. A better way to set up the loop is as follows.
For Each oRng in selCol
rVal = oRng.Value
If Len(rVal) > 8 Then
oRng.Value = Right(rVal, 6)
oRng.Value = Right(rVal, 4)
End If
This is much cleaner and no longer requires creating columns or copying and pasting.
Try this, it uses Evaluate and no loops or added columns.
Sub ShortenPositionNumbers()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim selCol As Range
Dim LastRow As Long
With ActiveSheet
LastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set selCol = .Range(.Cells(1, 3), .Cells(LastRow, 3))
selCol.Value = .Evaluate("INDEX(IF(LEN(" & selCol.Address(0, 0) & ")>8,RIGHT(" & selCol.Address(0, 0) & ",6),RIGHT(" & selCol.Address(0, 0) & ",4)),)")
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Or work with arrays
Sub ShortenPositionNumbers()
Dim data As Variant
Dim i As Long
With Range("C3:C" & Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)
data = Application.Transpose(.Value)
For i = LBound(data) to UBound(data)
If Len(data(i)) > 8 Then
data(i) = RIGHT(data(i),6)
data(i) = RIGHT(data(i),4)
End If
.Value = Application.Transpose(data)
End With
End Sub

Possible combinations of values

I'm trying to adapt the Sub + Function from this thread to my need:
write all possible combinations
Tim Williams solution.
It works fine since all columns have at least 2 values. I'm after if there is a workaround to make it work even if some of the columns have just one value in it.
In the Sub command I could change to
col.Add Application.Transpose(sht.Range(Cells(3, c.Column), Cells(Rows.Count, c.Column).End(xlUp)))
and it goes fine.
But the Function is crashing at this line:
ReDim pos(1 To numIn)
just when processing the column that has just one value in it.
Thaks in advance for any help.
I have a more elegant solution with following assumptions:
The data and write to cells are on the same activesheet
Start combination from a cell you specify and going downward then right
Stops going rightward as soon as the cell of the same row is empty
writes the combination from a cell you specify going downwards
Screenshots after the code (Bug fixed on 1 row only on a data column):
Private Const sSEP = "|" ' Separator Character
Sub ListCombinations()
Dim oRngTopLeft As Range, oRngWriteTo As Range
Set oRngWriteTo = Range("E1")
Set oRngTopLeft = Range("A1")
WriteCombinations oRngWriteTo, oRngTopLeft
Set oRngWriteTo = Nothing
Set oRngTopLeft = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub WriteCombinations(ByRef oRngWriteTo As Range, ByRef oRngTop As Range, Optional sPrefix As String)
Dim iR As Long ' Row Offset
Dim lLastRow As Long ' Last Row of the same column
Dim sTmp As String ' Temp string
If IsEmpty(oRngTop) Then Exit Sub ' Quit if input cell is Empty
lLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, oRngTop.Column).End(xlUp).Row
'lLastRow = oRngTop.End(xlDown).Row ' <- Bug when 1 row only
For iR = 0 To lLastRow - 1
sTmp = ""
If sPrefix <> "" Then
sTmp = sPrefix & sSEP & oRngTop.Offset(iR, 0).Value
sTmp = oRngTop.Offset(iR, 0).Value
End If
' No recurse if next column starts empty
If IsEmpty(oRngTop.Offset(0, 1)) Then
oRngWriteTo.Value = sTmp ' Write value
Set oRngWriteTo = oRngWriteTo.Offset(1, 0) ' move to next writing cell
WriteCombinations oRngWriteTo, oRngTop.Offset(0, 1), sTmp
End If
End Sub

Make a new column without duplicates VBA?

I have a column of cells whose values are something like this:
I'm looking to take the non-duplicated values and paste them into a new column. My pseudocode for this is as follows:
aend = Selection.Row
for acol= 1 to aend
bend = Selection.Row
'if Cells(1,acol).Value <> any of the values in the range Cells(2,1).Value
'to Cells(2,bend).Value, then add the value of Cells(1,acol) to the end of
'column b.
Does my logic in this make sense? I'm not sure how to code the commented portion. If this isn't the most efficient way to do it, could someone suggest a better way? Thanks so much!
Depending on which version of Excel you are using, you can use some built-in Excel functionality to obtain what you want- the whole solution depends on your level of skill with VBA.
Excel 2003:
You can use the Advancedfilter method (documentation) of your range to obtain the unique values and copy them to your target area. Example:
With ActiveSheet
.Range("A1", .Range("A1").End(xlDown)).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=.Range("B1"), Unique:=True
End With
Where B1 is the first cell of the column you wish to copy the unique values to. The only problem with this method is that the first row of the source column ("A1") will be copied to the target range even if it is duplicated. This is because the AdvancedFilter method assumes that the first row is a header.
Therefore, adding an additional code line we have:
With ActiveSheet
.Range("A1", .Range("A1").End(xlDown)).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=.Range("B1"), Unique:=True
.Range("B1").Delete Shift:=xlShiftUp
End With
Excel 2007 / 2010:
You can use the same method as above, or use the RemoveDuplicates method (documentation). This is similar to the AdvancedFilter method, except that RemoveDuplicates works in-place, which means you need to make a duplicate of your source column and then perform the filtering, for example:
With ActiveSheet
.Range("A1", .Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Copy Destination:=.Range("B1")
.Range("B1", .Range("B1").End(xlDown)).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlNo
End With
The final parameter Header controls whether the first cell of the source data is copied to the destination (if it's set to true then the method similarly to the AdvancedFilter method).
If you're after a "purer" method, then you can use a VBA Collection or dictionary - I am sure that someone else will offer a solution with this.
I use a collection, which can't have duplicate keys, to get the unique items from a list. Try to add each item to a collection and ignore the errors when there's a duplicate key. Then you'll have a collection with a subset of unique values
Sub MakeUnique()
Dim vaData As Variant
Dim colUnique As Collection
Dim aOutput() As Variant
Dim i As Long
'Put the data in an array
vaData = Sheet1.Range("A1:A12").Value
'Create a new collection
Set colUnique = New Collection
'Loop through the data
For i = LBound(vaData, 1) To UBound(vaData, 1)
'Collections can't have duplicate keys, so try to
'add each item to the collection ignoring errors.
'Only unique items will be added
On Error Resume Next
colUnique.Add vaData(i, 1), CStr(vaData(i, 1))
On Error GoTo 0
Next i
'size an array to write out to the sheet
ReDim aOutput(1 To colUnique.Count, 1 To 1)
'Loop through the collection and fill the output array
For i = 1 To colUnique.Count
aOutput(i, 1) = colUnique.Item(i)
Next i
'Write the unique values to column B
Sheet1.Range("B1").Resize(UBound(aOutput, 1), UBound(aOutput, 2)).Value = aOutput
End Sub
For completeness, I'm posting the Scripting.Dictionary method: it's the commonest alternative to using a VBA.Collection and it avoids the need to rely on error-handling in normal operation.
A VBA Function using the Scripting.Dictionary Object to Return Unique Values from an Excel Range Containing Duplicates:
Option Explicit
' Author: Nigel Heffernan
' May 2012
' You are advised to segregate this code from
' any proprietary or commercially-confidential
' source code, and to label it clearly. If you
' fail do do so, there is a risk that you will
' impair your right to assert ownership of any
' intellectual property embedded in your work,
' or impair your employers or clients' ability
' to do so if the intellectual property rights
' in your work have been assigned to them.
Public Function UniqueValues(SourceData As Excel.Range, _
Optional Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare _
) As Variant
Application.Volatile False
' Takes a range of values and returns a single-column array of unique items.
' The returned array is the expected data structure for Excel.Range.Value():
' a 1-based 2-Dimensional Array with dimensions 1 to RowCount, 1 to ColCount
' All values in the source are treated as text, and uniqueness is determined
' by case-sensitive comparison. To change this, set the Compare parameter to
' to 1, the value of the VbCompareMethod enumerated constant 'VbTextCompare'
' Error values in cells are returned as "#ERROR" with no further comparison.
' Empty or null cells are ignored: they do not appear in the returned array.
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
Dim oSubRange As Excel.Range
Dim arrSubRng As Variant
Dim arrOutput As Variant
Dim strKey As String
Dim arrKeys As Variant
Dim dicUnique As Object
' Note the late-binding as 'object' - best practice is to create a reference
' to the Windows Scripting Runtime: this allows you to declare dictUnique as
' Dim dictUnique As Scripting.Dictionary and instantiate it using the 'NEW'
' keyword instead of CreateObject, giving slightly better speed & stability.
If SourceData Is Nothing Then
Exit Function
End If
If IsEmpty(SourceData) Then
Exit Function
End If
Set dicUnique = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dicUnique.CompareMode = Compare
For Each oSubRange In SourceData.Areas ' handles noncontiguous ranges
'Use Worksheetfunction.countA(oSubRange) > 0 to ignore empty ranges
If oSubRange.Cells.Count = 1 Then
ReDim arrSubRng(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
arrSubRng(1, 1) = oSubRange.Cells(1, 1).Value
arrSubRng = oSubRange.Value
End If
For i = LBound(arrSubRng, 1) To UBound(arrSubRng, 1)
For j = LBound(arrSubRng, 2) To UBound(arrSubRng, 2)
If IsError(arrSubRng(i, j)) Then
dicUnique("#ERROR") = vbNullString
ElseIf IsEmpty(arrSubRng(i, j)) Then
' no action: empty cells are ignored
' We use the error-tolerant behaviour of the Dictionary:
' If you query a key that doesn't exist, it adds the key
dicUnique(CStr(arrSubRng(i, j))) = vbNullString
End If
Next j
Next i
Erase arrSubRng
Next oSubRange
If dicUnique.Count = 0 Then
UniqueValues = Empty
arrKeys = dicUnique.keys
ReDim arrOutput(1 To UBound(arrKeys) + 1, 1 To 1)
For k = LBound(arrKeys) To UBound(arrKeys)
arrOutput(k + 1, 1) = arrKeys(k)
Next k
Erase arrKeys
UniqueValues = arrOutput
Erase arrOutput
End If
Set dicUnique = Nothing
End Function
A couple of notes:
This is code for any Excel range, not just the single-column range you asked for.This function tolerates cells with errors, which are difficult to handle in VBA.This isn't Reddit: you can read the comments, they are an aid to understanding and generally beneficial to your sanity.
I would use a simple array, go through all the letters and check if the letter you are on is in the array:
Sub unique_column()
Dim data() As Variant 'array that will store all of the unique letters
c = 1
Do While ActiveCell.Value <> ""
ReDim Preserve data(1 To c) As Variant
If IsInArray(ActiveCell.Value, data()) = False Then 'we are on a new unique letter and will add it to the array
data(c) = ActiveCell.Value
c = c + 1
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
'now we can spit out the letters in the array into a new column
Range("B1").Value = "Unique letters:"
Dim x As Variant
For Each x In data()
ActiveCell.Value = x
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Next x
c = c - 1
killer = MsgBox("Processing complete!" & vbNewLine & c & "unique letters applied.", vbOKOnly)
End Sub
Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arr As Variant) As Boolean
IsInArray = (UBound(Filter(arr, stringToBeFound)) > -1)
End Function

Excel VBA - select, get and set data in Table

I've got a worksheet with a lot of tables in them and I'm just starting to use tables because they seem pretty handy. But I've never manipulated content in an Excel table before. And these tables are basically lists of columns with Firstname and Lastname. Based on the values on these columns, I want to generate a username. But I'm trying to write a generic Sub that takes arguments, such as worksheet and name of the table.
Previously I've done this when the data has not been in a table:
Cells(2, 2).Select
strFirstName = ActiveCell.Value
strLastName = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value
strFirstName = Left(strFirstName, 1)
strUserName = strFirstName & strLastName
strUserName = LCase(strUserName)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value = strUserName
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
And now I'm trying to do the exact same thing, only with data from a Table. Any ideas? I've added a watch for "ActiveSheet" to see if I can find the tables, and they seem to be in ActiveSheet.ListObjects, but I couldn't see any .Select option there. Perhaps I don't need to select the Table in order to manipulate it's content?
When looping over a range (whether in a table or in a range) it is usually faster to copy the data to a variant array, manipulate that array, and then copy the result back to the sheet.
Sub zz()
Dim oUsers As ListObject
Dim v As Variant
Dim vUserName() As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim colFirst As Long
Dim colLast As Long
Dim colUser As Long
Set oUsers = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1)
colFirst = oUsers.ListColumns("FirstName").Index
colLast = oUsers.ListColumns("LastName").Index
colUser = oUsers.ListColumns("UserName").Index
v = oUsers.DataBodyRange
ReDim vUserName(1 To UBound(v, 1), 1 To 1)
For i = 1 To UBound(v, 1)
vUserName(i, 1) = LCase(Left(v(i, colFirst), 1) & v(i, colLast))
oUsers.ListColumns("UserName").DataBodyRange = vUserName
End Sub
If you really want to loop over the range itself:
For i = 1 To oUsers.ListRows.Count
oUsers.ListColumns("UserName").DataBodyRange.Rows(i) = LCase(Left( _
oUsers.ListColumns("FirstName").DataBodyRange.Rows(i), 1) & _
For this situation you could also just use a formula in the UserName column itself, with no vba required
Sorry, don't know of a Formula way to remove any of a list of characters from a string. You might have to revert to vba for this. Here's a user defined function to do it. Your formula will become
To Delete the characters replace {"$","#"} with a array list of characters you want to remove (you can make the list as long as you need)
To replace the characters use {"$","#";"X","X"} where the list up to the ; is the old characters, after the ; the new. Just make sure the listsa are the same length.
UDF code:
Function DeleteChars(r1 As Range, ParamArray c() As Variant) As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim s As String
s = r1
If UBound(c(0), 1) = 1 Then
For i = LBound(c(0), 2) To UBound(c(0), 2)
s = Replace(s, c(0)(1, i), "")
For i = LBound(c(0), 2) To UBound(c(0), 2)
s = Replace(s, c(0)(1, i), c(0)(2, i))
End If
DeleteChars = s
End Function