Online oversampling in Tensorflow input pipeline - tensorflow

I have an input pipeline similar to the one in the Convolutional Neural Network tutorial. My dataset is imbalanced and I want to use minority oversampling to try to deal with this. Ideally, I want to do this "online", i.e. I don't want to duplicate data samples on disk.
Essentially, what I want to do is duplicate individual examples (with some probability) based on the label. I have been reading a bit on Control Flow in Tensorflow. And it seems tf.cond(pred, fn1, fn2) is the way to go. I am just struggling to find the right parameterisation, since fn1 and fn2 would need to output lists of tensors, where the lists have the same size.
This is roughly what I have so far:
image = image_preprocessing(image_buffer, bbox, False, thread_id)
pred = tf.reshape(tf.equal(label, tf.convert_to_tensor([2])), [])
r_image = tf.cond(pred, lambda: [tf.identity(image), tf.identity(image)], lambda: [tf.identity(image),])
r_label = tf.cond(pred, lambda: [tf.identity(label), tf.identity(label)], lambda: [tf.identity(label),])
However, this raises an error as I mentioned before:
ValueError: fn1 and fn2 must return the same number of results.
Any ideas?
P.S.: this is my first Stack Overflow question. Any feedback on my question is appreciated.

After doing a bit more research, I found a solution for what I wanted to do. What I forgot to mention is that the code mentioned in my question is followed by a batch method, such as batch() or batch_join().
These functions take an argument that allows you to group tensors of various batch size rather than just tensors of a single example. The argument is enqueue_many and should be set to True.
The following piece of code does the trick for me:
for thread_id in range(num_preprocess_threads):
# Parse a serialized Example proto to extract the image and metadata.
image_buffer, label_index = parse_example_proto(
image = image_preprocessing(image_buffer, bbox, False, thread_id)
# Convert 3D tensor of shape [height, width, channels] to
# a 4D tensor of shape [batch_size, height, width, channels]
image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0)
# Define the boolean predicate to be true when the class label is 1
pred = tf.equal(label_index, tf.convert_to_tensor([1]))
pred = tf.reshape(pred, [])
oversample_factor = 2
r_image = tf.cond(pred, lambda: tf.concat(0, [image]*oversample_factor), lambda: image)
r_label = tf.cond(pred, lambda: tf.concat(0, [label_index]*oversample_factor), lambda: label_index)
images_and_labels.append([r_image, r_label])
images, label_batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch_join(
capacity=2 * num_preprocess_threads * batch_size,
min_after_dequeue=1 * num_preprocess_threads * batch_size,


How to use Keras Multiply() with tf.Variable?

How do I multiply tf.keras.layers with tf.Variable?
Context: I am creating a sample dependent convolutional filter, which consists of a generic filter W that is transformed through sample dependent shifting + scaling. Therefore, the convolutional original filter W is transformed into aW + b where a is sample dependent scaling and b is sample dependent shifting. One application of this is training an autoencoder where the sample dependency is the label, so each label shifts/scales the convolutional filter. Because of sample/label dependent convolutions, I am using tf.nn.conv2d which takes the actual filters as input (as opposed to just the number/size of filters) and a lambda layer with tf.map_fn to apply a different "transformed filter" (based on the label) for each sample. Although the details are different, this kind of sample-dependent convolution approach is discussed in this post: Tensorflow: Convolutions with different filter for each sample in the mini-batch.
Here is what I am thinking:
input_img = keras.Input(shape=(28, 28, 1))
label = keras.Input(shape=(10,)) # number of classes
num_filters = 32
shift = layers.Dense(num_filters, activation=None, name='shift')(label) # (32,)
scale = layers.Dense(num_filters, activation=None, name='scale')(label) # (32,)
# filter is of shape (filter_h, filter_w, input channels, output filters)
filter = tf.Variable(tf.ones((3,3,input_img.shape[-1],num_filters)))
# TODO: need to shift and scale -> shift*(filter) + scale along each output filter dimension (32 filter dimensions)
I am not sure how to implement the TODO part. I was thinking of tf.keras.layers.Multiply() for scaling and tf.keras.layers.Add() for shifting, but they do not seem to work with tf.Variable to my knowledge. How do I get around this? Assuming the dimensions/shape broadcasting work out, I would like to do something like this (note: the output should still be the same shape as var and is just scaled along each of the 32 output filter dimensions)
output = tf.keras.layers.Multiply()([var, scale])
It requires some work and needs a custom layer. For example you cannot use tf.Variable with tf.keras.Lambda
class ConvNorm(layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, height, width, n_filters):
super(ConvNorm, self).__init__()
self.height = height
self.width = width
self.n_filters = n_filters
def build(self, input_shape):
self.filter = self.add_weight(shape=(self.height, self.width, input_shape[-1], self.n_filters),
# TODO: Add bias too
def call(self, x, scale, shift):
shift_reshaped = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(shift,1),1)
scale_reshaped = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(scale,1),1)
norm_conv_out = tf.nn.conv2d(x, self.filter*scale + shift, strides=(1,1,1,1), padding='SAME')
return norm_conv_out
Using the layer
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras.layers as layers
input_img = layers.Input(shape=(28, 28, 1))
label = layers.Input(shape=(10,)) # number of classes
num_filters = 32
shift = layers.Dense(num_filters, activation=None, name='shift')(label) # (32,)
scale = layers.Dense(num_filters, activation=None, name='scale')(label) # (32,)
conv_norm_out = ConvNorm(3,3,32)(input_img, scale, shift)
Note: Note that I haven't added bias. You will need bias as well for the convolution layer. But that's straightfoward.

How to use Tensorflow's tf.cond() with two different Dataset iterators without iterating both?

I want to feed a CNN with the tensor "images". I want this tensor to contain images from the training set ( which have FIXED size ) when the placeholder is_training is True, otherwise I want it to contain images from the test set ( which are of NOT FIXED size ).
This is needed because in training I take a random fixed crop from the training images, while in test I want to perform a dense evaluation and feed the entire images inside the network ( it is fully convolutional so it will accept them)
The current NOT WORKING way is to create two different iterators, and try to select the training/test input with tf.cond at the,{is_training:True/False}).
The problem is that BOTH the iterators are evaluated. The training and test dataset are also of different size so I cannot iterate both of them until the end. Is there a way to make this work? Or to rewrite this in a smarter way?
I've seen some questions/answers about this but they always used tf.assign which takes a numpy array and assigns it to a tensor. In this case I cannot use tf.assign because I already have a tensor coming from the iterators.
The current code that I have is this one. It simply checks the shape of the tensor "images":
train_filenames, train_labels = list_images(args.train_dir)
val_filenames, val_labels = list_images(args.val_dir)
graph = tf.Graph()
with graph.as_default():
# Preprocessing (for both training and validation):
def _parse_function(filename, label):
image_string = tf.read_file(filename)
image_decoded = tf.image.decode_jpeg(image_string, channels=3)
image = tf.cast(image_decoded, tf.float32)
return image, label
# Preprocessing (for training)
def training_preprocess(image, label):
# Random flip and crop
image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image)
image = tf.random_crop(image, [args.crop,args.crop, 3])
return image, label
# Preprocessing (for validation)
def val_preprocess(image, label):
flipped_image = tf.image.flip_left_right(image)
batch = tf.stack([image,flipped_image],axis=0)
return batch, label
# Training dataset
train_filenames = tf.constant(train_filenames)
train_labels = tf.constant(train_labels)
train_dataset =, train_labels))
train_dataset =,num_threads=args.num_workers, output_buffer_size=args.batch_size)
train_dataset =,num_threads=args.num_workers, output_buffer_size=args.batch_size)
train_dataset = train_dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=10000)
batched_train_dataset = train_dataset.batch(args.batch_size)
# Validation dataset
val_filenames = tf.constant(val_filenames)
val_labels = tf.constant(val_labels)
val_dataset =, val_labels))
val_dataset =,num_threads=1, output_buffer_size=1)
val_dataset =,num_threads=1, output_buffer_size=1)
train_iterator =,batched_train_dataset.output_shapes)
val_iterator =,val_dataset.output_shapes)
train_images, train_labels = train_iterator.get_next()
val_images, val_labels = val_iterator.get_next()
train_init_op = train_iterator.make_initializer(batched_train_dataset)
val_init_op = val_iterator.make_initializer(val_dataset)
# Indicates whether we are in training or in test mode
is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool)
def f_true():
with tf.control_dependencies([tf.identity(train_images)]):
return tf.identity(train_images)
def f_false():
return val_images
images = tf.cond(is_training,f_true,f_false)
num_images = images.shape
with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess:
img =,{is_training:True})
The problem is that when I want to use only the training iterator, I comment the line to initialize the val_init_op but there is the following error:
FailedPreconditionError (see above for traceback): GetNext() failed because the iterator has not been initialized. Ensure that you have run the initializer operation for this iterator before getting the next element.
[[Node: IteratorGetNext_1 = IteratorGetNext[output_shapes=[[2,?,?,3], []], output_types=[DT_FLOAT, DT_INT32], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0"](Iterator_1)]]
If I do not comment that line everything works as expected, when is_training is true I get training images and when is_training is False I get validation images. The issue is that both the iterators need to be initialized and when I evaluate one of them, the other is incremented too. Since as I said they are of different size this causes an issue.
I hope there is a way to solve it! Thanks in advance
The trick is to call iterator.get_next() inside the f_true() and f_false() functions:
def f_true():
train_images, _ = train_iterator.get_next()
return train_images
def f_false():
val_images, _ = val_iterator.get_next()
return val_images
images = tf.cond(is_training, f_true, f_false)
The same advice applies to any TensorFlow op that has a side effect, like assigning to a variable: if you want that side effect to happen conditionally, the op must be created inside the appropriate branch function passed to tf.cond().

How to use feed_dict in slim.learning.train of tensorflow

I read an example in tf-slim-mnist, and read one or two answers in Google, but all of them feed data to an 'images' tensor and a 'labels' tensor from an already filled-up tenser of data. For example, in tf-slim-mnist,
# load batch of dataset
images, labels = load_batch(
def load_batch(dataset, batch_size=32, height=28, width=28, is_training=False):
data_provider = slim.dataset_data_provider.DatasetDataProvider(dataset)
image, label = data_provider.get(['image', 'label'])
image = lenet_preprocessing.preprocess_image(
images, labels = tf.train.batch(
[image, label],
return images, labels
Another example, in tensorflow github issues #5987,
graph = tf.Graph()
with graph.as_default():
image, label = input('train', FLAGS.dataset_dir)
images, labels = tf.train.shuffle_batch([image, label], batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, capacity=1000 + 3 * FLAGS.batch_size, min_after_dequeue=1000)
images_validation, labels_validation = inputs('validation', FLAGS.dataset_dir, 5000)
images_test, labels_test = inputs('test', FLAGS.dataset_dir, 10000)
Because my data is of variable size, it is hard to fill up a tensor of data beforehand.
Is there any way to use feed_dict with slim.learning.train()? Is it a proper way to add feed_dict as an argument to the train_step_fn()? If yes, how? Thanks.
I think feed_dict is not a good way when input data size varies and hard to fill in memory.
Convert your data into tfrecords is a more proper way. Here is the example of convert data. You can deal with the data by TFRecordReader and parse_example to deal with output file.

Gradients are always zero

I have written an algorithm using tensorflow framework and faced with the problem, that tf.train.Optimizer.compute_gradients(loss) returns zero for all weights. Another problem is if I put batch size larger than about 5, tf.histogram_summary for weights throws an error that some of values are NaN.
I cannot provide here a reproducible example, because my code is quite bulky and I am not so good in TF for make it shorter. I will try to paste here some fragments.
Main loop:
images_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=some_shape)
labels_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=some_shape)
output = inference(BATCH_SIZE, images_ph)
loss = loss(labels_ph, output)
train_op = train(loss, global_step)
session = tf.Session()
for i in xrange(MAX_STEPS):
images, labels = train_dataset.get_batch(BATCH_SIZE, yolo.INPUT_SIZE, yolo.OUTPUT_SIZE)[loss, train_op], feed_dict={images_ph : images, labels_ph : labels})
Train_op (here is the problem occures):
def train(total_loss)
opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer()
grads = opt.compute_gradients(total_loss)
# Here gradients are zeros
for grad, var in grads:
if grad is not None:
tf.histogram_summary("gradients/" +, grad)
return opt.apply_gradients(grads, global_step=global_step)
Loss (the loss is calculated correctly, since it changes from sample to sample):
def loss(labels, output)
return tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(labels, output))
Inference: a set of convolution layers with ReLU followed by 3 fully connected layers with sigmoid activation in the last layer. All weights initialized by truncated normal rv's. All labels are vectors of fixed length with real numbers in range [0,1].
Thanks in advance for any help! If you have some hypothesis for my problem, please share I will try them. Also I can share the whole code if you like.

How to randomly choose and apply an op from a list of ops in tensorflow?

For data augmentation purposes I want to have n different transformations to the data and want to randomly choose and apply one of them for each image in a batch. Something like:
image = tf.apply_random_op(image, [op1, op2, op3])
images, label_batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch([image, label])
Is that possible?
Obs: I want the op to be chosen randomly while the session is being executed.
I think I came up with a solution:
def apply_random_op(tensor, ops):
n = len(ops)
rand_idx = tf.floor(tf.random_uniform([], 0, n, dtype=tf.float32))
op_idx = tf.constant(0.0, dtype=tf.float32)
chain = tf.cond(tf.equal(op_idx, rand_idx), lambda: ops[0](tensor), lambda: ops[1](tensor))
for i in xrange(2, n):
op_idx = tf.constant(float(i), dtype=tf.float32)
chain = tf.cond(tf.equal(op_idx, rand_idx), lambda: ops[i](tensor), lambda: chain)
return chain