Reading ListView from BackgroundWorker -

I've tried doing some searchs but for the life of me I don't seem to be able to find the answer, or a suggested solution that works. Its probably my understanding, but hopefully asking my own question will give me an answer that works :o)
I have a Windows Form Application which consists of one item, ListView1
This ListView has items added to it from a file via a Drag / Drop which is done on the main UI Thread, no background worker, it consists of around 1500 rows.
I'm trying to get a background worker now to read this ListView, but I'm getting a Cross Threading error as ListView1 was not created on the same thread.
The error comes on the simplest of pieces of code, but I don't seem to be able to think of a way around it or implementing an invoke etc.
For i = 0 To Me.ListView1.Items.Count - 1
ValueStatement = ValueStatement & "(" & Me.ListView1.Items(i).SubItems(0).Text
If i = Me.ListView1.Items.Count - 1 Or counter = 500 Then
CommaTerminate = ";"
CommaTerminate = ","
End If
For y = 0 To Me.ListView1.Columns.Count - 1
ValueStatement = ValueStatement & "'" & Me.ListView1.Items(i).SubItems(y).Text & "'"
If y = Me.ListView1.Columns.Count - 1 Then
ValueStatement = ValueStatement & ")"
ValueStatement = ValueStatement & ","
End If
ValueStatement = ValueStatement & CommaTerminate & vbNewLine
If counter = 500 Then
SQLStatement = "INSERT INTO RAW_CLI_DATA_" & GlobalVariables.CDR_Company & " VALUES " & vbNewLine & ValueStatement
GenericDatabaseRequest(SQLStatement, "Loading RAW table with data..")
counter = 0
ValueStatement = ""
End If
counter = counter + 1
The error comes on the line ValueStatement = ValueStatement & "(" & Me.ListView1.Items(i).SubItems(0).Text
Thanks for any help!

It sounds like you went down the wrong road early on. The ListView is supremely illsuited for database ops:
Everything is contained as String which means somewhere you will have code to convert it to other types
It does not support databinding which means you have to manually create rows...
... then later iterate them to fish the data back out.
A DataGridView and DataTable would be simpler: When the user enters data into the control and it would be stored in the table and as the proper type. Setting the DataTable as the Datasource, the DataGridView would create the display (rows and columns) for you.
Some of the time it takes will be consumed by SQLite to perform the INSERT, but it also looks like you are spending a lot of time iterating and concatenating SQL. It's usually better to work with the data than the user's View of it anyway, so extract and pass the data to the worker.
First, suck the data out of the ListView into a String()() container:
Dim data = lv.Items.
Cast(Of ListViewItem).
Select(Function(s) New String() {s.SubItems(0).Text,
Then pass it to the BackGroundWorker:
The DoWork Event:
Private Sub bgw_DoWork(sender As Object, e As DoWorkEventArgs) Handles bgw.DoWork
' unbox the data
Dim dataToInsert = CType(e.Argument, String()())
For n As Int32 = 0 To 2
Console.WriteLine("[{0}], [{1}], [{2}]", dataToInsert(n)(0),
End Sub
[Patient Tempest], [Lorem ipsum dolor sit], [Swordfish]
[Sour Priestess], [hendrerit nibh tempor], [Perch]
[Frozen Justice], [Interdum ex felis], [Swordfish]
It correctly prints the random data I put into the LV.
This will allow you to process the ListView Data in the BackGroundWorker but it wont really save any time, it just keeps the UI unlocked. The real problem is elsewhere, probably in the DB ops.


VB: Check if Object has “Class” then Execute Code

I am looking to find something in Visual Basic that basically states that if something collides with something with a certain class, it executes code. I may not be using correct terms, so when I say object I mean like a label or picture box, and a class is... well like a class in HTML, I guess, like an object with a trait.
The pseudocode would look something like this:
If object.Bounds.IntersectsWith([object with certain class]) Then execute code
Otherwise, the game's 'if' statements will overwhelm... Also I am new to Visual Basic language, so please keep it as simple as possible.
Here is what I have already:
If carblue.Bounds.IntersectsWith(boundary1.Bounds) And directiona = 1 Then
directiona = 0
carblue.Top += 2
ElseIf carblue.Bounds.IntersectsWith(boundary1.Bounds) And directiona = 2 Then
directiona = 0
carblue.Left += 2
ElseIf carblue.Bounds.IntersectsWith(boundary1.Bounds) And directiona = 3 Then
directiona = 0
carblue.Top -= 2
ElseIf carblue.Bounds.IntersectsWith(boundary1.Bounds) And directiona = 4 Then
directiona = 0
carblue.Left -= 2
End If
Where carblue is the object being controlled, boundary1 is the obstacle that stops the car from moving (on collision) and directiona is the value of the direction the car is travelling (1 is up, 2 is left, etc).
(Moved from S.A. Programmers site)
Without actual sample code to work with, it's not easy to provide a specific solution. I don't know how many controls you have moving around, is it 2? 10? 10,000? Assuming you have 10+ controls moving around, this is how I would handle it.
I would use a datatable to keep a record of the Bounds for each Control that moves or is collidable. After a control moves, update that row in the datatable, look for collisions, then check the object types to determine what kind of class the collided object is, and then run the code as needed.
Public MovingControls As DataTable
Sub Main()
'Build the DataTable
MovingControls = New DataTable("ControlBounds")
MovingControls.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(String))
MovingControls.Columns.Add("x1", GetType(Integer))
MovingControls.Columns.Add("x2", GetType(Integer))
MovingControls.Columns.Add("y1", GetType(Integer))
MovingControls.Columns.Add("y2", GetType(Integer))
End Sub
'Call this only when a control/object is created
Sub MovingControlAdded(sender As Control)
Dim Row As DataRow = MovingControls.NewRow
Row("Name") = sender.Name
Dim BoundsRect As Drawing.Rectangle = sender.Bounds
Row("x1") = sender.Bounds.Left
Row("x2") = sender.Bounds.Right
Row("y1") = sender.Bounds.Bottom
Row("y2") = sender.Bounds.Top
End Sub
'Call this only when a control/object has moved
Sub MovingControlMoved(sender As Control)
'Update the location of this Control
Dim Row() As DataRow = MovingControls.Select("Name = '" & sender.Name & "'")
'Select returns an array of Rows but there should only be 1 row for each Control
Row(0)("x1") = sender.Bounds.Left
Row(0)("x2") = sender.Bounds.Right
Row(0)("y1") = sender.Bounds.Bottom
Row(0)("y2") = sender.Bounds.Top
'Collision check
Dim CollidedRows() As DataRow = MovingControls.Select("(" & sender.Bounds.Right & " >= x1)" &
"AND (" & sender.Bounds.Left & " <= x2)" &
"AND (" & sender.Bounds.Bottom & " <= y2)" &
"AND (" & sender.Bounds.Top & " >= y1)" &
"AND (Name <> '" & sender.Name & "'")
'Determine the object type and execute necessary code
For Each CollidedRow As DataRow In CollidedRows
Dim CollidedControl As Control = Me.Controls.Item(CollidedRow("Name"))
If CollidedControl.GetType = GetType(Label) Then
'Do stuff for labels
ElseIf CollidedControl.GetType = GetType(Button) Then
'Do stuff for buttons
End If
End Sub
Caveat: This assumes 1 control is moving at a time. If Control A moves into Control B but Control B moves away at the same time, this code will still call a collision even though the collision was avoided. If you have multiple controls moving, you may want to split the MovingControlMoved method into 2 methods, one for updating the table and one for collision checks. Handle all movement first, then handle all collisions.
Depending on the complexity, you may want to create custom classes for collidable controls that inherit an interface for collisions. You can use System.Reflection to call RunMeOnCollision. This would eliminate the list of If statements.
Interface iCollidableBase
Sub RunMeOnCollision()
End Interface
Public Class CollidableLabel
Inherits Label
Implements iCollidableBase
Public Sub RunMeOnCollision() Implements iCollidableBase.RunMeOnCollision
Me.Text = "I have been collided"
End Sub
End Class
Public Class CollidableButton
Inherits Button
Implements iCollidableBase
Public Sub RunMeOnCollision() Implements iCollidableBase.RunMeOnCollision
Me.Text = "Ouch, that collision hurt!"
End Sub
End Class
Again, not knowing the full context here, I can't test my solution against your code. If you can post some additional details, I might be able to help more.
I found what I needed from my programming teacher, using arrays.
In the public sub:
Dim walls(17) As PictureBox
Where 17 is the number of (In this case) boundaries that your form has. Also change PictureBox to the object you are using (for example labels).
Then in your form load:
For i = 1 To 17
walls(i) = Me.Controls("boundary" & i)
I'm honestly not 100% sure about this, but the "boundary" string is a section of the name of my PictureBoxes, that are acting as boundaries. There names are boundary1, boundary2, etc. So you might change "boundary" to what your object's names are.
Next, when you want to check for something using the boundaries, declare
For i = 1 To 17
Then when you want to close checking for it,
For the checking of collisions, use this:
If object.Bounds.IntersectsWith(walls(i).Bounds) Then
So in this case, the If statement would go between the For and Next lines.

Connecting to Access from Excel, then create table from txt file

I am writing VBA code for an Excel workbook. I would like to be able to open a connection with an Access database, and then import a txt file (pipe delimited) and create a new table in the database from this txt file. I have searched everywhere but to no avail. I have only been able to find VBA code that will accomplish this from within Access itself, rather than from Excel. Please help! Thank you
Google "Open access database from excel VBA" and you'll find lots of resources. Here's the general idea though:
Dim db As Access.Application
Public Sub OpenDB()
Set db = New Access.Application
db.OpenCurrentDatabase "C:\My Documents\db2.mdb"
db.Application.Visible = True
End Sub
You can also use a data access technology like ODBC or ADODB. I'd look into those if you're planning more extensive functionality. Good luck!
I had to do this exact same problem. You have a large problem presented in a small question here, but here is my solution to the hardest hurdle. You first parse each line of the text file into an array:
Function ParseLineEntry(LineEntry As String) As Variant
'Take a text file string and parse it into individual elements in an array.
Dim NumFields As Integer, LastFieldStart As Integer
Dim LineFieldArray() As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long
'Determine how many delimitations there are. My data always had the format
'data1|data2|data3|...|dataN|, so there was always at least one field.
NumFields = 0
For I = 1 To Len(LineEntry)
If Mid(LineEntry, i, 1) = "|" Then NumFields = NumFields + 1
Next i
ReDim LineFieldArray(1 To NumFields)
'Parse out each element from the string and assign it into the appropriate array value
LastFieldStart = 1
For i = 1 to NumFields
For j = LastFieldStart To Len(LineEntry)
If Mid(LineEntry, j , 1) = "|" Then
LineFieldArray(i) = Mid(LineEntry, LastFieldStart, j - LastFieldStart)
LastFieldStart = j + 1
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
ParseLineEntry = LineFieldArray
End Function
You then use another routine to add the connection in (I am using ADODB). My format for entries was TableName|Field1Value|Field2Value|...|FieldNValue|:
Dim InsertDataCommand as String
'LineArray = array populated by ParseLineEntry
InsertDataCommand = "INSERT INTO " & LineArray(1) & " VALUES ("
For i = 2 To UBound(LineArray)
If i = UBound(LineArray) Then
InsertDataCommand = InsertDataCommand & "'" & LineArray(i) & "'" & ")"
InsertDataCommand = InsertDataCommand & LineArray(i) & ", "
End If
Next i
Just keep in mind that you will have to build some case handling into this. For example, if you have an empty value (e.g. Val1|Val2||Val4) and it is a string, you can enter "" which will already be in the ParseLineEntry array. However, if you are entering this into a number column it will fail on you, you have to insert "Null" instead inside the string. Also, if you are adding any strings with an apostrophe, you will have to change it to a ''. In sum, I had to go through my lines character by character to find these issues, but the concept is demonstrated.
I built the table programmatically too using the same parsing function, but of this .csv format: TableName|Field1Name|Field1Type|Field1Size|...|.
Again, this is a big problem you are tackling, but I hope this answer helps you with the less straight forward parts.

Pause a for loop to await user interaction

I'm having a bit of a problem figuring out how to pause a loop to await user interaction. I'm comparing the hashes of different files in a loop and if they are different, I want to pause the loop until the user decided which file to keep.
Here's my code, so i hope you see what I'm trying to do.
For i = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
If GetCRC32(ListBox1.Items.Item(i)) = GetCRC32(ListBox2.Items.Item(i)) Then
Dim v1 As String = ListBox1.Items.Item(i)
Dim v2 As String = ListBox2.Items.Item(i)
Dim f1 As New FileInfo(v1)
Dim f2 As New FileInfo(v2)
Dim c As String
If f1.LastWriteTime > f2.LastWriteTime Then
c = v1
c = v2
End If
RichTextBox1.Text = v1 & " and " & v2 & " seem to be different." & vbCrLf & _
"Last changed:" & c
End If
The user-interaction is via two buttons, which I have no code for yet...
Why dont you use Form.ShowDialog in the loop.
Stops execution of the loop and you can ask user whatever question you need.

Append text to existing row in datatable

I'm trying to make a calendar in and I have come across this problem. I want to append some text into an existing datatable row. When I watch my debugger it says:"In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by the user.".
Dim aantalRijen As Integer = 1
For x = 0 To 6
Dim dttopdrachten As New DataTable
dttopdrachten = opdrachtendao.getOpdrachtenByDate(Today.AddDays(x))
If dttopdrachten.Rows.Count > aantalRijen Then
aantalRijen = dttopdrachten.Rows.Count
End If
For z = 0 To aantalRijen - 1
Dim r As DataRow
r = dttAgenda.NewRow()
dttAgenda.Rows.InsertAt(r, z)
For i = 0 To 6
Dim aantalItems As Integer = 0
Dim dttopdrachten As New DataTable
dttopdrachten = opdrachtendao.getOpdrachtenByDate(Today.AddDays(i))
aantalItems = dttopdrachten.Rows.Count
For j = 0 To aantalItems - 1
Dim info As String = dttopdrachten.Rows(j).Item(0).ToString & vbCrLf & dttopdrachten.Rows(j).Item(2).ToString & vbCrLf & dttopdrachten.Rows(j).Item(3).ToString & vbCrLf & dttopdrachten.Rows(j).Item(4).ToString & vbCrLf & dttopdrachten.Rows(j).Item(5).ToString & vbCrLf & dttopdrachten.Rows(j).Item(6).ToString
dttAgenda.Rows(j).Item(i) = info
dgvAgenda.DataSource = dttAgenda
In the code above, I first count how many rows I have to make. Afterwards I add the amount of rows to the datatable (columns are added before). Until here it works, but then when I keep debugging I get the error. I tried googling but nothing could help me so far.
Seem problem has been solved without changing anything. So if someone want to make a calendar. Here's the solution ;)

Visual Basic Loop and Display one line at a time

I'm using visual studios 2008, VB9 and I am trying to write an app that basically performs calculations on a set of data input by a user. During the calculations, I want to display the data at each step, and have it retained in the display area on the GUI (not overwritten by the next data being displayed).
For example:
UserInput = 1
UserInput += 1
OutputLabel.Text = "UserInput " & UserInput
Loop Until UserInput = 5
and the output would look like
UserInput 1
UserInput 2
UserInput 3
UserInput 4
UserInput 5
I tried this, and other loop structures and can't seem to get things right. The actual app is a bit more sophisticated, but the example serves well for logical purposes.
Any tips are welcome, thanks!
This is the simple version:
Dim delimiter as String = ""
For UserInput As Integer = 1 To 5
OutputLabel.Text &= String.Format("{0}UserInput {1}", delimiter, UserInput)
delimiter = " "
However, there are two problems with it and others like it (including every other answer given so far):
It creates a lot of extra strings
Since it's in a loop the label won't be able to process any paint events to update itself until you finish all of your processing.
So you may as well just do this:
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
Dim delimiter As String = ""
For UserInput As Integer = 1 To 5
sb.AppendFormat("{0}UserInput {1}", delimiter, UserInput)
delimiter = " "
OutputLabel.Text = sb.ToString()
And if you really want to have fun you can just do something like this (no loop required!):
OutputLabel.Text = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Aggregate(Of String)("", Function(s, i) s & String.Format("UserInput {0} ", i))
You need to concatenate the value in OutputLabel.Text.
OutputLabel.Text &= "UserInput " & UserInput
You might also want to reset it before the loop: OutputLabel.Text = ""
If you need an iterated index you can try something like the following
For I As Integer = 1 To 5
If I > 1 Then OutputLabel.Text &= " "
OutputLabel.Text &= "UserInput " & I.ToString()
End For
If you have user inputs in a collection, you might better be served by using ForEach loop.
Do you need to do it in a GUI? If it is simply processing and putting out rows like that, maybe you should consider a console application, in which case it becomes REALLY easy, in simply calling
Console.WriteLine("my string")
All of these ways actually work really well but the one that fit my situation the best was this:
Dim OutputString as String
Application.DoEvents() 'to make things paint actively
UserInput += 1
OutputString = String.Format("{0}", UserInput)
Loop Until UserInput = 5
I changed things to a listbox but tried this same method with textboxes and labels, with some tweaks, they all worked very well. Thanks for all your help!
I'd use a more appropriate control, like richtextbox
Dim UserInput As Integer = 0
Const userDone As Integer = 5
RichTextBox1.AppendText(String.Format("User input {0:n0} ", UserInput))
RichTextBox1.Refresh() 'the data at each step
UserInput += 1
Loop Until UserInput = userDone