WebTelemetryInitializerBase in ASP.NET Core / MVC6 - asp.net-core

Is there an MVC6 compatible version of WebTelemetryInitializerBase that would work with ASP.NET Core (on the full .NET Framework)?
See my question here where I asked how to get HttpContext in my temeletry initializers. Unfortunately I didn't specify that I was using MVC 6 and thus no System.Web.HttpContext.

Yes, there is a version of this for aspnetcore. Check out the Microsoft Application Insights for ASP.NET Core applications repo.
There is an implementation of getting the WebUser found in /src/Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore/TelemetryInitializers/WebUserTelemetryInitializer.cs which you can use as a guide.
The TelemetryInitializerBase class is the one that consumes the IHttpContextAccessor which is used to get the HttpContext.
From there you can get the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.User which is they type of System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal


Migration of ASP.NET 4.6 Help Pages to .NET 6 (.net core)

In .NET framework we have support of Creating Help Page for Web API.
Does this feature supported in .NET 6. We are migrating our legacy ASP.NET framework application to .NET6.
How to migrate this feature to .NET6? If it is not supported in .Net6(.net core) how can we achieve the similar functionality in .Net core
I am trying to migrate this feature to .net core but I am facing issues on how to load the app data, register HelpdataConfig in .net core.
As you can see in ASP.NET help page for ASP.NET Core Web API, the Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.HelpPage is for ASP.NET and does not for ASP.NET CORE or .NET 6, so you have to migrate this library to some popular Web API documentation libraries like Swagger
As you can see in ASP.NET Core web API documentation with Swagger / OpenAPI, you can use below documentation
By Christoph Nienaber and Rico Suter
Swagger (OpenAPI) is a language-agnostic specification for describing REST APIs. It allows both computers and humans to understand the capabilities of a REST API without direct access to the source code. Its main goals are to:
Minimize the amount of work needed to connect decoupled services.
Reduce the amount of time needed to accurately document a service.
The two main OpenAPI implementations for .NET are Swashbuckle and NSwag, see:
Getting Started with Swashbuckle
Getting Started with NSwag

What is the alternate of HttpRequest.EnableRewind() in ASP.NET Core 3.0?

Above is an extension method for HttpRequest object in ASP.NET Core 2.2. It is no more there in ASP.NET Core 3.0 (atleast with this name). I want to know it's alternate in ASP.NET Core 3.0. I am not sure if
is the alternate.
The alternate is HttpRequestRewindExtensions.EnableBuffering(), indeed. You can see here that internally it just calls EnableRewind().

How to enable trace.axd in ASP.NET core?

Our app is based on ASP.NET Core 2.0. It works fine in development environment but we see an oauth error when published to production.
All the documentation on asp.net core seems to point to using ILoggingxxx interfaces. The examples I found typically call logging.AddConsole() method so that the log lines can be viewed in VIsual Studio debug window. I am wondering if the good old trace.axd is still available under asp.net core. If so, I would appreciate the steps to enable tracing. Regards.
trace.axd is exclusive to applications based on .NET Framework and ASP.NET 4.x. It is not available in ASP.NET Core applications at all.

DocumentDb Identity Provider for ASP.NET Core

I am trying to provide authorization to the user, using DocumentDb at the backend - But I am unable to find any resources regarding the same. The documentation provided is for SQL based ones (https://docs.asp.net/en/latest/security/authentication/identity.html).
Any help?
To provide you with a starting point, there are several important issues to bear in mind when looking at using Identity with ASP.Net Core:
Framework Compatibility
You mention that you will be using ASP.Net Core, and this can be used with either .Net Core, or the 'full' .Net Framework (e.g. .Net Framework 4.5.1), which can be specified in your project.json under the frameworks property.
The Microsoft DocumentDB native .Net client does not support .Net Core; so, you must configure ASP.Net Core to target the 'full' .Net Framework. If you are unsure how to do this, you can create a new project in Visual Studio 2015, and select the 'ASP.Net Core (.Net Framework)' Project Template; the project.json will have its framework property correctly configured for you.
'Identity' Version
There are several versions of ASP.Net Identity; be aware when selecting a provider, that most currently reference ASP.Net Identity 2.2.1; however, the latest version is 3, released alongside ASP.Net Core, supported by the NuGet package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity 1.0.0, which has some differences and additional features. (Note that you can use this latter package with the full .Net Framework.)
No Official Implementation
Microsoft has decided not to create an official DocumentDB implementation for ASP.Net Identity, citing that 'there are two community projects available' (reference here)
Third-Party Support
Of the available third-party implementations, this one by Adrian Fernandez is the most widely used that provides support for ASP.Net Identity 3 using the Microsoft native DocumentDB client. Samples are included in the GitHub repository. (Please see update below.)
Example Usage
An example of using this DocumentDB provider with ASP.Net, including additional features, can be found here.
An additional example of using ASP.Net Core with the Microsoft DocumentDB provider can be found here.
I have written my own Identity 3 provider for DocumentDB; if I release this on GitHub I will update this answer with a link.
UPDATE 19/04/2017
For those looking for a solution, I now recommend the AspNetCore.Identity.DocumentDb project by Bernhard Koenig. It is feature-complete, includes Unit Tests, and a sample ASP.Net Core project. Also available via Nuget. It supports netstandard1.6 an net46 profiles.
my understanding is the Microsoft made it possible to use Mongo drivers with DocumentDb so maybe you could use this Mongo implementation for asp.net core identity
or google further for existing work that others may have done in this direction.
To implement it yourself you would need to implement at minimum IUserStore and IRoleStore you can also refer to the EF implementations UserStore and RoleStore for inspiration and guidance on implementing those.
The best solution would be using a DocumentDB provider for the .NET Core Identity framework. But there were none so far which is why I created AspNetCore.Identity.DocumentDB and decided to publish it on GitHub under the MIT license.
It is a port of an existing mongodb provider for .NET Core Identity and stores Claims, Tokens & Logins as nested objects. Although one could use DocumentDB with a mongodb interface it's recommended to use the native SDK if possible.
The library is already quite stable and available as a NuGet package.
The DocumentDB SDK for C# itself does not support .NET Core as a target platform in the stable release. Fortunately Microsoft is already working on adding .NET Core support and published a preview of the DocumentDB SDK with :NET Standard support at the Connect(); 2016 event.
AspNetCore.Identity.DocumentDB supports both SDKs.
.NET Standard is a specification of APIs that should be available on all .NET runtimes and is currently supported by .NET Core and .NET Framework.

Migrating from OWIN to ASP.NET Core

When moving from OWIN to ASP.NET Core, I've found a bit of information about dependencies to migration, but I've not found information about these other topics:
The middle-ware pipeline. How is this different, or not?
The DelegatingHandler pipeline (e.g. Web API). How is this different, or not?
The startup.cs file. How is this different?
In short, it would be great to know what are the primary hot-spots that would need my attention, in order to move from OWIN to ASP.NET Core.
As a first example - ASP.NET Core does not appear to have HttpConfiguration. There are myriads of example plugins and services that assume its existence. I'd like to infer how to translate instructions for HttpConfiguration into whatever approach ASP.NET Core expects.
As another example, the Swashbuckle documentation gives instructions for setup with OWIN, but those instructions don't work with ASP.NET Core. If I understood the primary differences from OWIN, it would be easier to "guesstimate" how to install Swashbuckle into ASP.NET Core.
Note: Swashbuckle also gives instructions for self-hosted apps. That confuses me because I think of OWIN (vis-a-vis Katana) as being self-hosted already, and so it sounds redundant to me. But I don't think this is related to the present question.
My question has used Swashbuckle as an example, but I am not asking about Swashbuckle specifically.
I've discovered that much of the information I'm looking for is in the article Transitioning from Web API 2 to ASP.NET MVC 6.
Middleware is quite similar between Katana and Core but you use HttpContext instead of IOwinContext.
Startup.cs is similar but there's much more DI support.
WebApi has been merged into MVC
DelegatingHandler is gone, use middleware instead.
HttpConfiguration has been split up into Routing and MvcOptions.
Also https://devblogs.microsoft.com/aspnet/katana-asp-net-5-and-bridging-the-gap/
I think you can start here. It's an entire chapter about OWIN with ASP.NET Core. Hope this helps.