ActivityIndicator with text Xamarin.Forms cross platform - cross-platform

Is there anything like the ActivityIndicator that allows you to add text? Or would I need to write some sort of custom renderer class to go along with it?
Edit: Added picture.

I'd like to suggest you to use Acr.UserDialogs. ShowLoading for example.


React Native Picker with Image Icon

I am trying to build a language selection picker in react native which has a picture of the country's flag next to the label, like this:
The icons have to be images and not unicode. I've had a look around but there doesn't seem to be anything available. Does anyone know of anything I can use to create this?
If nothing can be used then I will create a custom picker, I aim to make use of a ScrollView to handle the scrolling but I am not sure what I can use to replicate the rotation effect of the native iOS picker, so if anyone can help me with this also I would really appreciate it.
You can try this:
It's not inside a native picker like your screenshot, but it should do what you are asking for.
You can use emoji by copy from online emoji website(many available on internet) and add picker item code as below,
<Picker.Item label="🇫🇷 France" value="fr" />

onEndReached not working properly within any ScrollView React native

I am creating a Listview with pagination. If i put the ListView within KeyboardAwareScrollView then onEndReached not called properly. But if i don't put the ListView within any kind of Scrollview it is working perfectly.
My problem is that the content above the ListView is quite big. If i don't put it entire view within any scrollview the bottom content will not be shown.
How to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance.
Sorry I can't put comment because my rep is below 50.
I'm trying to imagine ur situation based on the description because there's no snapshot of ur desired outcome and current outcome. What I understood is this:
If i don't put it entire view within any scrollview the bottom content
will not be shown
This may be just the problem of not putting {flex:1} in the outtermost container view
If i put the ListView within KeyboardAwareScrollView then onEndReached
not called properly
ListView is deprecated as per React Native 0.55 documentation. I don't really understand your scenario, but you might wanna consider just using Scrollview or Flatlist, they might have the solution that ur looking for in a different form. If you are looking for a solution so that your view would avoid keyboard, u could simply use KeyboardAvoidingView from react native instead of using a third party lib, because sometimes they could be restrictive.
All the best! :)

How to Create Search TextField like Nokia?

In Nokia S40 the search field for the contacts is looked like this
This TextField is really interactive, if I put some text the magnifier will change into x Button. I've tried to create the TextField in LWUIT and override the paint methods to put the magnifier image but it can't use as a button.
Are there any component I can use to recreate something like this (Especially with LWUIT)? Or maybe are there any ready-to-be-used component from Nokia to create something like this?
Best Regards
You can do something similar to that, but it won't look like the native SearchField, but it will work fine.
What you can do is this.
Create a container with a boxLayoutX and put inside it a TextField and a Button. When you capture that the TextField has text inside, change the Image attached to the Button to a X and here it is. You only need to implement the functionallity of the Button.
TextField has a setHintIcon method allowing you to do just that.

Search for CSS(Sencha Touch) tutorials

I want to change the layout of my app. I want use my own buttons and change background color.
Can someone post some useful tutorials. I'm not so good in css
thanks for help
My only advice is for you to use Firebug if you want to customize you app.
Set cls attributes to your components, launch the app on a Firefox/Chrome/Safari and then just right click on the HTML element you want to customize and take a look at the CSS set for the element. Then, it's all about CSS writing.
Either you can override the existing CSS with your own stylesheet, you can also use SCSS for theming a touch application. Take a look at this guide on SCSS
ya you can change your background colors in touch-charts-full.css file. In that you can able to change shape of the buttons also.If suppose you want to chnage the background color of toolbar, Search for toolbar in css file and change background color in that.

Help to find out what component is being used

I'm a beginner with Objective-C and I have to create something similar to the one on this image but I don't know what are the components on the top bar.
Thanks in advance for any help
It looks like a navigation bar but I think a customized view with customized buttons are what it actually is.