I am unable to change the authentication mode to custom on any App pool even the default ones.I am getting "value does not fall within the expected range" exception
I've had this exactly error message on IIS when trying to start a website and the problem was that the binding was wrong, there was a "space" after the url.
Check your bindings for any wrong characters and if there's anything else wrong with it.
Short Version
Please read at the very bottom for a short version of the question.
In a question I asked last week, I struggled in finding a solution, which makes our asp.net error visualization waterproof, since there are some edge cases where the asp.net exception handling fails and hence no proper exception visualizations can be created:
How to properly set up ASP.NET web.config to show application specific, safe and user friendly asp.net error messages in edge cases
Desired Solution
As an alternative to the way I described there, in my opinion the best way to make the exception visualization reliable, would be to use the httpErrors-element in system.webServer as a failsave so that any error which is not properly handled by asp.net, leads to a generic error page which is shown based on the settings of the httpErrors-element .
To accomplish this, there must be two things possible:
Error pages properly handled by the application must pass through iis without being replaced with a generic error message
Errors which could not be processed properly in asp.net, must be replaced through IIS.
It is my understanding, that this very behaviour is meant by the existingResponse="Auto" parameter in the httpErrors-element.
The ms documentation states:
Leaves the response untouched only if the SetStatus flag is set.
This is exactly what is necessary: Any successful error page creation in the application (through Application_Error or through an explicitly defined error handling page) can set
Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true and IIS would let the error page pass through. However, every other error which was not successfully handled by the application in asp.net, would not set the flag and hence get the error page which is specified in the httpErrors-element.
The Problem
Sadly, it seems that in MVC5-applications (I don’t known whether the same behavior is true in other environments), the Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors (fTrySkipCustomErrors) seems to be set automatically to [true], even if it is not set by the application.
Hence we are at the same place, as in my other post: If the error handling of the application blows, there is no way to show an application specific error with existingResponse="Auto", since its not possible to reset the fTrySkipCustomErrors flag.
As an alternative, one can set existingResponse="PassThrough". That's what we do currently, since we want to generate our error pages with a support-code and other helpfull information about the error to be shown to the user, or one can use existingResponse="Replace", but this is not an option, since it replaces any error page so that we don’t can show the user any error-specific information such as the support-code mentionen before.
Quesition in Short
The question is therefore, how to make sure that MVC5 (asp.net) does not set the fTrySkipCustomErrors flag automatically to [true], since there are situations, where no application code is executed and hence the Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors (fTrySkipCustomErrors) cannot be set to false, what renders the existingResponse="Auto" parameter moot.
To check such a situation where the asp.net MVC5 exception handling blows but the fTrySkipCustomErrors flag is set to true, please request the following page from your MVC5 application:
Please note: I'm not interested in disabling the above error. It's an example. I want the error visualization reliable and not to have to circumvent every error that possibly can blow asp.net's error handling mechanisms.
Trying to integrate ApplePayJS into my website and getting this annoying message::
InvalidAccessError Code 15
"The object does not support the operation or argument"
Everything seems to have been going well and now nothing works.
If you get this error, in my experience Safari is now dead to ApplePayJS and you must start by force quitting and reopening it again.
Turns out the reason for me what that the ApplePay API completely craps out if you pass a string instead of an object into the completeMerchantValidation.
If what you return from your server is not JSON object, but a string instead then you can do this:
Or better still - fix your server to return a JSON object instead of a string.
Update 4 years later:
I just saw this again today for a real customer as opposed to during my own testing. In this instance the order had succeeded and the customer thought it had failed so attempted to go through the process again.
Oddly it was on this call with the same error "The object does not support the operation or argument."
Since the payment succeeded I've changed my logic to just ignore the exception (for STATUS_SUCCESS only) and proceed to the final page. I don't even know if the ApplePay sheet was still open but even if it was at least when it cancels it will be on the receipt page.
I have also had this issue but with a different reason
Your domain name in the session needs to equal the domain name of your browser. you set the domain name in the backend during in the initiativeContext
I am using sharepoint 2010 but I am facing
Tail period has expired
I had already tried this but it didnt work for me
but now the error changes for me now it becomes Unexpected error has occurred as I change my site collection web config configuration for showing proper error it says object reference not set to an instance of an object
Web.config files are for the entire application, not just for a single site collection.
Typically, when I see an error stating "object reference not set to an instance of an object", it boils down to order of operations within custom code (which could include javascript, etc). If you look at the stack trace, you might discover exactly what the issue is.
We all are know some time we will get 500 error while trying to hit wcf url. for example if pass string value to integer parameter it will throw 500 error as request error. my question is how to log, this kind error in some file? because this will not reach our actual end point class coding right? so how to log this error in some file?
Any Help?
Assuming you want to log these on the server size, you should configure WCF tracing and use SvcTraceViewer to analyze the logs. More details on MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms732023.aspx.
I may very well be wrong here - but if the client is supplying the wrong parameters to a web method, that would be a 404 as no method matches the incoming request?
I would say it's the clients job to send the right data to the right function, and to handle failures appropriately (an EndPointNotFoundException perhaps)
In classic asp page, i need to catch the error description and insert into a table in the database.
when i use 'on error resume next', i am getting a timeout error as follows:
The maximum amount of time for a
script to execute was exceeded. You
can change this limit by specifying a
new value for the property
Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing
the value in the IIS administration
Please help me to catch the exception and insert into database.
I believe your question is "How do I trap the Script Timeout error and record it in the database". Then the answer is you can't do it with On error resume next.
The problem is that ASP has determined your script has run for too long. In order for your code to trap and record the error your code needs to continue but that is exactly what ASP has determined shouldn't happen since its time is up.
Also in general unless you can continue to do something sensible (and that does not include logging) in your script there is no point trying to use On Error Resume Next to trap the error.
Instead create a new ASP script that should run whenever you get a script error (this will include a Script timeout error). In IIS manager open your applications property dialog and select the Custom Errors tab. Edit the handler for the 500;100 HTTP error and change it to URL and the path of this ASP script.
Now you can place your error logging code in this ASP script. You can access the error thrown by the failing ASP page by accessing the Server.GetLastError method. You can also configure this page to send something friendly to the user.
If the exception is with anything to do with your database you might have found your answer... have you checked to see what the problem is first?
Why not investigate/fix the timeout issue rather than try and catch the exception? Whilst you should log errors you should also investigate why it is occuring in the first place.