How to make my Chrome kiosk app white-listed in Chrome OS - google-chrome-os

I have a Chrome kiosk app that runs in full screen when in user session and in single-app kiosk mode. However, it does not run in full screen when in public session mode.
I have seen other third party apps able to run in full screen when in public session mode. By looking into Chromium OS source code, I can see these third party apps are white-listed in OS code and have some special permissions to do things.
According to this thread
How to create kiosk compatible chrome packaged app In order to be white-listed Google must review your app for security.
I am not able to find any information or documentation on the internet to describe the procedure of how to submit apps to Google for app review. Any information regarding this would be appreciated, thanks.


Can we use Appium and Selenium together for testing and comparing app data with web data?

We are testing on moblie app using Appium, Which feature is to upload a video on Server. After uploading video it will be visible on Dashboard of Website. The dashboard feature is not present in mobile app. So here We need to check that Video related details using Selenium as it is on Website. Any Suggestion? How can we do this without performing separate tests.
This is integration testing so are in effect two different tests/steps.
You could do it in one project though so you could do something like:
open your mobile app using Appium
upload the video
open a browser using webdriver
navigate to the relevant page and check the video uploaded
close the browser
continue testing or close the mobile app

Facebook messenger heads popup

In my application I'm trying to implement a popup which will be overlay on other applications. I did it by adding this permission SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW in the manifest. It works fine, but on Android 6 I know that I need to request on runtime a permission to "Draw over other apps".
I entered to this settings in my phone and saw that Facebook, Messenger, Skyoe and other apps are allowed to draw over other apps without asking this permission during the installation process (on android 6) and was wondering how can I do that? is targeting to sdk version below 22 will solved this? if so, is there another solution instead of targeting to a lower sdk version?
for example, I uninstalled the facebook messenger application, and install it again, just opened it without completing the registration process, then I opened the settings and clicked on "Draw over other apps" and it was automatically set to "Yes" means that the messneger app can draw over other applications.

Javascript Facebook sdk - captive portal on mobile devices

We are setting up a web app which serves as a wi-fi hotspot using coova chilli and the Javascript Facebook SDK.
The app has a "login with facebook" button that, once clicked, calls the FB.login() function, which opens a pop-up window where the user can insert his credentials and log in.
This solution is working correctly in desktop browsers but it's not working in mobile devices.
These are the problems I encountered:
Android device - When I connect to the wifi network, the system prompts a notification who says "Sign in to wifi network". Once clicked, the captive page opens up correctly. But when I click the fb login button, I am redirected to the url " ..." which is correct, but then the windows freezes and I can see only a wsod.
IOS device - same as before, the cna triggers, the redirect to the fb login page works, but once I insert my credentials, the only thing I can see is a wsod.
Both issues can be bypassed by including, and other domains used for auth in the hotspot walled garden, and then the user can log in to the network by using the device's browser - Safari or Chrome, it works - as pointed out in this discussion Facebook login on Apple CNA.
The thing is, we want to make it work on the "normal" workflow, that is, to make the app work correctly within the IOS captive network assistant and the Android "sign in to wi fi" functionality.
Do you have any idea how can we solve this? We searched far and wide without any success. Thank you.
Solved by using PHP SDK instead of javascript. By generating a login link as explained here. This works also on mobile captive portal assistants such as ios and android ones because the fb login page is opened in the same window and not in popup/iframe. I hope this helps others that may encounter the same problem.

How to Launch/Open any other external app from hybrid app? [duplicate]

I have a requirement to open the native version of the hybrid app (.ipa/.apk/.appx) when the hybrid app is requested in a device browser.
I am able to detect the environment using WL.Client.getEnvironment(); method, if it is found to be Android/iPad, I want to launch the respective .apk/.ipa file in the device. Any help is appreciated.
Re-reading this question and the comments several times... I still do not understand the actual scenario... it'd be best to rephrase it.
Scenario: How to open an app from the web browser:
If you have added the following environments to your Worklight application:
Mobile Web
And when visiting the Mobile Web version of your app, you want to display a message like "For the full experience, open the full application by clicking here".
It is implied that the user already has the application installed.
If it is not installed, you need to take care of that somehow
The way to handle this scenario is to use URI schemas:
For Android: How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android
This means that after adding the custom URI schema to AndroidManifest.xml, you could then detect the device OS the Mobile Web app is currently running on and display a custom link: myapp://<the URI schema you've defined>. Tapping it will open the app installed on the device.
For iOS, in a similar fashion:
Also see:
Alternate solution: If you are not sure if the app will be installed or not, then instead of using URI schemas you can always point to either Google Play or Apple App Store, to the app page; the user will then have either a "Open" or "Install" link.
Scenario: How to open an app from my own app
If you have a Worklight Hybrid application (Mobile Web is not a Hybrid application), and you want to open another application from within it, you can:
Use the same approach of URI schemas, or
Use Cordova plug-ins
I have created this Worklight 6.1.0 project to demonstrate:
Android - How to open, for example, the Android Settings app from your Worklight Hybrid app
iOS - How to check if Waze is installed and open it, and if it is not installed then to open Apple Maps instead.
See instructions.txt in the apps\test folder.
Are you asking that if the user via their device browser hits the webapp version of your app on the internet, the website will ask the user to fire up the native app on their device? kind of like what ebay does?
if that is what you want check out these pages
android:Launch custom android application from android browser
iPhone - Open Application from Web Page

windows authentication and iOS7

We are developing a web application in and HTML5 (+ offline feature) and we are using “Add to desktop” button to create the desktop application.
Before access main screen, we have a windows authentication screen, so people can connect using their domain credentials.
In safari, we have almost no problem. It's the expected behavior when we are online. For the offline mode, safari needs to keep an active tab with the website loaded to allow offline access to it, otherwise safari does not find website – even if it’s cached with cache manifest...
In the desktop application (using “Add to desktop” button), the authentication popup on the main page does not appears. When I trace the HTTP requests, I can see 2 requests with a return status of 401. When I look into the logs, safari sandbox throw an exception (twice tries then abort operation)... The screen remains blank.
any ideas anyone or any fix is planned to correct this problem ?
Thanks in advance for any advices.
It's a problem with iOS 7. Windows Authentication only works in "Private Mode" or in another browser such as Chrome or Puffin. However, there isn't a workaround currently available to save an app to the home screen. Here's a thread on the Apple forums about this same issue:
The new iOS 7.03 fixes this issue.