Mixed C++/CLI overloading - c++-cli

Is this a proper restriction on overloading behavior. I can't figure out how to replicate a similar issue in pure C++ to compare behavior.
C++/CLI code:
class A {};
List<int>^ g(A &) {
return gcnew List<int>();
template<typename T>
List<T>^ g(T &) {
return gcnew List<T>();
void f() {
g(A()); // compiler error C3235
error C3225: generic type argument for 'T' cannot be 'A', it must be a
value type or a handle to a reference type
The problem appears to be from the return values. It's requiring that the templated g() has a valid definition even though the non-templated g() overload should (shouldn't it?) be selected.


Overriding parameter types?

I would like to override the parameter type of a method in its subclasses, I thought generics could be used for this but that does not seem to work (at least not the way I am doing it).
abstract class A {
bool someMethod<T>(T x);
Then override it like so:
class B extends A {
bool someMethod<bool>(bool x) {
// error: isn't a valid override
I have had to default to using type dynamic x for the parameter type, but that forfeits runtime safety checks and means a lot of type checking whenever the method is implemented.
Is this type of extension possible?
It's possible, but not the way you do it.
What you declare is a generic method, where each invocation gets to pass the type argument to the function.
What you probably want is:
abstract class A<T> {
bool someMethod(T x);
class B extends A<bool> {
bool someMethod(bool x) {
return true;
That makes the type a parameter of the subclass, not the method, so each subclass can define its own type.
(Here you get into problems with Dart's covariant generics, because you can write:
A<Object> a = B();
a.someMethod("a"); // run-time error.
Your type variable occurs only in places where a value of that type is needed, not where one is provided, so casting to the superclass A<Object> make the method more permissive than it can support. The compiler inserts a run-time type check on the argument, which is what the example code here hits.)

How to handle nullable generics with Java interop

I have a Java class that is out of my control, defined as:
public #interface ValueSource {
String[] strings() default {}
I am trying to use this class from a Kotlin file I control, like so:
class Thing {
#ValueSource(string = ["non-null", null])
fun performAction(value: String?) {
// Do stuff
I get a compiler error
Kotlin: Type inference failed. Expected type mismatch: inferred type is Array<String?> but Array<String> was expected.
I understand why the inferred type is Array<String?>, but why is the expected type not the same? Why is Kotlin interpreting the Java generic as String! rather than String?? And finally, is there a way to suppress the error?
Kotlin 1.2.61
This isn't a Kotlin issue - this code isn't valid either, because Java simply doesn't allow null values in annotation parameters:
public class Thing {
#ValueSource(strings = {"non-null", null}) // Error: Attribute value must be constant
void performAction(String value) {
// Do stuff
See this article and this question for more discussion on this.

Is it possible to create and use custom System::String^ extension methods in C++/CLI?

I tried making an extension to the built-in String class using C++/CLI, and using it from C++/CLI without success.
Here's the simplest I can boil it down to:
public ref class MyStringExtensions abstract sealed {
static bool TestMethod(System::String^ str) { return false; }
Now, when I try to use this in other C++/CLI code, I get a compiler message indicating that TestMethod is not a method of String.
String^ foo = gcnew ...
blah = foo->TestMethod(); // compile-error
Any ideas?
C++ doesn't have extension methods.
But it does have ADL (Argument-dependent lookup, also known as Koenig lookup) which is arguably even nicer.

How to fix warning CA2226 in a C++/CLI application?

I have a C++/CLI class definition where I'm trying to get Equality testing to be Value based rahter than Reference (similar to the behavior of String). The following definitions work:
namespace MyCode
public ref class MyClass
bool operator==(MyClass^ obj) { return Equals(obj); }
bool operator!=(MyClass^ obj) { return !Equals(obj); }
virtual bool Equals(MyClass^ obj);
virtual bool Equals(System::Object^ obj) override;
virtual int GetHashCode() override;
However, my company is now requiring (and rightly so) that all code needs to conform to the Code Analysis rules. Code analysis consistently reports two warnings on the above class:
CA2226 : Microsoft.Usage : Since ''MyClass'' redefines operator '==', it should also redefine operator '!='.
CA2226 : Microsoft.Usage : Since ''MyClass'' redefines operator '!=', it should also redefine operator '=='.
The Microsoft documentation on warning CA2226 makes it clear that this is an important warning and should not be suppressed - but what else can I do?
I'm looking for a way (if possible) to 'fix' the code in order to remove this warning. Is that possible, or do I just need to suppress it?
For a ref class, you're supposed to implement operator==(MyClass^ left, MyClass^ right) as a static member function, this is the one other .NET languages will find.
Your current implementation defines operator==(MyClass%, MyClass^ right) instead, which is unusual.
Note that you can't rely on left != nullptr, you need to test ReferenceEquals(left, nullptr).
This is a .NET implementation detail. Having instance operator overloads is a C++ feature, the code analyzer chokes on it. The .NET way is to have operator overloads as static functions. Notably C# requires this. Solve your problem similar to this:
static bool operator==(MyClass^ lhs, MyClass^ rhs) { return lhs->Equals(rhs); }
static bool operator!=(MyClass^ lhs, MyClass^ rhs) { return !lhs->Equals(rhs); }

What is the difference between multiple dispatch and method overloading?

In languages like Scala, one can have multiple definitions for one method name by changing the number of parameters and/or the type of the parameters of the method. This is called method overloading.
How is that different from multiple dispatch?
Thank you
Method overloading is resolved at compile time.
Multiple dispatch is resolved at runtime.
When using double dispatch the called method depends on the actual type of receiver and arguments. Method overloading however, only allows the called method to depend on the declared type of the parameters. Why? Java binds method calls at compile time with their full signature (early binding). The full signature includes all parameter types, hence when the actual type of an argument differs at runtime (polymoprhism), overloading does not work as you might expect!
void add(Foo o) { ... }
void add(Bar o) { ... }
void client() {
Foo o = new Bar();
add(o); // calls add(Foo) not add(Bar)!
using multiple dispatch however
void add(Foo o) { o.dispatch(this); }
void add(Bar o) { o.dispatch(this); }
void client() {
Foo o = new Bar();
add(o); // calls #dispatch as defined in Bar!
Things might slightly differ in Scala, though the general distinction should be the same as presented here in all programming languages.