Restoring Firebird 2.5 with fbsvcmgr - backup

I'm configuring live backup and restore scripts to have "replicated" firebird dbs on main and reserve servers.
Backup doing fine:
"C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\bin\nbackup" -B 0 "D:\testdb\LABORATORY_DB.FDB" D:\testdb\lab_FULL.fbk -user SYSDBA -pass masterkey -D OFF
Copying file to the remote server as well:
net use R: \\fbserv2\reserve
xcopy /Y D:\testdb\lab_FULL.fbk R:\
But restoring on remote side
"C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\bin\fbsvcmgr.exe" fbserv2:service_mgr -user SYSDBA -password masterkey -action_nrest -dbname d:\reservedb\LABORATORY_DB.FDB -nbk_file d:\reserve\lab_FULL.fbk
caused an error:
Error (80) creating database file: d:\reservedb\LABORATORY_DB.FDB via copying from: d:\reserve\lab_FULL.fbk
The only way to restore database is to manually delete an old d:\reservedb\LABORATORY_DB.FDB before restoring. GBAK has the option to overwrite restorig db file, while fbsvcmgr seems to be not. Is there any other option? Did I miss something?

You can't restore over an existing database using nbackup. You either need to
delete the old database first and then restore,
or restore under a different name, delete the old database, and rename the new database to its final name.
See also the nbackup documentation, chapter Making and restoring backups:
If the specified database file already exists, the restore fails and you get an error message.
As far as I know it was a design decision to not allow overwriting an existing database. Gbak indeed has that option, but only for historic reasons; if it were built today, it would likely not have that option.


Unable to run .sql file in SQL Server

I have a .sql dump file 20 gb and I am trying to run it on Mysql workbench using run script and after successful execution, using SSMA I'll migrate the data from Mysql workbench to SQL Server. I have migrated the data this way many times successfully however for 20 gb file it seems very time-consuming. Please let me know if there is any alternate way to achieve this quickly. I have followed the following link:
Steps to migrate mysql tables to sql server using SSMA!
From your Title "unable to run .sql file in SSMS" and "I have a .sql dump file 20 gb" are you trying to open a 20GB .sql in SSMS? That's never going to work. SSMS is a 32bit application, so the maximum addressable memory is 2GB. If you want to run your .sql file, I suggest using sqlcmd.
Open up Powershell, and then run the command below replacing the appropriate parts:
sqlcmd -S {Server Name/ServerIP} -U {Your Login} -i {Your full path to your script}
You'll be prompted for your password and then you the file will be run. So, as an example, you might run:
sqlcmd -S svSQL2017 -U Larnu -i \\svFileServer\SQLShare\Scripts\BigBatchFile.sql
If you are using integrated security, then don't pass the -U parameter for the command.
Edit: This answer is no relevant to the OPs question, as they were using "SSMS" as a synonym for SQL Server, which it is not. I have left this here for the moment so the OP can review my comments, and I will likely remove this answer at a later point.

SQL LocalDB - Cannot delete a DB when its files are deleted

How can I delete a SQL LocalDB database that has had its files delete?
Dropping the database yields this message:
Unable to open the physical file "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LocalDB.Tests.3d0d7339-7cf2-45fe-a83b-b5079112ab80.mdf". Operating system error 2: "2(The system cannot find the file specified.)".
File activation failure. The physical file name "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LocalDB.Tests.3d0d7339-7cf2-45fe-a83b-b5079112ab80_log.ldf" may be incorrect.
Running master.sp_databases actually doesn't show them, but the Management Studio does.
The problem is that you are trying to drop a database when the physical file has been deleted or couldn't be found.
To get around this you can detach the database. Detaching will drop the database without attempting to remove the file from the filesystem.
EXEC sp_detach_db 'My_Db'
I'm assuming you're using (localdb) bundled with SQL Server 2012.
If you're using SQL Server 2014, use (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB in place of (localdb)\v11.0 below
Open a command prompt
Start the localDb instance if it is not already running: “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\sqllocaldb.exe” start “v11.0″
Drop the localDb database by running the following command: “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd” -S (localdb)\v11.0 -E -d master -Q “DROP DATABASE [myDatabase]”
You can stop the localDb service now: “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\sqllocaldb.exe” stop “v11.0″

Drop DB but don't delete *.mdf / *.ldf

I am trying to automate a process of detaching and dropping a database (via a VBS If I manually use SSMS to detach and drop I can then copy to database files to another location... however if I use:
sqlcmd -U sa -P MyPassword -S (local) -Q "ALTER DATABASE MyDB set single_user With rollback IMMEDIATE"
sqlcmd -U sa -P MyPassword -S (local) -Q "DROP DATABASE MyDB"
It detaches/drops and then deletes the files. How do I get the detach and drop without the delete?
The MSDN Documentation on DROP DATABASE has this to say about dropping the database without deleting the files (under General Remarks):
Dropping a database deletes the database from an instance of SQL Server and deletes the physical disk files used by the database. If the database or any one of its files is offline when it is dropped, the disk files are not deleted. These files can be deleted manually by using Windows Explorer. To remove a database from the current server without deleting the files from the file system, use sp_detach_db.
So in order for you to drop the database without having the files get deleted with sqlcmd you can change it to do this:
sqlcmd -U sa -P MyPassword -S (local) -Q "EXEC sp_detach_db 'MyDB', 'true'"
DISCLAIMER: I have honestly never used sqlcmd before but assuming from the syntax of how it's used I believe this should help you with your problem.
Might it be best to detach the database rather than drop it?
If you drop the database, that implies delete
Note, however, that this will leave your hard disk cluttered with database files you no longer want - in a couple of years time your successor will be running out of space and wondering why the disk is full of MDF files he doesn't recognise

Bacula/Bareos disaster recover from scratch using bextract

On Bacula/Bareos, document stress the importance of Catalog bootstrap file must be save on somewhere safe, I know Catalog consist of MySQL DB dump and optional included Bacula/bareos config file, but how exactly does anyone recover from scratch in case the whole backup infrastructure is gone?
Is it just install all Bacula/bareos software, then import MySQL and config then fire up Director would do the trick?
A bit of an old question, but I'll provide some feed back,
If you've done a mysqldump of the database (or pgdump depending on the backend) you essentially have the catalog in it's full state. I believe that you can simply restore this database to a new server, and restore the old config files (these are not stored in the dump but rather in /etc/bareos). Also, make sure that the same user/password is used for the database user as specified in the bareos-dir.conf file, or else you will not be able to connect to the database. Depending on how your storage devices are setup you may need to mess around with the baroes-sd.conf file.
To answer the other question off the OP, you can use a volume without a catalog. It's a bit cumbersome, but is possible with the following:
For example:
List jobs on a volume: bls -j -V Full_1-1886 FileStorage1
List files on a volume: bls -V Full_1-1886 FileStorage1
Once you have found the file, or directory (Note wildcard characters are supported) you can extract the file:
bextract -i restoreFiles -V Full_2-1277 FileStorage2 /tmp/
restoreFiles specifies a file separated with newlines that lists files/directories to restore
/tmp/ is the destination of the restore

Backup individual Raven database

In an old version of Raven (r888) I had an individual database backed up with the following command
"C:\RavenDB\Server\Raven.Backup.exe" --url=http://localhost:8089/databases/Production --dest=C:\temp\raven\production
This would place the backup of the Production database into the destination directory.
On the latest unstable version, after upgrading, the command no longer executes and an error is returned
The system cannot find the path specified.
The docs mention being able to backup the entire server but there is no mention of how to isolate this to a single database?
Could it be that your path to the executable is wrong? (Replace Server with Backup)
Actually, we always backup a single db.
To execute on a single db, you use the url http://localhost:8089/databases/Production note the /databases/Production there.