What is the right way to add pycharm to bin - authentication

I'm using i3wm on arch linux, and while try to run pycharm at first time there is kinda question to type my password
But password is right. I did same while tried to install other apps.
As far as I remember, there is no such problem using xubuntu.
ln -s /usr/local/bin won't take any effect.
I won't run terminal to run pycharm, and don't want to add whole folder to $PATH

Launch the IDE, then use Tools | Create Command-line Launcher.


installation directory of appium in mac

I have installed appium-1.5.1 from MAC terminal. The installation is ok but I need the path where it is installed for some reason. Can anyone please tell me where is the installation directory in?
If you installed the GUI appium app (the app whose icon you can click in your Mac's Launchpad), then as orde suggested earlier, just see /Applications/Appium.app
But if you say you installed appium via your terminal, I'm going to take a guess that you installed it using npm. If you installed appium by typing something like npm install -g appium, then all the below is for you:
You can find the appium executable by typing this into your terminal:
which appium
the output of typing this command in your terminal should be something like this (the path may be different for you):
If 'which' gave you a filepath like this, then this path is your appium executable file (the file that is run if you type 'appium' into your terminal).
If you want to find appium's actual installed files, then take the path you just got above, and run the following command, replacing my path with yours:
ls -l /usr/local/bin/appium
the result of that command will look something like this:
lrwxr-xr-x 1 qamacbook admin 44 Apr 19 11:07 /usr/local/bin/appium -> ../lib/node_modules/appium/build/lib/main.js
the end of this line, after the arrow, is the location of your appium installation relative to the executable file. In my example, the full installation is therefore located at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/
Hope it helps!
You can find it here: /Applications/Appium.app. Just change directory to root from your home directory (i.e. cd /), and you'll see the Applications directory.
Terminal type command 'which appium'
It will locate where appium executable is present.
Access the directory and type 'ls -lrt' command
It will display you the linked path of main.js file.
Copy the path in withAppiumJS(new File("<>"))

Run intellij application with sudo privileges

I have a scala application that needs to perform sys.process operations with sudo and these operations are failing for me. From my google searching, it appears that I may be able to resolve this by running intellij with sudo. However, when I do this, I'm prompted to import settings and need would need to re-import my project. This seems less than ideal. Is there a way to set up a run configuration in intellij to have sudo privileges or at least run idea.sh with sudo but use my original workspace, so that all changes and configurations are shared between the sudo and non-sudo profiles?
Presumably this is down to Intellij reading its settings from a directory under the current user directory, eg C:\Users\matt.IntelliJIdea13 on my Windows PC. When you sudo, it will try and read its setting from a different directory.
I would check with directory it is trying to save its config to when you run it with sudo. Then set up a soft link from this directory back to your normal user directory. IntelliJ should then read the same set of files whether or not you are using sudo.
eg ln -s /home/matt/.IntellijIdea13 /home/root/.IntelliJIdea13
I haven't got IntelliJ installed on Linux so can't check this.

How to use gitbash instead of windows cmd.exe with meteor Release

I am getting started with Meteorjs. I'm a windows user so I downloaded the windows installer package Release I use gitbash for my command line interface and can't get it to recognize meteor. I get the error "sh.exe": meteor: command not found". It works fine in windows command line but I prefer gitbash.
How do I get meteor to work with gitbash?
I have the perfect answer for you since I literally just solved the issue myself.
First of all make sure meteor works in the default windows command prompt. Next open git bash and check if the following command works:
cmd //c meteor
This runs the command meteor as if you were in the command prompt.
Next step is to set up an alias in git bash so you don't have to type that out each time.
Open git bash and enter the following:
vim ~/.bashrc
this will open/create the bashrc file in VIM, press i to insert and type the following:
alias meteor="cmd //c meteor"
Save and exit vim by first pressing the Esc key then press the ":" key. Now you should be able to enter commands in VIM. Type "wq" and press enter which will write into your .bashrc file and exit vim.
Almost there! Now that you are back in git bash, all you need to do is point to your .bashrc file by entering the following:
source ~/.bashrc
Now you will be able to run meteor commands straight from git bash! Hope that helped!
Here's the fix:
The problem is because of .bat files not being handled properly by
Go to this directory - C:\Users[your username]\AppData\Local\.meteor
You should see a meteor.bat file there. Create a new file called "meteor" (without any extension and ""). Open it with notepad and paste the following:
cmd //c "$0.bat" "$#"
save the file and now run git bash. You should be able to use meteor command in git bash.
To run a *.bat command from MinGW's MSYS shell, you must redirect the execution to cmd.exe, thus:
cmd //c foo.bat [args ...]
The foo.bat command file must be in a directory within $PATH, (or you must specify the full path name ... using slashes, not backslashes unless you use two of them for each path name separator). Also, note the double slash to inform cmd.exe that you are using its /C option, (since it doesn't accept the -c form preferred by the MSYS shell.
If you'd like to make the foo.bat file directly executable from the MSYS shell, you may create a two line Bourne shell wrapper script called simply foo alongside it, (in the same directory as foo.bat), thus:
cmd //c "$0.bat" "$#"
(so in your case, you'd create script file meteor alongside meteor.bat).
In fact, since this wrapper script is entirely generic, provided your file system supports hard file links, (as NTFS does for files on one single disk partition), you may create one wrapper script, and link it to as many command file names as you have *.bat files you'd like to invoke in this manner; (hint: use the MSYS ln command to link the files).
Credits to: Keith Marshall on SO and rakibul on Meteor Forums
It shouldn't be too hard - you just need to make sure that the meteor.bat file is in your executable. Check with echo $PATH from the bash console if it is already there.
For me, the meteor installer appended meteor's folder to the path automatically. However, you can add it manually with:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/user/folder/AppData/Local/.meteor
(On CygWin my user folder is at /cygdrive/c/Users/adam - I'm not sure what the equivalent path would be on git bash).
If you like, append that line to your ~/.profile to make sure meteor gets added to the path when the console opens.
Finally, on Windows the executable file is meteor.bat. I made a symbolic link to the filename meteor, just so I wouldn't have to type the .bat:
cd /path/to/user/folder/AppData/Local/.meteor
ln -s meteor.bat meteor.
Please have a look at the issue https://github.com/sdarnell/meteor/issues/18
I would suggest maybe creating a trivial wrapper script or alias that invokes LaunchMeteor.exe with the original arguments.
After more research on google I see that there isn't an implemented way to do this yet. The guys at meteor are working on it and accepting pull requests if you have a solution. The conclusion I came to is to use Vagrant and virtualbox to set up a ubuntu vm for meteor development. You can find info at this site: http://win.meteor.com/ on how to install virtual machines and provision to work with meteor.

Automate Sass execution thru terminal (os x) via script

I started using Haml/Sass thru Rubygems recently, and I'm really liking it (although that doesn't have much to do with my question)...
I would like to create a simple script I can throw in the root directory of each of my projects that will launch terminal, cd to my CSS folder, and run sass. so essentially a script that:
cd ~/path_to_here/css/
sass --watch style.scss:style.css --style compact
I'm not really sure the best way to go about this, anything involving the command line is always slightly out of my comfort zone. Many thanks.
This script won't open the Terminal for you; but it will give you a shortcut to do the repetitive task of changing to the project directory and calling the compass watch command. (I highly recommend you to use Compass which is a SASS compilation of Tools to make your life easier.)
Put this inside your ~/.profile file and restart your terminal:
alias watch=compass_watch_project
function compass_watch_project() {
cd ~/Dev/ruby/$1;
compass watch
Remember to change the ~/Dev/ruby/ to your directory path.
After this you can easily do a watch myProject.
Hope it helps.
Consider using Compass for managing the building of your Sass files: It has a script for watching changes in all your project files and setting up all the output parameters.
You can create a simple text file with the extension .command which will make it a double-clickable script in OSX:
compass watch
You could write a applescript that would launch terminal, and call a shell script.
tell application "Terminal"
do script "pushd /blash/sassstup.sh"
end tell
shell script:
cd cssfolder
/bin/sass --watch style.scss:style.css --style compact

Class-Dump Installation

So this may sound like a really stupid question and I HAVE looked at the how-to from the parent website, but no matter what I do, I cannot get this program to even start to install...
I tried entering:
cd /opt/local/bin/portslocation/dports/class-dump
which returned a "this file/director doesnt exist" error, so i tried to get to it folder by folder. when i got all the way to:
cd /opt/local/bin/
i cannot go any further. when i check the contents of the bin directory, the only files i can find are (and i cannot access these apparently either):
"daemondo port portf portindex portmirror"
i have tried doing this on 2 computers so far to no avail, macports is installed on both like the website said and i am having trouble finding any support for it. please and thank you!!
Unless you're trying to develop it, why screw around? Use homebrew. As of today, and modulo a sudo here or there, you can install homebrew with
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
If this doesn't work for you, check the command line at the top of the page on homebrew.†
After this, install class-dump with
brew install class-dump
† Ping me in the comments with "command line update needed", and I'll try to keep this in sync. :)
I had issues with this for hours, but it is actually quite simple.
I downloaded the class-dump 3.3 version from CodeTheCode, Unzipped the file and copied the class-dump file to a directory. In my case the directory was /opt/theos/bin.
In terminal, I then CD to that directory using cd /opt/theos/bin
To run the class dump command line utility it is as simple as this;
Obviously you then need to give it it's arguments, so in my case I was using it do dump the iOS headers from the frameworks, so I used;
./class-dump -H /Developer/Library/iPhoneSimulator4.3.sdk/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit -o ~/Desktop/UIKit
Obviously I am not sure what you are using it for, but in the example above I am telling class-dump to dump header files from the directory given, and output them to /Desktop/UIKit.
The theory is carried throughout.
Have you tried getting the binary from http://www.codethecode.com/projects/class-dump/?