How do I swap tensor's axes in TensorFlow? - tensorflow

I have a tensor of shape (30, 116, 10), and I want to swap the first two dimensions, so that I have a tensor of shape (116, 30, 10)
I saw that numpy as such a function implemented (np.swapaxes) and I searched for something similar in tensorflow but I found nothing.
Do you have any idea?

tf.transpose provides the same functionality as np.swapaxes, although in a more generalized form. In your case, you can do tf.transpose(orig_tensor, [1, 0, 2]) which would be equivalent to np.swapaxes(orig_np_array, 0, 1).

It is possible to use tf.einsum to swap axes if the number of input dimensions is unknown. For example:
tf.einsum("ij...->ji...", input) will swap the first two dimensions of input;
tf.einsum("...ij->...ji", input) will swap the last two dimensions;
tf.einsum("aij...->aji...", input) will swap the second and the third
tf.einsum("ijk...->kij...", input) will permute the first three dimensions;
and so on.

You can transpose just the last two axes with tf.linalg.matrix_transpose, or more generally, you can swap any number of trailing axes by working out what the leading indices are dynamically, and using relative indices for the axes you want to transpose
x = tf.ones([5, 3, 7, 11])
trailing_axes = [-1, -2]
leading = tf.range(tf.rank(x) - len(trailing_axes)) # [0, 1]
trailing = trailing_axes + tf.rank(x) # [3, 2]
new_order = tf.concat([leading, trailing], axis=0) # [0, 1, 3, 2]
res = tf.transpose(x, new_order)
res.shape # [5, 3, 11, 7]


Using lexsort on higher dimensional arrays

I could not for the life of me get array indexing to work properly with higher dimensional lexsort.
I have an ndarray lines of shape (N, 2, 3). You can think of it as N pairs (start and end of a line) of three-dimensional coordinates. These pairs of vectors can contain duplicates, which should be removed.
points = np.array([[1,1,0],[-1,1,0],[-1,-1,0],[1,-1,0]])
lines = np.dstack([points, np.roll(points, shift=1, axis=0)]) # create point pairs / lines
lines = np.vstack([lines, lines[..., ::-1]]) # add duplicates w/reversed direction
lines = lines.transpose(0,2,1) # change shape from N,3,2 to N,2,3
Since the pair (v1, v2) is not equal to (v2, v1), I am sorting the vectors with lexsort as follows
idx = np.lexsort((lines[..., 0], lines[..., 1], lines[..., 2]))
which gives me an array idx of shape (N, 2) indicating the order along axis 1:
array([[0, 1],
[0, 1],
[1, 0],
[1, 0],
[1, 0],
[1, 0],
[0, 1],
[0, 1]])
However, lines[idx] results in something with shape (N, 2, 2, 3). I had tried all manner of newaxis padding, axis reordering etc. to get broadcasting to work, but everything results in the output having even more dimensions, not less. I also tried lines[:, idx], but this gives (N, N, 2, 3).
Based on
for my concrete problem I eventually figured out I need to add an additional
idx_n = np.arange(len(lines))[:, np.newaxis]
lines[idx_n, idx]
due to mixing "advanced" and "simple" indexing lines[:, idx] did not work as I expected.
but is this really the most succinct it can be?
Eventually I found out I wanted
np.take_along_axis(lines, idx[..., np.newaxis] , axis=1)

Argmax indexing in pytorch with 2 tensors of equal shape

Summarize the problem
I am working with high dimensional tensors in pytorch and I need to index one tensor with the argmax values from another tensor. So I need to index tensor y of dim [3,4] with the results from the argmax of tensor xwith dim [3,4]. If tensors are:
import torch as T
# Tensor to get argmax from
# expected argmax: [2, 0, 1]
x = T.tensor([[1, 2, 8, 3],
[6, 3, 3, 5],
[2, 8, 1, 7]])
# Tensor to index with argmax from preivous
# expected tensor to retrieve [2, 4, 9]
y = T.tensor([[0, 1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6, 7],
[8, 9, 10, 11]])
# argmax
x_max, x_argmax = T.max(x, dim=1)
I would like an operation that given the argmax indexes of x, or x_argmax, retrieves the values in tensor y in the same indexes x_argmax indexes.
Describe what you’ve tried
This is what I have tried:
# What I have tried
print(y[:, x_argmax])
print(y[..., x_argmax])
I have been reading a lot about numpy indexing, basic indexing, advanced indexing and combined indexing. I have been trying to use combined indexing (since I want a slice in first dimension of the tensor and the indexes values on the second one). But I have not been able to come up with a solution for this use case.
You are looking for torch.gather:
idx = torch.argmax(x, dim=1, keepdim=true) # get argmax directly, w/o max
out = torch.gather(y, 1, idx)
Resulting with
How about y[T.arange(3), x_argmax]?
That does the job for me...
Explanation: You take dimensional information away when you invoke T.max(x, dim=1), so this information needs to be restored explicitly.

Explicit slicing across a particular dimension

I've got a 3D tensor x (e.g 4x4x100). I want to obtain a subset of this by explicitly choosing elements across the last dimension. This would have been easy if I was choosing the same elements across last dimension (e.g. x[:,:,30:50] but I want to target different elements across that dimension using the 2D tensor indices which specifies the idx across third dimension. Is there an easy way to do this in numpy?
A simpler 2D example:
x = [[1,2,3,4,5,6],[10,20,30,40,50,60]]
indices = [1,3]
Let's say I want to grab two elements across third dimension of x starting from points specified by indices. So my desired output is:
Update: I think I could use a combination of take() and ravel_multi_index() but some of the platforms that are inspired by numpy (like PyTorch) don't seem to have ravel_multi_index so I'm looking for alternative solutions
Iterating over the idx, and collecting the slices is not a bad option if the number of 'rows' isn't too large (and the size of the sizes is relatively big).
In [55]: x = np.array([[1,2,3,4,5,6],[10,20,30,40,50,60]])
In [56]: idx = [1,3]
In [57]: np.array([x[j,i:i+2] for j,i in enumerate(idx)])
array([[ 2, 3],
[40, 50]])
Joining the slices like this only works if they all are the same size.
An alternative is to collect the indices into an array, and do one indexing.
For example with a similar iteration:
idxs = np.array([np.arange(i,i+2) for i in idx])
But broadcasted addition may be better:
In [58]: idxs = np.array(idx)[:,None]+np.arange(2)
In [59]: idxs
array([[1, 2],
[3, 4]])
In [60]: x[np.arange(2)[:,None], idxs]
array([[ 2, 3],
[40, 50]])
ravel_multi_index is not hard to replicate (if you don't need clipping etc):
In [65]: np.ravel_multi_index((np.arange(2)[:,None],idxs),x.shape)
array([[ 1, 2],
[ 9, 10]])
In [66]: x.flat[_]
array([[ 2, 3],
[40, 50]])
In [67]: np.arange(2)[:,None]*x.shape[1]+idxs
array([[ 1, 2],
[ 9, 10]])
along the 3D axis:
x = [x[:,i].narrow(2,index,2) for i,index in enumerate(indices)]
x = torch.stack(x,dim=1)
by enumerating you get the index of the axis and index from where you want to start slicing in one.
narrow gives you a zero-copy length long slice from a starting index start along a certain axis
you said you wanted:
dim = 2
start = index
length = 2
then you simply have to stack these tensors back to a single 3D.
This is the least work intensive thing i can think of for pytorch.
if you just want different indices along different axis and indices is a 2D tensor you can do:
x = [x[:,i,index] for i,index in enumerate(indices)]
x = torch.stack(x,dim=1)
You really should have given a proper working example, making it unnecessarily confusing.
Here is how to do it in numpy, now clue about torch, though.
The following picks a slice of length n along the third dimension starting from points idx depending on the other two dimensions:
# example
a = np.arange(60).reshape(2, 3, 10)
idx = [(1,2,3),(4,3,2)]
n = 4
# build auxiliary 4D array where the last two dimensions represent
# a sliding n-window of the original last dimension
j,k,l = a.shape
s,t,u = a.strides
aux = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, (j,k,l-n+1,n), (s,t,u,u))
# pick desired offsets from sliding windows
aux[(*np.ogrid[:j, :k], idx)]
# array([[[ 1, 2, 3, 4],
# [12, 13, 14, 15],
# [23, 24, 25, 26]],
# [[34, 35, 36, 37],
# [43, 44, 45, 46],
# [52, 53, 54, 55]]])
I came up with below using broadcasting:
x = np.array([[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],[10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]])
i = np.array([1,5])
N = 2 # number of elements I want to extract along each dimension. Starting points specified in i
r = np.arange(x.shape[-1])
r = np.broadcast_to(r, x.shape)
ii = i[:, np.newaxis]
ii = np.broadcast_to(ii, x.shape)
mask = np.logical_and(r-ii>=0, r-ii<=N)
output = x[mask].reshape(2,3)
Does this look alright?

Max tensor (not element) in an n-dimensional tensor

I am finding it impossible to get the max tensor in an n-dimensional array, even by summing the tensors and using gather or gather_nd.
By max tensor I mean the set of weights with the highest sum.
I have a tensor of shape (-1, 4, 30, 256) where 256 is the weights.
I need to get the maximum set of weights for each (-1, 0, 30), (-1, 1, 30), (-1, 2, 30) and (-1, 3, 30), so under each tensor in the 2nd dimension.
This would ideally result in a (-1, 4, 256) tensor.
reduce_max and any other max function will only return the maximum element values within the last dimension, not the maximum tensor (which is the set of weights with the highest sum) in the dimension itself. I have tried:
p1 = tf.reduce_sum(tensor, axis=3) # (-1, 4, 30)
p2 = tf.argmax(p1, 2) # (-1, 4)
Which gives the appropriate index values for the 3rd dimension:
[[0, 2, 2, 0],
[0, 1, 3, 0],
But running tf.gather or tf.gather_nd on the above does not work, even when splitting my data beforehand and using different axes.
Further, I can get the appropriated indexes if I use gather_nd by hand, eg:
tf.gather_nd(out5, [[0,0,0], [0,1,2], [0,2,2], [0,3,0], [1,0,0], [1,1,2], [1,2,2], [1,3,1]])
But as we are using a tensorflow variable of an unknown first dimension, I cannot build these indexes.
I have searched through related workarounds and found nothing applicable.
Can anyone tell me how to accomplish this? Thanks!
edit for clarification:
The maximum tensor of weights would be the set of weights with the highest sum:
[[ 1, 2, 3], [0, 0, 2], [1, 0, 2]] would be [1, 2, 3]
I figured it out using map_fn:
I reshaped my tensor to (-1, 120, 256)
tfr = tf.reshape(sometensor, ((-1, 120, 256)))
def func(slice):
f1 = tf.reduce_sum(slice, axis=1)
f2 = tf.argmax(f1)
bla = tf.map_fn(func, tfr)
Which returns (-1,256) with the greatested summed vector (highest set of weights).
Basically, map_fn will iterate along the 2nd to last axis, so it slices a chunk of (120,256) to func repeatedly (how ever many entries are on the first axis). It then returns the appropriate (1,256) chunk by chunk which, voila, gives the answer.

Slicing a tensor by an index tensor in Tensorflow

I have two following tensors (note that they are both Tensorflow tensors which means they are still virtually symbolic at the time I construct the following slicing op before I launch a tf.Session()):
params: has shape (64,784, 256)
indices: has shape (64, 784)
and I want to construct an op that returns the following tensor:
output: has shape (64,784) where
output[i,j] = params_tensor[i,j, indices[i,j] ]
What is the most efficient way in Tensorflow to do so?
ps: I tried with tf.gather but couldn't make use of it to perform the operation I described above.
Many thanks.
You can get exactly what you want using tf.gather_nd. The final expression is:
tf.gather_nd(params, tf.stack([tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(tf.shape(indices)[0]), 1), [1, tf.shape(indices)[1]]), tf.transpose(tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(tf.shape(indices)[1]), 1), [1, tf.shape(indices)[0]])), indices], 2))
This expression has the following explanation:
tf.gather_nd does what you expected and uses the indices to gather the output from the params
tf.stack combines three separate tensors, the last of which is the indices. The first two tensors specify the ordering of the first two dimensions (axis 0 and axis 1 of params/indices)
For the example provided, this ordering is simply 0, 1, 2, ..., 63 for axis 0, and 0, 1, 2, ... 783 for axis 1. These sequences are obtained with tf.range(tf.shape(indices)[0]) and tf.range(tf.shape(indices)[1]), respectively.
For the example provided, indices has shape (64, 784). The other two tensors from the last point above need to have this same shape in order to be combined with tf.stack
First, an additional dimension/axis is added to each of the two sequences using tf.expand_dims.
The use of tf.tile and tf.transpose can be shown by example: Assume the first two axes of params and index have shape (5,3). We want the first tensor to be:
[[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]]
We want the second tensor to be:
[[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]]
These two tensors almost function like specifying the coordinates in a grid for the associated indices.
The final part of tf.stack combines the three tensors on a new third axis, so that the result has the same 3 axes as params.
Keep in mind if you have more or less axes than in the question, you need to modify the number of coordinate-specifying tensors in tf.stack accordingly.
What you want is like a custom reduction function. If you are keeping something like index of maximum value at indices then I would suggest using tf.reduce_max:
max_params = tf.reduce_max(params_tensor, reduction_indices=[2])
Otherwise, here is one way to get what you want (Tensor objects are not assignable so we create a 2d list of tensors and pack it using tf.pack):
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
with tf.Graph().as_default():
params_tensor = tf.pack(np.random.randint(1,256, [5,5,10]).astype(np.int32))
indices = tf.pack(np.random.randint(1,10,[5,5]).astype(np.int32))
output = [ [None for j in range(params_tensor.get_shape()[1])] for i in range(params_tensor.get_shape()[0])]
for i in range(params_tensor.get_shape()[0]):
for j in range(params_tensor.get_shape()[1]):
output[i][j] = params_tensor[i,j,indices[i,j]]
output = tf.pack(output)
with tf.Session() as sess:
params_tensor,indices,output =[params_tensor,indices,output])
print params_tensor
print indices
print output
I know I'm late, but I recently had to do something similar, and was able to to do it using Ragged Tensors:
output = tf.gather(params, tf.RaggedTensor.from_tensor(indices), batch_dims=-1, axis=-1)
Hope it helps