Copy a number starting with 0 in vba and paste is as such - vba

say cell A1, A2, A3 contains value "00V", cell An contains value "029"
I'm doing a comparison for consecutive cells in column A like:
If A1 not equal to A2 then ill copy the cell value of A2 and paste it into a new worksheet in Column A first consecutively.
When I compare 00V and 029 (i.e. both are unequal) ill copy 029 and paste into new sheet
But "029" gets pasted as "29"
How do I fix this in Excel vba?

You could use Format(val, "000") where val is the value of whatever you're copying.
Or you could use rng.NumberFormat = "000" where rng is the destination range of where you're copying the values to.

Convert the target column format to text and then use paste special values. You'll be able to preserve the zeros.

The easiest way is to add a apostrophe (') in front of the values. When copied, the 0 will be maintained.


Excel VBA - How To Retain Cell Value Even After The Reference Is Removed

How do you retain the value of a cell, for example cell B1 where B1 = A1, after the value of reference cell, A1 is removed?
No, I'm not looking for Copy & Paste Values (V). Is there a VBA code to do this?
As excel clear every variable values at the end of every subroutines. I would like to keep this value for reference all the time.
You set the value to the value, which will remove the references and formulas.
Range("B1").Value = Range("B1").Value

Excel : Copy and paste multiple rows and columns from one worksheet to another

i would like to copy multiple rows from one worksheet to another , i have data starting in one worksheet at A2 row and ends at A108850 and it starts at A2 column and ends at I2 column , how can i copy all that data into another worksheet where row starts with A4 and column starts with A4 and ends with I4.
How could i possibly do it through some macro?.
Try this
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:I108850").Copy Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A4")
Change the range reference and worksheet's name accordingly.
Copy&Paste is an "expensive" operation, the greater the range the more expensive the operation
Should you be interested in values only, you could try this:
Worksheets("DestinationSheetName").Range("A2:I108850").Value = Worksheets("SourceSheetName").Range("A2:I108850").Value
edited after OP's comment
Should the code in your last comment have the same aim of pasting values only, then change the second statement into the following:
With Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:I108850") '<--| reference the "source" range you want to paste values from
.Range("A4").Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count).Value = .Value '<--| resize "destination" range accordingly to "source" one and paste values into it
End With
of course you must check for sheet names to be valid ones for the currently active workbook

EXCEL VBA Countifs with dynamic range based on cell value [duplicate]

I'd like to know how to pull cell references from the value of another cell and insert them into a formula.
For a simple example:
In cell A1 I have this: COUNT(B4:H4)
Instead of choosing the range when I set up the formula, I'd like this range to be dynamic, based on the value in other cells.
So, I want to type in cell references: in cell B4, I'd type in C5, and in H4 I'd type in C8. How can I set up my formula to look inside cells B4 and H4, but then return the range that is defined by the values in these cells (C5:C8 in this case...)
So in the end, cell A1 would return the count of C5:C8
I hope that makes sense. It seems like something pretty simple but I can't seem to find info on it.
=SUM(INDIRECT(<start cell here> & ":" & <end cell here>))

Find and copy certain values in cells

I have a column with filenames of the following format:
These filenames are in column A. I need to scan each filename in each cell and copy the number 1 and paste it into column B and copy the number 100 and paste it in column C, all of the same row as the filename. I then want to repeat for the next cell down in column A.
Help would be appreciated!
As this was tagged with VBA, I will give a simple vba macro solution.
The easiest way is to define a VBA function called splitText(test,delim, n) , which will split text by a delimiter, and get the nth column. This is so commonly needed, I wish they'd just make it standard.
Function splitText(txt As String, delim As String, n As Integer)
splitText = split(txt, delim)(n)
End Function
Then, if the string is A1, put this in B1:
And this in C1:
in cell A1, in B1 enter:
=TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE($A1,"_",REPT(" ",999)),COLUMNS($A:C)*999-998,999))
and in C1 enter:
=TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE($A1,"_",REPT(" ",999)),COLUMNS($A:D)*999-998,999))
To display 4563 and 10098
If each section is delimited (ie in the example by _) then Text to Columns with that as the delimiter and then deleting the last and the first two columns may be convenient.
(But copy into a new column first or you will lose your source data.)

Clear Contents of a Column

How would I clear the contents of a column from cell A3 to cell __ where __ represents the last entry in the column (assuming there are no empty spaces between entries).
Thanks for the help.
range("A3", Range("A" & Columns("A").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row)).Delete
That will delete A3 through the last cell in column A, regardless of any blanks in the column.
range("A3", range("A3").End(xlDown)).Delete
That will delete from A3 down to the first blank cell after A3 in column A.
EDIT: Fixed the first code snippet so it only deletes cells in column A.
Range("A3", Range("A3").End(xlDown)).Clear
Using .Delete will actually delete the cells, shifting up any cells that might appear after this list (separated by a blank cell). If you just want to clear the contents, .Clear is a good way to go.
I would use a vbNullString, because it's slightly faster and works efficently on huge amount of data worksheets.
Paste 'nothing' from A3 to the first blank cell in column A:
Range(Cells(1,3), Cells(Range("A3").End(xlDown).Row,1)).Value = vbNullString
Paste 'nothing' from A3 to the last cell in column A:
Range(Cells(1,3), Cells(Range("A3").SpecialCells(xlTypeLastCell),1)).Value = vbNullString
I have had good results with this:
Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table_Name")
Count = tbl.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
Range("AC2:AC" + CStr(Count)).Select