RunmtimeTypeHandle to type - c++-cli

Here is a sample program that wraps up a managed enum for unmanaged use. I want to be able to get wrapped enums back from unmanaged code and convert them back to managed enums with as little overhead as possible. My current scheme requires creating a GCHandle to the Type object. I was thinking maybe there is a way to use the RuntimeTypeHandle value instead to remove this overhead. Is that possible? Or any other efficiency suggestions anyone has.
public value class Stuff {
enum class Modes { A, B };
struct enum_wrap {
intptr_t type;
int value;
void g(enum_wrap e);
enum_wrap h();
void f(Stuff::Modes mode)
enum_wrap wrap;
wrap.value = (int)mode;
wrap.type = static_cast<intptr_t>(GCHandle::ToIntPtr(GCHandle::Alloc(Stuff::Modes::typeid)));
// ...
enum_wrap ret = h();
Type^ ret_type = safe_cast<Type^>(GCHandle::FromIntPtr(static_cast<IntPtr>(ret.type)).Target);
Enum^ e_obj = (Enum^)Enum::ToObject(ret_type, ret.value);
Console::Write(": ");
#pragma unmanaged
enum_wrap g_enum;
void g(enum_wrap e) {
g_enum = e;
enum_wrap h() {
return g_enum;
I know this leaks because of never freeing GCHandles. I already have code that can deal with that if this is the best approach I can find. But I'm hoping to not need the Type objects at all.
Edit 1: Put Modes enum in a class so it works right.


How to call a native method with a std::vector as argument and retrieve the native object in wrapped class

I have a native C++ method, from external unchangable DLL, that expects a std::vector as a argument with 2 native objects. (for example sake, it's an image library returning width/height of a 2 images)
I would like the native objects in the std::vector to be referenced in my own wrapped MyManagedImageObj.
Somehow the std::vector seems to copy values and has no way to add pointers (correct?); so after calling the NativeMethod; I need to copy the properties (width/height) back again to MyManagedImageObj.
I thought about first declaring the std::vec and getting the pointer of the results and put that in MyManagedImageObj as a pointer. But if I understand it correctly std::vector will clean that native memory up once out of scope. (my c++ experience is 1 week; c# long time)
Is there a better way to do this without reassigning the properties one by one?
The code looks like this:
//create managed object that wraps also native pointer.
MyManagedImageObj^ obj1 = gcnew MyManagedImageObj();
MyManagedImageObj^ obj2 = gcnew MyManagedImageObj();
//keep list of result
List<MyManagedImageObj^>^ resultList;
//call to native method. Dereference pointers of native wrapped objects... not working?
std::vector<DLLNativeImageObj> nativeImageVec { *obj1->GetInstance(), *obj2->GetInstance() };
bool result = otherNativePtr->NativeMethod(nativeImageVec);
//we still need copy it over results now to 'our' managed objects.
int i = 0;
for (DLLNativeImageObj c : nativeImageVec)
resultList[i]->ImageHeight = c.imageHeight;
resultList[i]->ImageWidth = c.imageWidth;
The MyManagedImageObj class looks like this:
public ref class MyManagedImageObj
DLLNativeImageObj* m_Instance;
MyManagedImageObj(DLLNativeImageObj* instance)
: m_Instance(instance)
~MyManagedImageObj() //destructor will be called whenever we do 'delete'
if (m_Instance != nullptr)
delete m_Instance;
!MyManagedImageObj() //finalizer, called by the garbage collector when it's destroys the wrapper object. So safety check to dispose unmanaged item.
if (m_Instance != nullptr)
delete m_Instance;
DLLNativeImageObj* GetInstance() //return the pointer to the unmanaged object
return m_Instance;
property uint32_t ImageWidth
uint32_t get()
return m_Instance->imageWidth;
void set(uint32_t value)
m_Instance->imageWidth = value;
property uint32_t ImageHeight
uint32_t get()
return m_Instance->imageHeight;
void set(uint32_t value)
m_Instance->imageHeight = value;
MyManagedImageObj::MyManagedImageObj(new DLLNativeImageObj())
// new keyword important: it returns a pointer to the location and does not get deleted when out of scope. Manual delete is required.

C++/cli regarding setting a unmanaged pointer in a managed property

Say I have a c++ struct:
typedef struct CStruct {
char * data;
} CStruct;
Say I have a pointer to the C++ struct in a managed class in C++/cli, which has a property that references the struct's member:
public ref class ManagedClass
CStruct * theStruct;
ManagedClass(CStruct * strucPtr){
this->theStruct = strucPtr;
property String ^ data {
String ^ get() {
return gcnew String(theStruct->data);
void set(String ^ val)
IntPtr marshalToCharStar = Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(val);
char * strPtr = static_cast<char *>(marshalToCharStar.ToPointer());
delete theStruct->data;
theStruct->data = strPtr;
First of all, is the marshaling done correctly? Should not have problems with the garbage collector here right? Secondly, is getting/setting an unmanaged object using properties a good idea? Any downfalls to that?
Right now I have an object similar to the one described, but member values are disappearing/becoming garbage, and I am trying to eliminate possible causes.
Appreciate the help

How to marshal this nested, and Pointer Used C structure in C#

typedef struct pt_input_bir
PT_BYTE byForm;
union {
PT_BIR *pBIR; ///< Used when byForm = PT_FULLBIR_INPUT */
PT_LONG lSlotNr; ///< Used when byForm = PT_SLOT_INPUT */
PT_BYTE abyReserved[20]; /** For future use */
} InputBIR;
typedef struct pt_bir {
PT_BYTE Data[1];
typedef struct pt_bir_header {
PT_DWORD Length;
PT_BYTE HeaderVersion;
PT_WORD FormatOwner;
PT_CHAR Quality;
PT_BYTE Purpose;
PT_DWORD FactorsMask;
and the C function is
PT_STATUS StoreFinger (
IN PT_INPUT_BIR *pTemplate,
Now I need to do the wrapper for the above C function in C#.
How should I marshal the PT_INPUT_BIR* structure and how should I unmarshal it after return of this function?
Please help me to solve this.
/********************** FOR MORE DETAIL ABOUT THIS QUESTION**************************/
C struct and function are defined in above. pls refer there.
C# Struct :
For C# struct declaration i have maintatined two struct for the one C struct. bcz one is for setting the values and another one id for passing to c function.
C# app struct:
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]//for app
public struct FPINPUTBIR
public byte byForm;
public InputBIRType InputBIR;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] // here when i use explicit it throws exception so i removed it.
public struct InputBIRType
// [FieldOffset(0)]
public FPBIR pBIR;
public int lSlotNr;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 20)]
public byte[] abyReserved;
C# wrapper struct:
public struct FP_INPUTBIR
public byte byForm;
public IntPtr mIPBIR;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 20, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public struct Input_BIRType
public IntPtr mBIR;
public int lSlotNr;
//[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 20)]
//public byte[] abyReserved;
finally i will copy the value from the C# app struct to wrapper struct before the call the C fun()
2a) C# App Side Code is :
//here mAppMemory is already known value
FPDATA lfpdata = new FPDATA();
lfipdata.byForm = (byte)eFPVerifyBy.FULLBIR_INPUT;
lfipdata.InputBIR = new InputBIRType();
lfipdata.InputBIR.abyReserved = new byte[20];
lfipdata.InputBIR.pBIR.Data = new byte[mAppMemory[listBox2.SelectedIndex].Header.Length];
Array.Copy(mAppMemory[listBox2.SelectedIndex].Data, lfipdata.InputBIR.pBIR.Data, mAppMemory[listBox2.SelectedIndex].Header.Length);
lfipdata.InputBIR.pBIR.Header = mAppMemory[listBox2.SelectedIndex].Header;
Verify(ref lfipdata); //calling from C# APP side to C# wrapper
C# wrapper side:
public int Verify(ref FPINPUTBIR apStoredTemplate )
// i passed the args (apStoredTemplate ) but throws exception struct mismatch with C struct.
//here i don't know what should i do.
CDLL.StoreFinger(..,ref apStoredTemplate,.. ); //pls refer the C function above
Do i really need two C# structures for this.
what should i do inside the C# wrapper function. please remeber i have two C# struct with diff members.
You just need a little extension on what you used in the previous question for PT_BIR. There we marshalled that variable length struct as byte[]. You can use the same code to generate the byte array, and I won't revisit that.
Next you need the union. That is:
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 20)]
public struct PT_INPUT_BIR_UNION
public IntPtr pBIR;
public int lSlotNr; // I'm guessing what PT_LONG is
No need to declare the reserved part of the union. The size takes care of that.
public struct PT_INPUT_BIR
Byte byForm;
Then you need to use GCHandle to pin the PT_BIR byte array. Let's keep to the same naming as used at that question, and assume that the PT_BIR is held in a byte[] variable named data.
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
PT_INPUT_BIR inputBir;
inputBir.byForm := ...;
inputBir.InputBirUnion.pBIR = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
// now call StoreFinger passing ref inputBir
When you declare StoreFinger the PT_BIR* parameter should be declared as ref PT_BIR.

Type casting in C++\CLI project

I have project which I am compiling with /clr. I have a class like below..
ref class A
void CheckValue(void * test);
typedef ref struct val
std::string *x;
in my implementation I ahve to use something like below..
void A::CheckValue(void *test)
a::val_t^ allVal = (a::val_t^)test;
in my main I have used like..
int main()
A^ obj = gcnew A();
a::val_t valObj = new std::string("Test");
I am getting type cast error and two places -
and at
error C2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from 'void*' to 'A::val_t ^'
This snippet is just to show behavior at my end and I ahve to use it this way only. Earlier I was running it using non /clr so it compiled fine.
Now question I have how can I make this type casting work in C++/CLI type project?
Replace void * with Object^. You can also write a generic version of CheckValue but then there is not much point of having a weak-typed parameter when you have the type in the generic parameter.
A reference handle represents an object on the managed heap. Unlike a native pointer, CLR could move the object around during a function call, so the behavior of a pointer and a reference handle is different, and a type cast would fail. You can also pin the object being referenced using pin_ptr if you really need a void* so CLR would not be moving the object during the function call.
Here is how I would get around the limitation you are seeing, just remove the struct from the managed object, since it contains native pointer types.
struct val_t
char* x;
ref class A
void CheckValue(void* test);
void A::CheckValue(void* test)
val_t* allVal = (val_t*)test;
int main()
A^ obj = gcnew A();
val_t valObj;
valObj.x = "Test";
Now, if you absolutely need the struct to be managed, here is how to do it:
ref class A
void CheckValue(void * test);
value struct val_t
char* x;
void A::CheckValue(void *test)
a::val_t* allVal = (a::val_t*)test;
int main()
A^ obj = gcnew A();
a::val_t valObj;
valObj.x = "Test";
pin_ptr<a::val_t> valPin = &valObj;

C++/CLI, "constant" reference to a tracking handle

I have spotted something like this in code:
void foo(IList<int>^ const & list ) { ... }
What does this ^ const& mean? I looked in the C++/CLI specification, but found no comments on making constant tracking references, nor the ^& combo.
Is this legal?
This code was probably written by a C++ programmer that used common C++ idiom to write C++/CLI. It is quite wrong, passing a reference to tracking handle is only possible if the handle is stored on the stack. It cannot work if the passed List<> reference is stored in a field of an object on the heap, the garbage collector can move it and make the pointer invalid. The compiler will catch it and generate an error. The ^ is already a reference, no additional reference is needed.
Without the reference, the const keyword doesn't make a lot of sense anymore either. Not that it ever did before, the CLR cannot enforce it. Not that this mattered much here, this code could not be called from any other .NET language. They won't generate a pointer to the tracking handle.
Just fix it, there's little point in keeping bad code like this:
void foo(IList<int>^ list ) { ... }
Example of code that shows that the reference cannot work:
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
ref class Test {
IList<int>^ lst;
void foo(IList<int> const &list) {}
void wontcompile() {
foo(lst); // C3699
IList<int>^ okay;
It's a reference which is constant to a tracking handle.
It allows you to pass the handle by reference instead of by value. Presumably the author thinks it's more efficient than copying the handle.
If the author meant to make the handle constant he should have used either of
Method(TestClass const ^ const & parameter)
Method(TestClass const^ parameter)
Or alternatively
Method(TestClass const^& parameter) - but the caller must const up the handle first
TestClass const^ constHandle = nonConstHandle
An example of each:
// test.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
ref class TestClass
void setA(int value)
a = value;
TestClass() :
int a;
class TakesHandle
void methodX1(TestClass const ^ const & parameter)
// Un-commenting below causes compiler error
// parameter->setA(11);
void methodX2(TestClass const^ parameter)
// Un-commenting below causes compiler error
// parameter->setA(11);
void methodX3(TestClass const^& parameter)
// Un-commenting below causes compiler error
// parameter->setA(11);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
TakesHandle takes;
TestClass ^ test1 = gcnew TestClass();
// compiles
// compiles
TestClass const ^ constHandle = test1;
return 0;