Multiple ssl certificates / ip addresses on an single GCE instance - ssl

I have 3 virtual hosts running on my GCE instance and they all require SSL. I can't figure out how to add extra IP address to my instance in order to allow multiple ssl enabled vhosts (apache). The docs say i can do it using protocal forwarding, but im a bit of a GCE novice and cant seem to get it to work. This was pretty straight forward in amazon AWS.
Has anyone done this before? (I do not want to use SNI as we still have some xp users out there)

You need to setup a HTTPS load balancer for that, the SSL certificate will be attached to the load balancer. Create multiple forwarding rules to map multiple external IPs to the same instance.


Setting up SSL with Elastic Beanstalk: How to fix ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID?

I have a website,, that has a subdomain called which hosts a multiplayer game on it.
Separately, I have an Elastic Beanstalk environment that hosts the game server (NodeJs backend), separate from the client build itself. connects to the game server over https, but is met with the error: ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID.
Steps I have taken:
1) Created an SSL certificate for * using AWS Certificate Manager
2) Added a listener to my load balancer that listens on port 443
3) Created an alias, type A IPv4 with the name to the EB url
I understand the the error means that there is a name mismatch between the URL and the certificate, but isn't that what the alias is supposed to fix?
Thanks for any suggestions.
Okay, I've spent about a week now trying to fix these issues myself, and unfortunately Stackoverflow is full of people asking this question and nobody's giving answers.
Here's how I solved it, some of this might work for you too. It ended up being primarily configuration issues.
Your SSL cert is appropriate - I ended up hardcoding my subdomain but your wildcard shouldn't be an issue.
I read somewhere that AWS requires any DNS records to be of type CNAME, so I set up a basic CNAME record to redirect ops to
Then, what ended up being the linchpin to the whole thing was that in order to make HTTPS work, your load balancer has to be Listening for HTTPS on 443 and route to the instance via HTTP on 80.
Amazon was trying to tell me this, but because I was a noob and because their tutorials are some of the worst tutorials I've read in my entire career, they actually don't expose any of your secure ports to the internet. Which is actually fine because your traffic is encrypted all the way up to the load balancer, and then after that, even though it's not HTTPS anymore, it's all already on amazon's servers anyway so it's not any less secure.
Hope something in here helps!

Bastionhost configuration with NaviServer on GCP?

How to add TLS/SSL letsencrypt or GCP provided certificate to VM instance in GCP with an internal ip address and static external address?
When I create one via a letsencrpt certificate install script, resultant connections break because the VM doesn't have an external facing ip number --only an internal number.
The traffic passes through a firewall (or load balancer) of sorts.
I'm used to bastionhost VM servers in the wild..
Details: NaviServer web server is running on a GCP Compute Engine with a FreeBSD 11.3 image.
(Linux Shield OSes aren't letting me compile Naviserver and use it on any port).
All works for port 80 and 8000 on an internal ip address, and a static ip address pointed externally and not connected to the VM.
I can't find any proxy/firewall settings to navigate via GCP menus.
How to resolve?
Is there some special term I should use to search for docs?
Any link with instructions to follow?
Is there a way to expose a VM instance directly to an external ip address?
Any other creative way I may get SSL/TLS to work with NaviServer?
thank you
Links to some things I've tried:
Enable SSL on Tomcat on Google Compute Engine
How to setup Letsencrypt for Google Cloud Compute Engine load balancer? <-- this is for Kubernetes clusters
I'm currently trying adding a load balancer:
This appears to be the solution: Use a GCP HTTP/S load balancer:
and specifically:
Argh. Actually No.
GCP Team kindly suggested this url:
Set the hostname to the domain name. Treat this as if there's no proxy, just a firewall.

Why does my domain and ssl is not working correctly from every place?

I have a domain purchased at 1and1 and set up at AWS EC2 with SSL and Apache server.
Even the domain pointing to the correct IP (using nslookup I can see it), it works from some places and not from others.
For example, here from my workplace, I see this page (the domain does not reach the EC2 server):
I launched a Windows EC2 at AWS to make a test and from there, everything is correct (the page loads and SSL is valid):
From my client's computer, it has another behavior. It reaches the EC2 server, but is says the SSL is invalid:
Has anyone faced the same problem?
The first thing you need to do is get an Elastic IP, the instance IP can change during reboot etc but elastic IP are static IP’s so you should make sure you create one of them and assign it your running instance.
Create Hosted Zone and Record Sets
Documentation is here -
Create a recordset and add values
Add the Amazon NameSpaceServers in Control panel of Domain Provider
Import the SSl certificate to AWS Certificate manager (Optional). Documentation is here
Self signed certificate will not work.
Deploy the SSl certificate into Apache server and configure the traffic for https.
Open the AWS in-bond traffic port documentation is here -

GCP Compute Engine Hosting Two HTTPS Website

I have a Windows instance from GCP Compute Engine. I have a website on the server using IIS, for a time. It is perfectly working with SSL certificate.
Yet, now we want to host another website on the server. I had opened the website yesterday, all the DNS's are configured and it is also working
well expect it has a HTTPS connection. I bought a SSL certificate and it is issued and ready for use. However, I forget that IIS works with SSL's in a way that the most recent SSL is accepted for specific IP and all the websites would start consuming that, the newest, one. That is why I was trying to obtain new IP but could not figure it out. Then I simply tried traditional way to have a new IP and wanted to assign to new site. Then on IPv4 configurations, it says 'DHCP Enabled'. So I stuck there and could not go to the next steps.
GCP have really complicated documentations on this issue none was really clearly expressing it. I found some solutions like I might start with enabling IP Forwarding yet I also could not find on documentations how to do it.
In short, I had a website with SSL and I have opened a new website on the same machine. Of course, their IP's are same so I would like to be able to obtain a new IP without changing the previous site's IP. I just did not know and could not find how to do it.
I would be appreciated if someone can help me to figure out how to obtain new IP for the new site so that I can use my issued SSL certificate for the website.
It is not directly possible to assign more than 1 IP per VM. However, you can have any number of external IP addresses by referencing the instance through forwarding rules and target pools, which is explained in this document.
You may also work out this without lb but only with forwarding rule / Protocol Forwarding. More about the concept is discussed here

HTTPS on Amazon EC2 for OwnCloud

I have a question which I hope somebody can answer for me.
My situation: I have an Ubuntu Server running Apache2 on a EC2 Amazon instance, which is serving an OwnCloud instance.
My goal: I want to deploy HTTPS on this instance. I already configured the security group to allow HTTPS traffic from anywhere (as the server should be accessible from anywhere on the internet). We already have a domain name registered at another domain hosting company. But we want to point to this owncloud installation.
My questions:
1) Which IP-address do I use to configure the DNS at this domain hosting company. Because the public ip-address and public DNS of the EC2 instance is renewed every time the instance restarts.
2) How do I generate the SSL certificate for HTTPS configuration of Apache2? More specifically, which common name (CN) do I need to put in the certificate. Because the public dns of the EC2 instance is changing on every restart. I think if I put the CN in the certificate that the browser will throw a certificate error once the user gets redirected from ->, am I right?
In short: how do I deploy https on a EC2 instance at Amazon AWS with a dns at a third party domain name service?
To deal with the changing public ip address you've got two options, first and (for simple situations, best) go to the Elastic Ip Page, get an eip and associate it with your instance, this association and hence public IP will hang around even after start/stop. You can even move the eip over to a different machine if you need to. This option is very cheap (you only get charged for an eip if its not attached to a started server). You're then safe to point your dns at the eip. The alternative option is much more powerful and that is to use elb (load balancing) but it also involves a fair amount more work to setup.
I assume if you're asking about cn's you dont really want a "how to" on creating an ssl cert (please correct me if I'm wrong). For the cn you just use the domain name - it doesn't matter what ip address the name resolves to the cert is for the domain. If you have your own domain to point at your eip you dont need to care about the machines public hostname. A user will never see it.