How do I use a SharePoint List as a Data Source? -

I'm creating a VB-based application in Virtual Studio 2013, and up until now I've been testing the tables used for its operation in a local MDF file. Obviously, I need to find a better solution for deployment as this will need to be used by multiple users. I decided to go with a SharePoint list for ease of access and better local control. (We have SharePoint Server 2010 running)
When I try to add a SharePoint Connection in the Server Explorer, it tells me I don't have Foundation or Server installed. Checking our corp's software request tool, I didn't find either of those. There's a 'SharePoint Designer' option, and another that sounds promising is 'Microsoft SSIS SharePoint List Adapters with SharePoint'. I couldn't find any info online about whether those would fit the bill. Would either of those serve the purpose of standing in for Foundation or Server? If not, I'm sure I could find a way to request Foundation but I'm sure that would add quite a bit of delay while they vet it for business use.
Also, if I install the necessary software for development on MY machine, will those dependencies be included in the executable so my clients wouldn't have to install those SharePoint tools as well?

If you want to access and manipulate with your sharepoint list from your code, you can look at Sharepoint CSOM. It allows you to remotely connect and proceed CRUD operations with sharepoint list.


Building a Visual studio project with access database

Need some advice on the best way to go about this. I've finished my project and need to submit it for grading. This means it will need to be installed on the graders machine and will need to include the Access database that it's linked to.
What's the best way to do this?
You can deploy an MS Access database with ClickOnce.
MSDN Accessing Local and Remote Data in ClickOnce Applications
ClickOnce deployment of Access database
Can i use clickOnce to deploy MS Access database?

Alternative to RavenDB Studio?

First of all: This is not opinion based, because I do not ask about "the best", but "any" alternative way to access a ravenDB.
I have a server which uses NServiceBus and RavenDB 2 as a database. Onto this server I cannot install silverlight, so the studio is not working. I also can not upgrade to ravendb 3 to get a html5-studio. (I will do that in future, but I need a fast solution on a productive system without causing downtime).
Is there any other windows tool available that allows me to access the ravenDB?
It's all just HTTP, so you can access the studio from another computer. You may need to update your Windows Firewall settings to allow access.

Configuring TFS - Advanced wizard

Perhaps this was asked before but I can't find a whole lot on this, so I would appreciate some help.
Our architecture is as follows: Win 7 desktop on a domain with VS 2010. MS Sql server R2 on Win Server 2008 R2 Ent; SharePoint 2007 on Win 2003; SharePoint 2010 on Win 2008 R2 Ent; Visual Sourcesafe on yet another separate Win Server 2008 R2 Ent server. On this server I have just installed TFS and was running Advanced Config Wizard.
As I'm new to TFS all my selected options are based on intuition and perhaps common sense but Reporting Services and SharePoint aren't working. With reporting services after I add my sql server name (and I've tried IP address and dns name) neither the Report Server URL nor Report Manager URL is populated. (Note: What do I need reporting services for anyway?)
So I've opted not to use reporting services, which as I said, I don't know what is the benefit of it.
Next, in the SharePoint configuration, I wanted to use the existing SharePoint farm which is installed on a separate servers. Testing the Site and Administration URLs would throw an error: "The following site could not be accessed. ... Either ... not installed the Team Foundation Server Extensions, or Firewall... "
I suspect it is not the firewall so then the TFS Extensions. Having search that topic as well seems to point back to the TFS's configuration, so I'm a completely at a loss.
Any ideas?
/posted from a smartphone since employer blocks this site/
Edited: I was looking at this article but I don't have the options listed in the step-by-step solution. TFS Admin Console has this: Top tear - server name, below is Application Tear then Proxy Server, build Configuration and Logs. Expanding Application Tear shows Team Project Collections, SharePoint Web Applications, Reporting, and Lab Management.
You have to configure the SharePoint extensions on each SharePoint machine you wish to connect to TFS. Install TFS on whichever SharePoint machine (or both, if you plan to use both). In the configuration wizard, you should have the option to configure SharePoint Extensions. Once done, you should be able to re-run the readiness checks in the Advanced Wizard on your Application Tier machine.

Alternate Access Mapping not working in SharePoint 2010 Workgroup

I have tried to configure alternate access mappings in my SharePoint 2010 which is installed in WorkGroup Windows Server 2008 R2 server but could not make it work.
Here are my steps.
Go to Central Administration-> Manage Web Application.
Select a web application and extend it.
Provide the in the host header and leave other default values as it is. I changed the zone to Extranet.
Click Ok.
After sometime, it creates Web Application in SharePoint and Web Site in IIS.
I have changed my hosts file by adding entry
Browse the new extended. It asks for credential. Supplied the correct credential but nothing got display. Just a blank page.
Note: I have however successfully extended web application when the SharePoint 2010 is in domain machine.
Please advice me.
SharePoint is designed to work in domain environments only. In other words, you cannot expect to run it on an underlying Windows Server which joined into a workgroup and expect full functionality. Although there are blog posts around describing installation in a workgroup environment (or, better to say, using local accounts), I wouldn't recommend wasting time with such a mode of operation.
Furthermore, it doesn't make sense to extend a web application just for the sake of providing another hostname. Extending web applications multiple times is mostly useful when you need different authentication providers for each of them. In your simple case you can just configure multiple Alternate Access Mapping records for a single web application.

Databases, Office and Visual Basic.NET

I'm currently writing a program which will need to incorporate writing its output to a database rather than flat text files.
I know that if you use a Database system like SQL Compact, when you build and publish the program (or just build and distribute), your client will have to download and install SQL Compact Server.
My question is:
When using the built in Microsoft Office exports (like writing a Word File, or Writing an excel file), does the client need to have Microsoft Office installed on their machine to make use of these?
When writing to an Access Database, does the client user need to have Microsoft Access installed on their computer?
I'd appreciate any response.
Yes to Excel. You could create the Access database via ADO or ODBC, and that comes with Windows itself. You could store data from your app there, and the clients would use it through your app (or any other that can connect via ADO/ODBC).
Using the MS Office COM automation requires that the MS Office product be installed on the machine running the automation.
There are third-party code libraries that replace that functionality with their own code, meaning your app could create it's own Excel-compatible files. However, your users would still need Excel to use them.
You can also use other databases (eg., MySQL, Firebird, SQLite, and others) that are available that wouldn't necessarily cost your client anything if they installed it (or, for some, if you included it in your installation for them).