Azure API App service hosting wcf service - wcf

I have created a wcf service and self hosted it. I want to push it over the azure cloud as API APP service and not a cloud service? Please guide.

I actually something similar: hosting REST endpoints and a WCF endpoint in an Azure deployed API App
There was nothing special to consider. Just created the WCF within my solution, configured basicHttpBinding correctly to work with https.
Let me know where exactly you're struggling.


WCF on cloud is not working

I just created a WCF service and deployed in one of the machine's IIS and checked it works fine.
When I deploy the same service on Cloud VM's IIS I am not able to consume that service.
I am getting the error saying that "There is no listener with the endpoint".
Can i deploy normal WCF on cloud or do i need to create WCF cloud service?
Environment(IIS 8.5)
It could be several Things, most probably: not activated on IIS
Also check:
The url you are using
firewall problems
site not started

Signalr as WCF Service for various clients

Need an advise on following.
What is the best option to host Signalr, could it be hosted as a WCF service?
This SignalR will be consumed by clients like web application (MVC4) and ios applications.
The answer is No as far as I know. You cannot host SignalR hubs as a WCF service. As alternative to hosting in a ASP.NET website, you can choose self hosting approach as explained here.
On the other hand, SignalR has client APIs for both ASP.NET and iOS/OSX. The easiest solution (and my recommendation) would be direct hub usage via the client API.
If you insist on to open a WCF endpoint to manage SignalR hubs, you can reach SignalR IHubContext from WCF by using GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<YourHub>().
Only requirement here is that your WCF service must be hosted on the same web application with your SignalR hub. External WCF services from different service applications cannot reach your hubcontext.

using acs to authenticate wp7 app and a wcf service

I am scorching the web to find an example of how to use ACS with WP7 app and SOAP WCF service. All i can find are examples for REST WCF Data Services and not a simple WCF service.
Does anyone know an example ?
You can have a look at this: Authenticating Users in a Windows Phone 7 App via Access Control Service, OData Services and Windows Azure
Hope this will help.

Consuming WCF Restful Service hosted by IIS

I have successfully deployed my WCF restful web service to IIS 7. I have verified that my service is working when I call it from a browser in IE via a something like "https://myserver/mservice.svc/postuser/JohnSmith" . The method is a POST and I have verified that my IIS configuration allows for POSTS.
My issue is as follows. We are using a 3rd party Software as a Service application that allows for external web service calls. It allows you to configure the URL "https://myserver/mservice.svc/postuser/" and then you can choose a parameter. When I call the web service from the external application, a 404 error is registered in IIS.
I think there must be some difference between the way I call my webservice "https://myserver/mservice.svc/postuser/JohnSmith" and the way the SAAS application is calling my external web service. The web service is attempting to pass the username, but I cannot detect how it is constructing this.
Do I need to write a web enabled front end for my web service that is hosted in IIS that can handle XML? I'm assuming this is how the SAAS application is trying to pass the username onto my web service.
Thank you all in advance for your ideas and help.

How to host WCF Data Service (OData) in IIS7?

Does anyone know how to host a WCF Data Service (or OData) inside IIS7? I'm seeing lots of articles about hosting WCF, but none specific to WCF Data Service.
Thank you very much.
Hosting a WCF Data Service in IIS is actually the default option.
Its a pretty easy 3 step process:
Create a new WebApplication project (or re-use an existing one)
Add a WCF Data Service to the project
Deploy to your IIS server
Step 3 is just the standard process for deploying a WebApplication to IIS.
A WCF Data Service is just a WCF (REST) service, with some additional out-of-the-box functionality added in.
It has a *.svc file and all - it will be hosted very much the same as a "regular" WCF REST service.
So all the articles you see about WCF REST should really apply to WCF Data Services as well - or are you experiencing some difficulties with something specifically??