Podio authentication read permission - podio

I would like to use server-side flow to get read access to user's spaces.
Here is my login URL
But Podio asking me full permission.
I tried different options

The scope argument is currently in Beta only and therefore not available for everybody. We still have some work to do on the granular authentication project before we are able to release it to public.


Create User via API in Azure AD

GOAL: Create users in Azure Active Directory using our Global Admin account from an API.
PROBLEM: Every single way I try, I get "unauthorized".
I've been focusing mostly on this: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/invitations
I've tried as outlined here
the "Authorization Bearer {token}" is problematic -- I can't seem to properly retrieve tokens, using any of the built URLs recommended (ie, combining ClientID & TenantID in the URL.)
I've tried the relevant portions of this, including creating the app, setting permissions on the app, trying both Web API and Native. I'm able to get a code back, but using it always comes back with Unauthorized.
As an aside, I am using Nintex to run this web service, as it is part of my workflow. Typically, web services don't give me issues. So, this sucks.
I'm missing something, here. Any thoughts or direction?
UPDATE: Removed the word "method" - bad choice of phrasing.
If you want to use Microsoft Graph explorer to create user as the global admin, you could use POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users, and the required permission is:
For the details, you could read Create user.
Global admin runs as a user by default. To grant access to Active Directory, you need to elevate permissions in the portal.
I'm not convinced you have the permissions to create the user, and that's why I think you're getting the error.
Also, try and avoid using Global Admin. Create a Service Principal and provide more granular permissions.

Gmail API- Metadata scope does not support 'q' parameter

I'm trying to use Gmail API for my web app. What I want is get messages which has attachment file and I'm following this tutoral.
The problem is when I use 'q' parameter, it return the error: Metadata scope does not support 'q' parameter
My request URL
Note: My authorize scopes are:
The error message occurs when https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.metadata is included in the scopes. But in your scopes, it is not used. So please confirm the following points again.
If the refresh token is retrieved in your script, please remove it and authorize again using the scopes without https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.metadata.
If you use Google APIs Explorer, please remove Google APIs Explorer at https://myaccount.google.com/permissions.
Please login and remove it.
After you did above, please use the API of endpoint by authorizing using the scopes without https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.metadata.
If this was not useful for you, I'm sorry.

Google Action API.ai Account linking debugging URL returning 500

I’ve followed this tutorial https://apiai-aws-heroku-nodejs-bots.blogspot.co.uk/2017/07/steps-for-apiai-and-google-account.html but when I go and grab by debugging URL which happens to be https://assistant.google.com/services/auth/handoffs/auth/start?provider=allergology-5fa9c_dev&scopes=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email+https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile+https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.resource.calendar&return_url=https://www.google.com/ and paste it into a new window I get Error 500 but no explanation.
I also tried from an incognito window. It does ask for my email and password but then returns the same error.
I’ve used Implicit Grant Type and I don’t have Add quick account linking enabled please ket me know if that’s not right?
When I try the CURL URL I get the message {“status”:{“code”:401,“errorType”:“unauthorized”,“errorDetails”:“Authentication parameters missing”}}
UPDATE - now when I try the basic Talk to Allergology action on the simulator I don’t even get the debug info anymore, but the message “Sorry this action is not available in simulation” :frowning:
Could you please help?
I've managed to work out what I need to do by following this answer How to authenticate user with just a Google account on Actions on Google?
In my case - Configure your project (in the cloud console) so that the Calendar API is enabled and that the OAuth2 client is correctly configured.
I also switched from Implicit Grant Type to Authorisation Code.
My app is almost working, I am now having other issues, but at some point the Access Token was coming through with the request.

OneDrive API scopes

I have an application that used SkyDrive API. After SkyDrive was replaced I upgraded my code to use OneDrive API.
Looking my application in the dev page (https://account.live.com/consent/Manage) I could notice that the scopes I used with SkyDrive ("wl.offline_access", "wl.signin", "wl.basic", "wl.skydrive", "wl.skydrive_update") and the scopes I used with OneDrive ("onedrive.readwrite", "onedrive.appfolder", "wl.offline_access") were there.
Everything was working until last month, even with all these scopes. But now I'm not being able to upload files. I'm receiving a Bad Request error (Code 400).
I discovered that adding the ""onedrive.readonly" scope fix the upload but I don't know why. I also know that an application with only the OneDrive scopes ("onedrive.readwrite", "onedrive.appfolder", "wl.offline_access") also works.
Does anybody knows what's going on?
Check if the oAuth token has Files.ReadWrite capability using
If not present, when you are logging in the user, give the scope while obtaining code as
files.readwrite.all offline_access

LinkedIn grant access screen showing even though user already authenticated

I'm using an external Node.js module, everyauth, to handle my LinkedIn API authentication. I'm not yet positive if this is a problem with the way my module handles their API, or some other API issue itself.
Basically, after a user has already granted access, LinkedIn nevertheless continues to ask whether to continue to grant access. I know this is not standard because I've seen a different user flow in other applications.
Here's an example of what happens:
You can see I granted access on Jan 11th, but this was taken on Jan 13th. Why must I re-auth!?
Do you have any idea what is causing this? I dove into the relevant LinkedIn module code for everyauth but nothing in that application flow caught my eye as the problem.
Modify the script to send them to https://www.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/authenticate instead of
That will cause LinkedIn to automatically redirect them back to your site.
See more at https://developer.linkedin.com/documents/linkedins-oauth-details
If you are using the JavaScript API (which it looks like everyauth uses), then it is likely that the OAuth tokens that LinkedIn stores in the browser have become 'stale'. To ensure that the user is the correct user, the browser tokens expire after ~30 minutes.
That being said, if the session is still fresh and the authorize value is set to true, you should be able to bypass the screen you are seeing.