How to check Silent notification in urbanairship - background

I am implementing silent push notifications in iOS project.
How can I test a silent on the Urban Airship website?
What does the payload have to be?

Try sending a push without a badge, notification, and sound with content available checkbox checked in the iOS sub options.


React Native Push Notifications doesn't receive notification

I have a React Native app (testing on iOS) and am trying to incorporate Push notifications. I am using the following module:
I tried running example app code and am able to obtain
a (1) message token and (2) successfully obtain permissions from my device.
I am trying to send a test notification from Firebase and am using my device's token. However, nothing happens upon triggering a test notification. Any tips? I believe I followed the key upload instructions correctly (
I hope you have uploaded pem/p8 file on firebase console at "Cloud Messaging" in Project settings. Check this image
I figured it out! Although I thought I had done this in the past, I did not have Remote notification enabled in background modes, nor did I have Push notifications checked in the Signing & Capabilities section of project setting on Xcode. Thank you!

How to reach SendBird logs?

I am using to include messaging services in my application.
I am implementing push notifications in the app using SendBird dashboard. I have followed the SendBird documentation to implement push notifications in iOS but I still don't receive any notifications on my device.
I want to access the SendBird logs(like Parse logs), so that I can understand what is the error SendBird is facing in sending me Push Notifications.
Does anyone know how to access the logs?
Thank you
We're working on push notification logs and should be available soon.
Before the feature arrives, you can take a look at this FAQ to debug the issue.

how to send push notification without apple device

is it possible to send push notification for apple without apple device? I would like to send push notification using any page or service from apple, but not using an app created in xcode for example. My app that will get the push is ready and working, but I would like to send the push from a normal page, not from mac or iphone app.
Apple push notifications can only be send to Apple devices (iOS, OSX or Safari for Mac).
However, you can send the notification from any type of operating system using the Apple Push Notification Service API:
Yes, you can do that for free with using a push notification API, such as Spontit.
See the API docs here:
See the Python wrapper here:

Push notification in adobe air (android and ios) with urbanairship/parse

I am looking for a solution or a guideline for one that will enable me to register to one of the big services that enable push notification.
I know that it will be easier in IOS
I have problem with it android even though I successfully send a push notification to android. but without registration like explained Heading here.
Could someone direct me to a solution

Skype push notification "[person] is calling..." disappears when call ends - how to do that?

If iPhone is locked and somebody calls on Skype, push notification appears.
I think it's simple push notification as other app servers send.
But when the call ends (and we didn't respond, so the call is missed) push notification disappears from lockscreen! It is not stored in notification center nor recent notifications list on lockscreen.
So how to do this?
How to implement calling of push notifications?
Does Skype have special priveleges or is it also available for regular developer to implement?
No they don't. Skype uses voip and Apple allow apps that use location, voip and audio to run in background, so Skype is set in the AppName-Info.plist file Required background modes to voip and what you see is not a push notification, but a local notification controlled by the running app.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setApplicationIconBadgeNumber:0];
It will remove notification. So any app can do it.