How Do I Count When Numbers Do Not Show Up -

I have numbers from 1 to 25, four numbers will show up daily. I need to put a +1 on each of the four numbers and need to put a -1 on each of the 21 numbers didn't show up.
The four numbers that come up daily will be inputted in four different text boxes. The count being positive or negative needs to go on 25 separate text boxes labeled 1 thru 25.
I have tried "if textbox <> number, then count -= 1" but I get a count of -4 because it doesn't see the number in any of the four text boxes.
I only need a daily count not a textbox count. Sorry I don't have any code started and would greatly appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction. I'm doing this on Visual Studio 2012.
Thank you all for responding. Here is some code I've started but the count is not correct. My four input text boxes are in GroupBox2. Four numbers from 1 to 25 will draw daily like a lottery. The four numbers drawn will have a value of +1 each all others -1. I need to find the age of each number 1 thru 25. If a number has a +3 then that means that number has drawn 3 consecutive days. If a number has a -15 then that means that number has not drawn for the past 15 days.
Dim tb As New TextBox
Dim ctrl As Control
Dim Counter As Integer
For Each ctrl In GroupBox2.Controls
tb = ctrl
If tb.Text = 1 Then
Counter += 1
ElseIf tb.Text <> 1 Then
Counter -= 1
TextBox464.Text = Counter
End If
If tb.Text = 2 Then
Counter += 1
ElseIf tb.Text <> 2 Then
Counter -= 1
TextBox463.Text = Counter
End If
If tb.Text = 3 Then
Counter += 1
ElseIf tb.Text <> 3 Then
Counter -= 1
TextBox462.Text = Counter
End If
If tb.Text = 4 Then
Counter += 1
ElseIf tb.Text <> 4 Then
Counter -= 1
TextBox461.Text = Counter
End If

We will need more information about how your going to approach it to be able to help you further, but as for your problem with this If Textbox <> number Then count -= 1 you can use something like this since your only going to be having numbers on the textboxes If Cint(Textbox.Text) <> number then count -= 1 since your using just Textbox its attempting to evaluate it as a control and not the property that your looking for, you need to read from its .Text Property, However since its evaluated as a String and not an Integer it will throw an error exception, thats why the Cint() is included (This may also be used to convert it to integer Ctype(number, Integer) Not sure if there is an execution speed difference or not, however Cint() is a faster way of writing it.) it will try and convert the String into an Integer and when its converted into an integer it can be evaluated like one using <>. No one is going to write a whole solution out for you, but while you attempt to create it yourself and more information can be added we are more than happy to help you with problems along the way.


Sum of the first 100 even and odd number?

I need some help getting this code to work. I need the code to calculate the first 100 even and odd numbers. The code below shows the even portion, but I assume they both will work the same way, just with different numbers. I know that the first 100 even numbers are 2 to 200 or 0 to 200?, and the first 100 odd numbers are 1 to 199. (I also need to use while loops, would I use a separate while loop to determine how the code calculate the sum?)
here is the code.
Dim sum, count As Integer 'the sum and count are changing and they must be a whole number.
Const num As Integer = 2
'now we must deveolp a while loop/equation that adds every number lower or equal to 100 together.
While count Mod 2 <= 200 'while the count is smaller or equal to 100,
count =
sum += count 'The sum will be add or equaled to the count
count += 1 'The count will be added to equaled to 1
End While
Console.WriteLine("The Sum of the first 100 even numbers is: {0}!", sum) 'This is the text the user sees, which tells them that the sum of the first 100 numbers will be 5050.
End Sub
As usual the math portion is giving me trouble. I feel like I have the right idea, but I cant execute it properly.
Dim sumEven, sumOdd As Integer
Dim even = 2
Dim odd = 1
While even <= 200 AndAlso odd <= 200
sumEven += even
sumOdd += odd
even += 2
odd += 2
End While
Console.WriteLine("The Sum of the first 100 even numbers is: {0}!", sumEven)
Console.WriteLine("The Sum of the first 100 odd numbers is: {0}!", sumOdd)

Format number in datagridview- If integer then F0, if decimal then F

I need to format all numbers in a datagridview.
If the number is a whole number then do not show the decimal point and if the number has a fraction then do show the decimal point.
I have achieved this by looping through each column and checking if the content is a double/single/decimal and then looping through each row in those columns to check each value whether the number is whole or has a fraction.
But this takes a long time for the application to process since i might have 2000 rows or more with 5 or more columns being double/single/decimal.
I can't find a standard format which does this.
Can anybody help?
For i = 0 To dgv.Columns.Count - 1
If dgv.Columns(i).ValueType = GetType(Double) Or dgv.Columns(i).ValueType = GetType(Single) Or dgv.Columns(i).ValueType = GetType(Decimal) Then
'check If the number has a fraction
For u = 0 To dgv.Rows.Count - 1
If Not IsDBNull(dgv.Rows(u).Cells(i).Value) Then
If dgv.Rows(u).Cells(i).Value Mod 1 <> 0 Then
'number has a fraction
dgv.Rows(u).Cells(i).Style.Format = "F"
'number is an integer
dgv.Rows(u).Cells(i).Style.Format = "F0"
End If
End If
End If
Using the Datagridview.CellFormatting event seemed to solve the issue - Thanks Jimi. I just can't understand the difference between using the event and setting the format in a loop after populating the datagridview

check if string contains specific integer

I have a grid view that has a column containing strings (Middle column).
On the rowDataBound event I want to loop through the column looking for the integer it contains and then display a value in the first column.
I know that the integer range will be 1 to 63 so I can use a FOR loop to loop through the numbers. Here is what I have so far.
For x As Integer = 1 To 63
If CType(e.Row.Cells(2).FindControl("lblTagName"), Label).Text Then
End If
The problem I am having is using contains. I cant use the following as it would also be true for the number 1, 10, 11 etc when x = 1.
For x As Integer = 1 To 63
If CType(e.Row.Cells(2).FindControl("lblTagName"), Label).Text.Contains(x) Then
End If
How do I make sure it only gets one result per number? i.e x = 6 would return UMIS.75OPTR6GROSSMARGIN.F_CV and not all the other strings that contain the number 6.
UPDATE - based on some answers I may not of explained this very well. I want to loop through the gridview and if the number 1 is found and only the number 1 in the second column, not 10 etc then I want to display "Run 1" in the first column. So when x = 10 it will show "Run 10" and so on.
UPDATE 2 - its definatley my explanation, apologies.
The resultant grid view would look like this.
The order of the second column is not set and is not in order.
You'd have to check the entire text of the label to determine whether it is only 1, and not 10, 11, 12, 13, ... as well.
Also, in this case you should use DirectCast rather than CType. CType is only used when converting to different types that include conversion operators, here you are always dealing with a label.
For x As Integer = 1 To 63
If String.Equals(DirectCast(e.Row.Cells(2).FindControl("lblTagName"), Label).Text, "UMIS.75OPTR" & x & "GROSSMARGIN.F_CV", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
'Do your stuff.
End If
You might want to think if doing it the other way around. Get the list of numbers in your string with a regular expression match.
Dim s As String = "asd12asdasd.sdf3sdf"
For Each m As System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match In System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(s, "[\d]*")
If m.Success AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Value) Then
' m.Value
End If
With that list of number, you can check if it's between 1 and 63.
If your string have the same suffix/prefix, just remove them to show you what the number is.
Dim number As String = s.Replace("UMIS.75OPTR", "").Replace("GROSSMARGIN.F_CV", "")
Go backwards in a Do Until Loop:
Dim bolFoundMatch As Boolean = False
Dim intCursor As Integer = 63
Do Until (bolFoundMatch OrElse intCursor = 0)
If CType(e.Row.Cells(2).FindControl("lblTagName"), Label).Text.Contains(intCursor) Then
'Anything you want to do when you find your match.
'This will ensure your loop exits.
bolFoundMatch = True
End If
intCursor -= 1

Dice Roller Populate TextBox(s)

I am still learning basic programming, literally off Visual Basic 2012 v11.
Here is what I am stumped on:
I made a stupid-simple Table-Top Role-Playing Character Log application.
I made a simple dice roller/"random number" procedure and set it to fill a ListBox with each button click of "ROLL" until the max of 6 was reached. That worked fine.
However, I changed my app to link with a database to store simple character information for all of the people playing,etc. Which means I now have separate dataset TextBoxes for each click of "ROLL". Would someone please advise me on the best way to populate one TextBox per button click with a maximum of 6 clicks, please?
I was using a loop to fill the ListBox with exactly 6 entries, and started that line of thought for filling the TextBoxes, but my late-night tired brain cannot find a way to fill ONE box EACH TIME instead of all boxes every single time.
My Code:
Private Sub btnRoll_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnRoll.Click
'Roll a character stat up to 6 and add it to the lisbox
'D20 is standard die, but stats below 6 are forgiven for this campagin
Dim Dice As New Random
Dim DiceRoll As Integer = Dice.Next(6, 20)
Dim intCount As Integer = 0
Dim Stat As String = Convert.ToString(DiceRoll)
Do While intCount < 7
End Sub
I don't believe you've included enough information to give an informed answer.
From my understanding, you'd like to take the result of the roll, and input it into one of several textboxes (you haven't given a number of textboxes, but you'd like it done in less than 6 clicks).
Depending on what the different fields will be, you may want to include your calculations within the loop, along with this, to specify the output and then roll again X times within the loop:
Do While intcount < 7
Select Case intcount
Case 1
txtBox1 = stat
Case 2
txtBox2 = stat
Case 3
txtBox3 = stat
Case 4
txtBox4 = stat
Case 5
txtBox5 = stat
Case 6
txtBox6 = stat
Case Else
'Nothing if not specified with other arguments.
'Roll again
stat = Convert.ToString(Dice.Next(6,20))

Random number macro does not return desired value

I have created a simple module that is meant to do following:
generate random number between 0 and 999;
if number is lower than 500, assign value "lower", otherwise "higher"
write the random number and assigned value in cells A1 and B1
repeat the process 100,000 times.
Problem is, it returns assigned value "lower" even if the number is higher than or equal to 500, i.e., all assigned values, 100,000 of them, are "lower"!
I'd appreciate if someone can check where I'm going wrong with this code; I'm not an expert in VBA, but I thought I could do this myself... :\
Sub MacroRanNum()
Dim RunNum As Integer
Dim Outcome As String
For i = 1 To 100000
RanNum = Int((999 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)
If RunNum < 500 Then
Outcome = "Lower"
ElseIf RunNum >= 500 Then
Outcome = "Higher"
Outcome = "Error!"
End If
Sheets("podatak").Cells(i, 1) = RanNum
Sheets("podatak").Cells(i, 2) = Outcome
Next i
End Sub
Your variable name is RanNum but you check for RunNum
OPTION EXPLICIT could help to avoid such problems.
You are mixing your variable names. You define and check against RunNum but your random value and your display value are RanNum. You are never testing against the value you randomly generated.