How do I stub the monitor while testing react-dnd? - testing

I'm trying to test my implementation of react-dnd, and in one of my drop functions I'm using the monitor.getInitialClientOffset() function to get an offset, and I'd like to stub this method to return a particular offset that I can then assert on, but I cannot figure this out. In my test I'm using
const WrappedContext = wrapInTestContext(ContextArea);
const page = mount(<WrappedContext />);
const manager = page.get(0).getManager();
const backend = manager.getBackend();
// Couple finds to get the right source and target ids
(This is using the standard wrapInTestContext from
The drop function is passed a monitor from the test backend and I don't see a way in the documentation to pass a stubbed version of it to any of the simulation methods.

So it turns out that you can access the monitor that the test backend is using and then stub out methods on it like this:
const manager = page.get(0).getManager();
const backend = manager.getBackend();
const monitor = manager.getMonitor();
sinon.stub(monitor, 'getInitialClientOffset', () => {
return {
x: 10,
y: 20,
sinon.stub(monitor, 'getDifferenceFromInitialOffset', () => {
return {
x: 2,
y: 4,
And then in the drop function those are the values that will be used in any sort of math you're using.


Calling specific methods on a Solana Solidity program

I've built a simple smart contract to run on the Ethereum blockchain and I'm trying to replicate some of it's behavior on Solana. After making some slight changes I've managed to compile the program with Solang targeting Solana, but I'm not sure how to go about calling the methods; there doesn't seem to be a great wealth of documentation or examples on this. For example, if my program were written as follows:
contract Example {
function foo(...) { ... }
function bar(...) { ... }
How would I specify a call to foo vs a call to bar? Furthermore, how would I encode the arguments for these method calls?
Currently my approach is to use the #solana/buffer-layout library to encode my arguments as a struct, starting with lo.u8('instruction') to specify the method call (in the example case, I assume 0 would refer to foo and 1 would refer to bar). I've taken this approach based on looking at the source code for #solana/spl-token (specifically this file and it's dependencies) but I'm not sure if it will work for a program compiled using Solang, and the buffer layout encoding has been throwing an unexpected error as well:
TypeError: Blob.encode requires (length 32) Uint8Array as src
The code throwing this error is as follows:
const method = lo.struct([
const data = Buffer.alloc(64); // Using method.span here results in an error, as method.span == -1
instruction: 0,
publicKeys: [firstPublicKey, secondPublicKey],
While this type error seems obvious, it doesn't line up with the sample code in the solana-labs/solana-program-library repository. I'm pretty sure this problem has to do with my use of lo.seq() but I'm not sure what the problem is.
Is my approach to this correct besides this type error, or is my approach fundamentally wrong? How can I call the intended method with encoded arguments? Thank you for any help.
There's a better library for you to use, #solana/solidity, which has a Contract class to encapsulate calls on the contract.
For example, in your case, you could do:
const { Connection, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, Keypair } = require('#solana/web3.js');
const { Contract, Program } = require('#solana/solidity');
const { readFileSync } = require('fs');
const EXAMPLE_ABI = JSON.parse(readFileSync('./example.abi', 'utf8'));
const PROGRAM_SO = readFileSync('./');
(async function () {
console.log('Connecting to your local Solana node ...');
const connection = new Connection('http://localhost:8899', 'confirmed');
const payer = Keypair.generate();
console.log('Airdropping SOL to a new wallet ...');
const signature = await connection.requestAirdrop(payer.publicKey, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL);
await connection.confirmTransaction(signature, 'confirmed');
const program = Keypair.generate();
const storage = Keypair.generate();
const contract = new Contract(connection, program.publicKey, storage.publicKey, EXAMPLE_ABI, payer);
await contract.load(program, PROGRAM_SO);
console.log('Program deployment finished, deploying the example contract ...');
await contract.deploy('example', [true], program, storage);
const res = await;
console.log('foo: ' + res.result);
const res2 = await;
console.log('bar: ' + res2.result);
Example adapted from
More information about the package at

How can I use the same value as written in the Json during the same test execution in the testcafe

I have been trying to use the value from the JSON that I have got added successfully using fs.write() function,
There are two test cases in the same fixture, one to create an ID and 2nd to use that id. I can wrote the id successfully in the json file using fs.write() function and trying to use that id using importing json file like var myid=require('../../resources/id.json')
The json file storing correct id of the current execution but I get the id of first test execution in 2nd execution.
For example, id:1234 is stored during first test execution and id:4567 is stored in 2nd test execution. During 2nd test execution I need the id:4567 but I get 1234 this is weird, isn't it?
I use it like
t.typeText(ele, myid.orid)
my json file contains only id like {"orid":"4567"}
I am new to Javascript and Testcafe any help would really be appreciated
Write File class
const fs = require('fs')
const baseClass =require('../component/base')
class WriteIntoFile{
const OID = {
orderid: orderID
const jsonString = JSON.stringify(OID)
fs.writeFile(`resources\id.json`, jsonString, err => {
if (err) {
console.log('Error writing file', err)
} else {
console.log('Successfully wrote file')
export default WriteIntoFile
I created 2 different classes in order to separate create & update operations and call the functions of create & update order in single fixture in test file
Create Order class
class CreateOrder{
async createNewOrder(){
//get text of created ordder and saved order id in to the json file
const orId= await baseclass.getOrderId();
new WriteIntoFile(orId)
}export default CreateOrder
Update Order class
var id=require('../../resources/id.json')
class UpdateOrder{
async searchOrderToUpdate(){
await t
***//Here, I get old order id that was saved during previous execution***
.typeText(baseClass.searchBox, id.orderid)
async updateOrder(){
.typeText(baseClass.phNo, '1234567890')
}export default UpdateOrder
Test file
const newOrder = new CreateOrder();
const update = new UpdateOrder();
const role = Role(`siteurl`, async t => {
await t
await t
test('Should be able to create an Order', async t=>{
await newOrder.createNewOrder();
test('Should be able to update an order', async t=>{
await update.updateOrder();
I'll reply to this, but you probably won't be happy with my answer, because I wouldn't go down this same path as you proposed in your code.
I can see a couple of problems. Some of them might not be problems right now, but in a month, you could struggle with this.
1/ You are creating separate test cases that are dependent on each other.
This is a problem because of these reasons:
what if Should be able to create an Order doesn't run? or what if it fails? then Should be able to update an order fails as well, and this information is useless, because it wasn't the update operation that failed, but the fact that you didn't meet all preconditions for the test case
how do you make sure Should be able to create an Order always runs before hould be able to update an order? There's no way! You can do it like this when one comes before the other and I think it will work, but in some time you decide to move one test somewhere else and you are in trouble and you'll spend hours debugging it. You have prepared a trap for yourself. I wrote this answer on this very topic, you can read it.
you can't run the tests in parallel
when I read your test file, there's no visible hint that the tests are dependent on each other. Therefore as a stranger to your code, I could easily mess things up because I have no way of knowing about it without going deeper in the code. This is a big trap for anyone who might come to your code after you. Don't do this to your colleagues.
2/ Working with files when all you need to do is pass a value around is too cumbersome.
I really don't see a reason why you need to same the id into a file. A slightly better approach (still violating 1/) could be:
const newOrder = new CreateOrder();
const update = new UpdateOrder();
// use a variable to pass the orderId around
// it's also visible that the tests are dependent on each other
let orderId = undefined;
const role = Role(`siteurl`, async t => {
// some steps, I omit this for better readability
}, {preserveUrl: true})
test('Should be able to create an Order', async t=>{
orderId = await newOrder.createNewOrder();
test('Should be able to update an order', async t=>{
await update.updateOrder(orderId);
Doing it like this also slightly remedies what I wrote in 1/, that is that it's not visible at first sight that the tests are dependent on each other. Now, this is a bit improved.
Some other approaches how you can pass data around are mentioned here and here.
Perhaps even a better approach is to use t.fixtureCtx object:
const newOrder = new CreateOrder();
const update = new UpdateOrder();
const role = Role(`siteurl`, async t => {
// some steps, I omit this for better readability
}, {preserveUrl:true})
test('Should be able to create an Order', async t=>{
t.fixtureCtx.orderId = await newOrder.createNewOrder();
test('Should be able to update an order', async t=>{
await update.updateOrder(t.fixtureCtx.orderId);
Again, I can at least see the tests are dependent on each other. That's already a big victory.
Now back to your question:
During 2nd test execution I need the id:4567 but I get 1234 this is weird, isn't it?
No, it's not weird. You required the file:
var id = require('../../resources/id.json')
and so it's loaded once and if you write into the file later, you won't read the new content unless you read the file again. require() is a function in Node to load modules, and it makes sense to load them once.
This demonstrates the problem:
const idFile = require('./id.json');
const fs = require('fs');
console.log(idFile); // { id: 5 }
const newId = {
'id': 7
fs.writeFileSync('id.json', JSON.stringify(newId));
// it's been loaded once, you won't get any other value here
console.log(idFile); // { id: 5 }
What you can do to solve the problem?
You can use fs.readFileSync():
const idFile = require('./id.json');
const fs = require('fs');
console.log(idFile); // { id: 5 }
const newId = {
'id': 7
fs.writeFileSync('id.json', JSON.stringify(newId));
// you need to read the file again and parse its content
const newContent = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('id.json'));
console.log(newContent); // { id: 7 }
And this is what I warned you against in the comment section. That this is too cumbersome, inefficient, because you write to a file and then read from the file just to get one value.
What you created is not very readable either:
const fs = require('fs')
const baseClass =require('../component/base')
class WriteIntoFile{
const OID = {
orderid: orderID
const jsonString = JSON.stringify(OID)
fs.writeFile(`resources\id.json`, jsonString, err => {
if (err) {
console.log('Error writing file', err)
} else {
console.log('Successfully wrote file')
export default WriteIntoFile
All these operations for writing into a file are in a constructor, but a constructor is not the best place for all this. Ideally you have only variable assignments in it. I also don't see much reason for why you need to create a new class when you are doing only two operations that can easily fit on one line of code:
fs.writeFileSync('orderId.json', JSON.stringify({ orderid: orderId }));
Keep it as simple as possible. it's more readable like so than having to go to a separate file with the class and decypher what it does there.

pass options to mongoose schema toJSON transform inline (in expressjs)?

I have a mongoose (3.1) 'Thing' schema whose toJSON I can customize in the following manner...
Thing.options.toJSON = {};
Thing.options.toJSON.transform = function (doc, ret, options){
// do something to ret, depending on options
As noted in the code comment, I would like to change the JSON representation given the value of options. I would like to pass these options in an expressjs action, maybe...
app.get(..., function (req ,res){
Thing.find({}, function(err, things){
var myOptions = {...} // something application stateful
return response.send(things) // MAYBE ADD OPTIONS HERE?
How do I modify expressjs to allow me to supply options?
IMHO, the accepted answer (#VladStirbu's) is wrong because the options are being set at the schema level. It's changing the schema, so those options will be available in subsequent calls, even if you don't request so explicitly.
The options should be set inline, individually for that call:
Regular call using express:
app.get(..., function (req ,res){
Thing.find({}, function(err, things){
return response.send(things);
Call using express, but passing inline options to toJSON():
app.get(..., function (req ,res){
Thing.find({}, function(err, things){
let toJSONOptions; // may be undefined, it's fine
if ( /* whatever condition you decide */ ) {
// this keeps the schema's original options:
toJSONOptions = Object.assign({ }, Thing.schema.options.toJSON);
// request to use original transform function, if any:
toJSONOptions.transform = true;
// set your own options to be passed to toJSON():
toJSONOptions._options = {...}; // whatever you need here
return response.send( => e.toJSON(toJSONOptions)) );
No problem if toJSONOptions = undefined, it would be like a regular call to toJSON(), which is what express does when stringifying.
If you're using findOne() or findById(), then just return:
return response.send( thing.toJSON(toJSONOptions) );
This is the Mongoose commit that made me think of this:
You could pass options in the route handler by passing them to the schema options:
app.get(..., function (req ,res){
Thing.find({}, function(err, things){
Thing.schema.options.toJSON.myOptions = {...} // something application stateful
return response.send(things) // MAYBE ADD OPTIONS HERE?
this way, the options will be available in the transform function as a property of the options object:
Thing.options.toJSON.transform = function (doc, ret, options){
console.log(options.myOptions); // prints the app specific data provided earlier

Hapi server methods vs

I am writing a hapi js plugin, and was wondering what's the difference between the two ways of exposing methods that other plugins can use.
Method 1:
function () {
// Something
Method 2: = function () {
// Something
In the first approach, the function can later be called as server.doSomething(), while using the second approach as
So why would I use one way instead of another?
Looking at the API docs it sounds like they intended server.methods to be used for functions and to be used for app settings/configuration. My guess is you should stick with server.method if you want to expose server level methods to be used in your plugins.
An object providing access to the server methods where each server
method name is an object property.
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();
server.method('add', function (a, b, next) {
return next(null, a + b);
server.methods.add(1, 2, function (err, result) {
// result === 3
Provides a safe place to store server-specific run-time application
data without potential conflicts with the framework internals. The
data can be accessed whenever the server is accessible. Initialized
with an empty object.
var Hapi = require('hapi');
server = new Hapi.Server(); = 'value';
var handler = function (request, reply) {
return reply(;

Prevent duplicate routes in express.js

Is there a nice way to prevent duplicate routes from being registered in express? I have a pretty large application with hundreds of routes across different files, and it gets difficult to know if I've already registered a certain route when I go to add a new one. For example, I'd like to throw an error when express gets to routes487.js:
File: routes1.js
var ctrl = require('../controllers/testctrl');
var auth = require('../libs/authentication');
module.exports = function (app) {
app.get('/hi', auth.getToken, ctrl.hi);
app.get('/there', auth.getToken, ctrl.there);
File: routes487.js
var ctrl = require('../controllers/testctrl487');
var auth = require('../libs/authentication');
module.exports = function (app) {
app.get('/hi', auth.getToken, ctrl.hi487);
You could try a custom solution by wrapping express methods with the validation. Consider the following modification to your express app:
// route-validation.js
module.exports = function (app) {
var existingRoutes = {}
, originalMethods = [];
// Returns true if the route is already registered.
function routeExists(verb, path) {
return existingRoutes[verb] &&
existingRoutes[verb].indexOf(path) > -1;
function registerRoute(verb, path) {
if (!existingRoutes[verb]) existingRoutes[verb] = [];
// Return a new app method that will check repeated routes.
function validatedMethod(verb) {
return function() {
// If the route exists, app.VERB will throw.
if (routeExists(verb, arguments[0]) {
throw new Error("Can't register duplicate handler for path", arguments[0]);
// Otherwise, the route is saved and the original express method is called.
registerRoute(verb, arguments[0]);
originalMethods[verb].apply(app, arguments);
['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'all'].forEach(function (verb) {
// Save original methods for internal use.
originalMethods[verb] = app[verb];
// Replace by our own route-validator methods.
app[verb] = validatedMethod(verb);
You just need to pass your app to this function after creation and duplicate route checking will be implemented. Note that you might need other "verbs" (OPTIONS, HEAD).
If you don't want to mess with express' methods (we don't know whether or how express itself or middleware modules will use them), you can use an intermediate layer (i.e., you actually wrap your app object instead of modifying its methods). I actually feel that would be a better solution, but I feel lazy to type it right now :)