How soon can i retrieve transactions after a successful addSiteAccount1 call? - yodlee

Let's say i have successfully added a user using addSiteAccount1. How long do i have to wait in order to begin retrieving the user's transactions using executeUserSearchRequest?
Is there any other way way to retrieve the transactions other than using executeUserSearchRequest?

Usually it takes around 2-5 seconds.
Yes you can have a look at our Yodlee APIs which was recently out and you can retrieve transactions even from that. Following are the details:
Yodlee API:
For getting Transactions:!/transactions/getTransactions
Endpoint: GET /{cobrandName}/v1/transactions
API: Get Transactions
Hope that helps.


Yodlee get_accounts sometimes returns zero result / empty response

Here is the scenario:
User logins to the bank successfully (via Fastlink)
Right after user logs in, I get user's provider_accounts (via /providerAccounts API)
Then when I call to get the accounts, (via /accounts) I sometimes get empty response (zero accounts found?)
When I try later (seconds or minutes after) I get some accounts information back.
Is this because Yodlee is still trying to gather account information when I'm making /accounts api call?
This is because the accounts are still being added/linked.
Using the requestId and providerAccountId provided by FastLink callback, you need to poll continuously to know the refresh status of the account linking process and once it's done, you can call the get accounts.
Read more about the refresh status in the "Add/Update Account Process Status" section.
Yodlee makes things easier now with webhooks. Read more here:
Using Webhooks with the Yodlee Core API
TL/DR: You need to wait for the add/link completion before retrieving the accounts.

how to retrieve bill pay transactions using yodlee rest api

I using the executeUserSearchRequest to get transactions for bank,credit etc.
But I'm not able to get Bill Pay transactions.
Should I not be using this method to retrieve the lines, or perhaps I'm doing the search wrong. I know the account I'm using does contain lines as I've verified using another application that uses the yodlee api;s.
I using these settings
ContainerType: All
transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.itemAccountId.identifier = 9999999
where 99999 is the itemaccountid
all other values are defaults from the API testing tool
You should be able to retrieve transactions for billpay using the same API i.e., executeUserSearchRequest. Please remove itemAccountId.identifier and try to get transactions, it will return transactions for all accounts.
You can then verify is transactions for your billpay account is present or not.
If you want transactions for specific account then you can first call getItemSummariesForSite API to get the account level details for the added account and from there you can use the itemAccountId and pass it on to executeUserSearchRequest API.
If you still face any problem, please share your memSiteAccId over our chat support and we will be able to help you.

PayPal API call daily limit

Does anyone know how many API calls PayPal allow each day? I'm using GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails to check if payment has been successfully made and I might be doing the API call a lot of times each day. They have the error code on their docs but didn't specify the rate limit.
I've never run into any daily limit issues with API calls. That said, I try to avoid hitting the API that many times.
I would recommend you take a look at Instant Payment Notification (IPN). It will automatically POST details about transactions to a URL listener you have on your server. That script that receive the data and update your system accordingly. This happens in real-time so everything would update automatically and immediately. This way you don't have to hit the API to pull details because IPN will feed those details as they happen.

Fetch Past Tweets within Particular Time Period -- Twitter Streaming API

I am working on a little app which will give an option to the user to select From and To dates and the app will return tweets they had in the particular time span.
Twitter is offering User Stream API that returns 200 records per request. My account has 6790 tweets and I need to calculate their favorite and retweets.
6790 will result approx 33 requests if I go for all tweets and how much time will it take? Further, will it cause some issue due to twitter rate-limit?
If somebody can please guide me on how can I fetch the data?
You don't need to stream for this.
If you want to get the user's favourites, use the favorites/list
For example, to get my favourites, call
If the user has authenticated with you, it's easy to get their retweets with statuses/retweets_of_me

How to use API key with Yahoo's YQL?

I'm using this YQL command to access stock quote information in an XML format. The problem is it keeps timing out and rejecting after a bunch of hits. I think I need to plug in my API key so it doesn't think it's bots.
I'm using SharePoint to process the XML.*
This is what it says for limits.
Per application limit (identified by your Access Key): 100,000 calls per day.
Per IP limits: /v1/public/: 1,000 calls per hour; /v1/yql/: 10,000 calls per hour.
I'm trying to get that per application limit of 100,000 calls per day. Or I guess that 10,000 calls per hour is also good. Any suggestions? Thanks for any help.
You need to use OAuth and go through the complicated procedure of exchanging tokens. Once you have an access_token and a token_secret, you can use them to make authenticated requests until they expire.
The full workflow is summarized here.
You'll need to go through the step-by-step procedure outlined in the link above, but essentially what you'll be doing is:
Get a request_token from here.
Redirect user to a Yahoo authorization page.
Retrieve the oauth_verifier that comes in the query string when the user is redirected back to your page.
Exchange the request_token and oauth_verifier for an access_token and token_secret.
You can then use the access_token and token_secret to make authenticated requests.
Since you're using .Net, you can make your life easier by using this sample code posted here.
hope you have used to get your access token
so just use
$session = YahooSession::requireSession(CONSUMER_KEY,CONSUMER_SECRET, APP_ID);
$mails=$session->query('your query limit 10');
after feting access