I'm trying to look for an absence of an element in a conditional which would then take two different paths if the element is not there. However what I am getting is 'element not found' which is what I need but I need to go around this. Here is what I've tried:
if (HomeScreen.tabs.propertiesTab.isPresent()) {
} else {
HomeScreen.tabs.allTabsTab.click().then(function() {
HomeScreen.tabs.propertiesTab.isPresent().toBeFalsy().then(function(isVisible) {
if (isVisible) {
} else {
HomeScreen.tabs.allTabsTab.click().then(function() {
Any suggestions?
Try to explicitly resolve the promise with then():
browser.isElementPresent(HomeScreen.tabs.propertiesTab).then(function (isPresent) {
if (isPresent) {
// ...
} else {
// ...
Using browser.isElementPresent() here, but it should work with .isPresent() as well:
In protractor, browser.isElementPresent vs element.isPresent vs element.isElementPresent
I'm working in VueJS. I'm trying to bind a class to one element based on an existence of a class on another element. The below is in a :for loop to print out the list.
The '#accordion-'+(index+1)) is the id of the div I want to check to see if a class exists on it.
I wrote a method and it works UNTIL I check the element's classList. Right now, I'm only doing a console log, but eventually this will return true and hopefully the class will apply.
methods: {
existingTopic: function(lcDivID) {
const element = document.querySelector(lcDivID);
console.log(element); //It gives me the element.
/* The below is where it crashes */
I find it so frustrating. I've spent a day on this without any results. Any help you can provide it would be great.
Here it is, you can also use this.$el as document
methods: {
hasClass() {
const element = this.$el.querySelector('h1')
if (element.classList.contains('your-class-here')) {
} else {
mounted() {
<h1 class="mb-5 fs-lg" ref="myElement">Sign up</h1>
methods: {
hasClass() {
const element = this.$refs.myElement
if (element.classList.contains('mb-5')) {
} else {
mounted() {
So you can define ref as :ref="index+1" in your loop
I have the following bit of code:
Which prints the following in the console:
I've been bashing my head for a very long time, not sure where to go from here. It was working just fine when I pushed last. Then, I made some changes which broke it as you can see. To try to fix it, I stashed my changes, but I'm still getting this error.
search: throttle(live => {
let vm = this;
console.log("this", this);
console.log("vm", vm);
if (typeof live == "undefined") {
live = true;
if (!live) {
// We are on the search page, we need to update the results
if (vm.$route.name != "search") {
vm.$router.push({ name: "search" });
vm.$store.dispatch("search/get", {
type: vm.searchType,
query: vm.searchQuery
}, 500)
Assuming search is in your methods it should not be using an arrow function as that will give you the wrong this binding.
Instead use:
methods: {
search: throttle(function (live) {
// ...
}, 500)
Here I'm also assuming that throttle will preserve the this value, which would be typical for implementations of throttling.
Like I said in my comment, I suspect this is a scoping issue.
Perhaps if you return the throttle function with the Vue component passed in, you might see better results:
search: function() {
let vm = this;
return throttle(live => {
console.log("this", this);
console.log("vm", vm);
if (typeof live == "undefined") {
live = true;
if (!live) {
// We are on the search page, we need to update the results
if (vm.$route.name != "search") {
vm.$router.push({ name: "search" });
vm.$store.dispatch("search/get", {
type: vm.searchType,
query: vm.searchQuery
}, 500)
I'm trying to get the changed value of a HTML-Node.
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if(mutation.addedNodes[0].data == "9"){
But javascript returns only an object and no array of
prints out:
<TextNode textContent="9">
Where can I get the value of the changed HTML-Node?
Thanks alot.
Ok, found a solution via Stackoverflow
var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function (mutation) {
[].call(mutation.addedNodes).forEach(function (addedNode) {
if(addedNode.textContent == "9"){
I have the folliwng on my model:
self.filteredItems = ko.computed(function () {
var filter = this.filter().toLowerCase();
if (!filter) {
return this.sites();
} else {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(this.sites(), function (item) {
return ko.utils.stringStartsWith(item.Name().toLowerCase(), filter);
}, self);
I use it for a search on my page but rather than stringStartsWith I'd like some sort of .contains instead so I get results where my searchterm is contained anywhere in the string rather than just at the beginning.
I imagine this must be a pretty common request but couldnt find anything obvious.
Any suggestion?
You can use simply the string.indexOf method to check for "string contains":
self.filteredItems = ko.computed(function () {
var filter = this.filter().toLowerCase();
if (!filter) {
return this.sites();
} else {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(this.sites(), function (item) {
return item.Name().toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) !== -1;
}, self);
I want to migrate the javascript in my site from YU2 to YUI3, but I am only a poor amateur programer and I am stuck at the first pitfall.
I have the following code:
MyApp.Core = function() {
return {
init: function(e, MyAppConfig) {
if (MyAppConfig.tabpanels) {
prepareTabpanels: function(tabpanels) {
// Code here
var MyAppConfig = {
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "load", MyApp.Core.init, MyAppConfig);
How can I pass the MyAppConfig object to the MyApp.Core.init function by using YUI3 "domready" event listener?
Thanks in advance!
You should be able to do something like:
var MyApp = {};
MyApp.Core = function(){ return {
init: function(MyAppConfig) {
prepareTabpanels: function(tabpanels) {
// Code here
var MyAppConfig = {
YUI().use('node', 'event', function(Y){
Y.on('domready', MyApp.Core.init, this, MyAppConfig);
Note that the event is not passed in as the first parameter, it is the config.
Y.on accepts parameters as <event_type>, <callback_function>, <context>, <params>..
any parameter after the third item is passed through to the callback function so MyAppConfig becomes the first parameter in your init.
See the YUI3 API documentation here: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/3/api/YUI.html#method_on