VBA excel: How do I compare a string array to a string? - vba

I have a script that takes the contents of a cell, and puts the first 2 characters of the cell into a string array. I need to later compare that string array to a string, but I can't seem to get that to work. Here's what I have:
For i = 2 To 600
colStr = Sheets("smartlist").Cells(i, "A").Value
If colStr <> "" Then
ReDim charArray(Len(colStr) - 1)
For j = 1 To Len(colStr)
charArray(j - 1) = Mid$(colStr, j, 1)
strArray = LCase(charArray(0)) & LCase(charArray(1))
If CStr(Join(strArray)) = CStr(Join(pwArray)) Then
Now, I've tried:
If charArray = "ab"
If Join(charArray) = "ab"
If CStr(Join(charArray)) = "ab"
I'm pretty lost at this point. Any suggestions would be welcome!
Edit: added the whole function up until I get the 'Type mismatch'

You could use Join(charArray, "") - without "" it joins the elements with space so the result of your initial try was "a b"

Firstly, you really need to clarify what you're doing. You say that later you need to check what's in the string. If that is the case, then you don't need an array, you simply need another string...
Dim chars As String
chars = Left$(cellToTest, 2)
Later you can test more simply using the InStr function, like so...
Dim loc As Integer
loc = Instr(colStr, chars)
If loc > 0 Then
If you want to turn this into a function on your spreadsheet you can use the following in the cells as formulas...
=LEFT(A1, 2)
Here's a little screen shot of what I mean...


How to increase numeric value present in a string

I'm using this query in vb.net
Raw_data = Alltext_line.Substring(Alltext_line.IndexOf("R|1"))
and I want to increase R|1 to R|2, R|3 and so on using for loop.
I tried it many ways but getting error
string to double is invalid
any help will be appreciated
You must first extract the number from the string. If the text part ("R") is always separated from the number part by a "|", you can easily separated the two with Split:
Dim Alltext_line = "R|1"
Dim parts = Alltext_line.Split("|"c)
parts is a string array. If this results in two parts, the string has the expected shape and we can try to convert the second part to a number, increase it and then re-create the string using the increased number
Dim n As Integer
If parts.Length = 2 AndAlso Integer.TryParse(parts(1), n) Then
Alltext_line = parts(0) & "|" & (n + 1)
End If
Note that the c in "|"c denotes a Char constant in VB.
An alternate solution that takes advantage of the String type defined as an Array of Chars.
I'm using string.Concat() to patch together the resulting IEnumerable(Of Char) and CInt() to convert the string to an Integer and sum 1 to its value.
Raw_data = "R|151"
Dim Result As String = Raw_data.Substring(0, 2) & (CInt(String.Concat(Raw_data.Skip(2))) + 1).ToString
This, of course, supposes that the source string is directly convertible to an Integer type.
If a value check is instead required, you can use Integer.TryParse() to perform the validation:
Dim ValuePart As String = Raw_data.Substring(2)
Dim Value As Integer = 0
If Integer.TryParse(ValuePart, Value) Then
Raw_data = Raw_data.Substring(0, 2) & (Value + 1).ToString
End If
If the left part can be variable (in size or content), the answer provided by Olivier Jacot-Descombes is covering this scenario already.
Sub IncrVal()
Dim s = "R|1"
For x% = 1 To 10
s = Regex.Replace(s, "[0-9]+", Function(m) Integer.Parse(m.Value) + 1)
End Sub

Substring with Excel VBA

I have been using this code as a starting point: https://danwagner.co/how-to-transpose-horizontal-data-to-vertical-data-for-easy-pivot-tables/
One one of my cells Ax (x referring to the number), the content is ABCDEFGHI and I want to substring the cells every 2 characters, and the last set is 3 characters. Final result looks like:
At line 44, using the variable
varDetails = .Range(.Cells(lngIdx, 1), .Cells(lngIdx, 4))
and think that is where I need to modify the code. I am not fluent enough with VBA and need some help.
To split the data from your string you can use the following code
Sub SplitStringEveryTwoCharacters()
Dim arrayWithValuesByTwo() As String
Dim myString As String
'Just replace with your data
ReDim arrayWithValuesByTwo(Len(myString) - 1)
'For each 2 character in string
For i = 1 To Len(myString) Step 2
'Add in array
If (i <= Len(myString) - 1) Then
arrayWithValuesByTwo(i - 1) = Mid$(myString, i, 2)
End If
If (i = Len(myString)) Then
arrayWithValuesByTwo(i - 1) = Mid$(myString, i, 1)
End If
End Sub
What you need to change
Here I have set my string into a variable with myString = "ABCDEFGHIJKLM" but you can easily change this and take it directly from a cell with something like myString = Range("A5").
You can access you data with arrayWithValuesByTwo(1) for example. Just loop through it to get all of the values.

How to VBA Excel Macro part of a string

I'm currently busy with Excel tooling and learning a lot but i got a question. Currently i have a couple rows with data in the rows. In the rows there is a lot of data but i need a specific part of the row. Of course i can delete it all manually but to do that for 3000 rows i will be wasting a lot of time.
Can any one help me with a macro that filters data. The data i need is between [ and ] so for example [data]
I hope you guys can help me out and if you need more information just ask me! I hope you guys can help me!
Example String ROW:
[Sandwitch]><xsd:element name="T8436283"
So what do i need?
So i need a macro that only gets the Sandwitch out of it and paste it in the B column. The string with all the information stays at column A and the Sandwitch goes to Column B and that for all rows.
Option 1: Find/Replace
1) Copy data in another column (just saving original copy)
2) Perform Find/Replace "*["
3) Perform Find/Replace "]"
Now you have data which was between [].
Option 2: Use formulas
1) Lets assume that original data in Column "A"
2) Apply this formula in column "B" which will extract data between []
Option 3: Macro
If it is absolutely needed, I can help create a macro, otherwise try first two easier options.
A general purpose "find element in s starting x up to next y":
Function GenExtract(FromStr As String, _
StartSep As String, EndSep As String) _
As Variant
Dim StPos As Long
Dim EnPos As Long
GenExtract = CVErr(xlErrNA)
If StartSep = "" Or EndSep = "" Then Exit Function 'fail
StPos = InStr(1, FromStr, Left(StartSep, 1))
If StPos = 0 Or StPos = Len(FromStr) Then Exit Function 'fail
EnPos = InStr(StPos + 1, FromStr, Left(EndSep, 1))
If EnPos = 0 Then Exit Function 'fail
GenExtract = Mid(FromStr, StPos + 1, EnPos - StPos - 1)
End Function
If the two separators are the same, as per quotes, it gives the first string enclosed by those.
If you want to get your feet wet in Regular Expressions, the following code will take you there. You have to add a reference to the VB Scripting Library
Tools > References > Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5
Then the code is as follows:
Sub textBetweenStuffs()
Dim str As String
Dim regEx As RegExp
Dim m As Match
Dim sHolder As MatchCollection
Dim bracketCollection As Collection
Dim quoteCollection As Collection
Set regEx = New RegExp
'Matches anything in between an opening bracket and first closing bracket
regEx.Pattern = "\[(.*?\])"
str = "[Sandwitch]><xsd:element name=""T8436283"""
'populates matches into match collection
Set sHolder = regEx.Execute(str)
Set bracketCollection = New Collection
'loop through values in match collection to do with as you wish
For Each m In sHolder
bracketCollection.Add m.Value
Next i
Set sHolder = Nothing
'get values between Quotations
regEx.Pattern = "\"(.*?\")"
'populates matches into match collection
Set sHolder = regEx.Execute(str)
Set quoteCollection = New Collection
'loop through values in match collection to do with as you wish
For Each m In sHolder
quoteCollection.Add m.Value
Next i
End Sub

Range(Cells(... working incorrectly

I have a little problem with a VBA range being used in excel:
dim frameRefPoint As String
frameRefPoint = "4,4"
range(Cells(frameRefPoint).Offset(0,0), Cells(frameRefPoint).Offset(7, 7)).Interior ...
This isn't behaving as I expect it to. I think that the first cell in the specified Range(Cells(4,4).Offset(0,0)) should be "D4", but when I use the range in a code, the first cell of the range is "D1" ~ cells(1,4).
The address property of cells(frameRefPoint) returns $D$1. What am I missing here?
You cannot span two paramters (e.g. .Cells(<row>, <column>)) by concatenating the values with an interim comma. Just making it 'look' like what you code is not the same as legitimate code. You can however, use variables for each parameter.
dim r as long, c as long, frameRefPoint As string
r = 4
c = 4
cells(r, c).resize(7, 7) = "this works"
frameRefPoint = "4,4"
'split the string on the comma and convert teh text-that-looks-numbers to actual numbers
cells(int(split(frameRefPoint, ",")(0))), int(split(frameRefPoint, ",")(1)).resize(7, 7) = "this also works"
Range(Cells(CInt(Split(frameRefPoint, ",")(0)), CInt(Split(frameRefPoint, ",")(1))).Offset(0, 0), Cells(CInt(Split(frameRefPoint, ",")(0)), CInt(Split(frameRefPoint, ",")(1))).Offset(7, 7)).Interior....

Excel VBA: Need Workaround for 255 Transpose Character Limit When Returning Variant Array to Selected Range

I am struggling with a common problem involving an apparent Excel 255-character-limit. I encounter an error when attempting to return a variant-array from a Function to the selected range on the worksheet. When each of the cells in the Function's returning array are under 255 characters, they post to the sheet just as they should: one element appears in each cell within the selected range. However, if any element in my returning variant array is longer than 255 characters I get a Value! error. These errors are bad because I need my long elements and want to keep the data together!
Versions of this problem appear over and over again in many forums, yet I am able to find a clear simple, all-purpose solution for returning variant arrays to the selected range (not necessarily containing formulas) when the array cells exceed 255 characters. My largest elements are around 1000, but it would be better if the solution could accommodate elements up to 2000 characters.
Preferably, I want this to be implemented with a function, or lines of additional code which can be added to my function (not a subroutine). My reason for wanting to avoid subroutines: I do not want to have to hard-code any ranges. I want this to be flexible and for the output location to be dynamically based on my current selection.
Please, if you can help find a way to produce a function, which takes a Variant Array as input, and which maintains the desired array:cell 1:1 relationship, I'd appreciate it greatly.
So this function with short cells works:
Function WriteUnder255Cells()
Dim myArray(3) As Variant 'this the variant array I will attempt to write
' Here I fill each element with less than 255 characters
' it should output them if you call the function properly.
myArray(0) = "dog"
myArray(1) = "cat"
myArray(2) = "bird"
myArray(3) = "fly"
WriteUnder255Cells = Application.Transpose(myArray())
End Function
But this fuction, with cells exceeding 255 will not output.
Function WriteOver255Cells()
Dim myArray(3) As Variant 'this the variant array I will attempt to write
' Here I fill each element with more than 255 characters
' exceeding the 255-character limit causes the VALUE! errors when you output them
myArray(0) = "ThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelaxydog"
myArray(1) = "ThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydog"
myArray(2) = "ThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydog"
myArray(3) = "ThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydog"
WriteOver255Cells = Application.Transpose(myArray())
End Function
This is how you produce the output and results:
First you need to create the two modules(to insert one function into each module, paste the code from one into the respective module). To run "WriteUnder255Cells()", select an area of 4 rows x 1 column on the sheet (this where you return the module) and type "=WriteUnder255Cells()" into the formula bar (do not enter the quotes). Note these are called like array formulas, so instead of hitting (enter) to create the output, you need to hit (control + shift + enter). Repeat the same process for WriteOver255Cells() to produce the errors.
Here are some documents/forums discussions which address it. The solutions seem to be either overly specific or clunky because they evoke subroutines (which I want to avoid):
Excel: Use formula longer that 255 characters
VBA code error when array value exceeds 255 characters
Array formula with more than 255 characters
This works for me:
Function Over255()
Dim myArray(3) As String '<<<<< not variant
myArray(0) = String(300, "a")
myArray(1) = String(300, "b")
myArray(2) = String(300, "c")
myArray(3) = String(300, "d")
'Over255 = Application.Transpose(myArray())
Over255 = TR(myArray)
End Function
'like Application.Transpose...
Function TR(arrIn) As String()
Dim arrOut() As String, r As Long, ln As Long, i As Long
ln = (UBound(arrIn) - LBound(arrIn)) + 1
ReDim arrOut(1 To ln, 1 To 1)
i = 1
For r = LBound(arrIn) To UBound(arrIn)
arrOut(i, 1) = arrIn(r)
i = i + 1
Next r
TR = arrOut
End Function
Seems like you need to return a string array and Application.Transpose doesn't do that