Alert is not showing during manual but alert is showing in automation - selenium

I need to clear the textbox and enter value .After that i am moving to next step.This scenario is working fine in manual but not in automation.After enter the value and trying to move next step but alert is showing with following message
"Textbox field should not be empty".But already value is in textbox which i entered.Anyone please give me suggestion.

After enter the value in the textbox just click the same textbox then alert will not show in this type of scenario


click button VBA to update a drop down field to a specific value

I'm wanting a button to perform multiple actions. when clicked it should:
add 1 to dial attempts field
change the "leagGenOutcome" to "no answer"
the problem is that the "leadGenOutcome" is a dropdown field taking it's options from another table.
I used this VBA code which works for a field with no drop down, but doesn't work on the drop down field.
Private Sub AddDialAttBTN_Click()
DialAttempts = DialAttempts + 1
LeadGenOutcome = "no answer"
End Sub
I know I must be missing something simple to get this to work. any help is much appreciated.
by "doesn't work" the DialAttempts counter ticks up as it should but a "run time error" displays stating "the value you entered isnt valid for this field"
LimitToList property is Yes
"no answer" is a listed item
the field that LeadGenOutcome is bound to is called LeadGenOutcome01 in a form called LeadGenOutcomes.
currently it's a test database which I am using to learn how best to arrange and format.
changed "no answer" to "2" which is the ID for that response in the linked form. I had thought that it would display as "2" and not the associated text. this is not the case. thank you June7 for the assist.

Selecting particular option from a combo box should make textbox field mandatory to enter text

I have a combo box in a form which has two options : correct and incorrect. There is another textbox field which is set not required in Required field property of the table but when combo box selection makes "incorrect", it should automatically force user to fill in textbox i.e. mandatory to fill in textbox
Could anyone please help me out how to fix this.
On the After Update event of the combo box check the selected value. If it is "incorrect" set the focus to the textbox and then use the After Update event of the text box to verify the conditions for filling the text box are satisfied otherwise reset the focus back to the text box (and possibly put on a message box to explain why).

Adding multiple textboxes to a form in ms-access?

I would like to have a line on an Access user-form. Call it Item #1. I would like Item #1 to be a text box where the user can enter any type of information. So for example, say the user entered "Tutoring" and then next to this was an additional Textbox that allowed the user to enter the hours spent tutoring and the date in which the hours were logged.
What I would like is to have a button to allow the user to add a second line (or set of textboxes) when needed, or a third line, etc. Is this something that can be set up on the Access form? Does this need to be coded in VBA? Just looking for some tips to provide me some direction on the best approach.
"If the data should not be stored in a table, it' a bit more complicated. "
You would have to make the text boxes not visible when the form loads, and then make each text box visible on the After Update event of the previous box.

How to change the Contents of a msg box

I have a form for creating a record, I also have a button on the top of the form for to return to a form called home. When the form is being viewed and half the information is put in and the home button is clicked an error pops up saying " you cannot add or change a record beacasue a related record is required in a table "Elements"." How do I Change what the content of the error message is ?
You can put checks in your button_click sub to circumvent -- check to make sure all fields are filled in, and if not, display your own message box followed by
Exit Sub
That will short circuit the rest of the method so you should not get the standard message.
Here is a resource on error-handling in VBA:
I'm not sure, however, if you can create a handler in VBA for standard program error messages.

Never ending loop while setting focus to control on validating event in cantrol validating event

I am writing below code for validating compulsary field account no. in form.
User's requirement is set focus back on field when error comes :
If txtAccountNo = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Account no filed can't be left empty")
Exit Sub
End If
It's working properlly. But suppose user don't want to fill form and exiting from aaplication.
Message box keep on appearing till user enters account no.
How can I avoid this situation?
Please help.
Set a flag to indicate user has seen messagebox. Check the flag to prevent any future messagebox. Make sure the flag is set before setting focus back to textbox e.g.
dim bMsgBox as boolean=false
If txtAccountNo = "" and bMsgBox = false Then
MessageBox.Show("Account no filed can't be left empty")
Exit Sub
End If
You could put all the validation rules in one function / procedure / subrutine (I'm not familiar with VB, mostly C++ / C# user). Then call this function only when user is committing the data filled in, and set focus to first control with mandatory data not filled or invalid data entered.
Say you have a form with 3 controls to be filled in:
a date control not mandatory - dteDate
a text box mandatory - txtAccoutInfo
a text box mandatory - txtAddress
and 2 buttons:
button Save and button Cancel.
When 'Save' button is pressed you first call the function / procedure to validate user input. If date entered is invalid in dteDate, you set focus on it and return / exit the function; if no text is entered in txtAccountInfo then set focus on it and return / exit the function; if no text is entered in txtAddress then set focus on it and return / exit.
When 'Cancel' is pressed you don't call this function, but just quit.