Select every ten steps SQL - sql

I have the following table:
oNumber oValue1
1 54
2 44
3 89
4 65
10 33
11 22
20 43
21 76
100 45
I want to select every 10 value in oNumber. So the result should be:
oNumber oValue1
10 33
20 43
100 45
Also, oNumber is not a sequence number. It's just a value. Even it isn't a sequence number, 10, 20, 30 and so on will always appear under oNumber field.
Does anyone know how is the tsql for this case?
Thank you.

select * from table where oNumber % 10 = 0

Use the "Modulo" operator - %. So in this case, the answer would be something like:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE oNumber % 10 = 0
This will only load if oNumber is a number divisible by ten (and therefore has a remainder zero).

In the case you simply want multiples of 10, then just use the modulo operator as stated by Daniel and Ian.
select *
from table
where oNumber % 10 = 0;
However, I felt that you could be alluding to the fact that you want to get every 10th item in your list. If that's the case, which it may be not, you would simply just sequence your set based on oNumber and use the modulo operator.
select *
from (
select *,
RowNum = row_number() over (order by oNumber)
from table) a
where RowNum % 10 = 0;


Two Condition Where-clause SQL

I need to filter some rows when 2 conditions are met, but not excluding the other rows.
idRow idMaster idList
1 10 45
2 10 46
3 10 47
4 11 10
5 11 98
6 14 56
7 16 28
8 20 55
idMaster=10 and id List=45 (only show this combination for idMaster 10)
idMaster=11 and idList=98 (only show this combination for idMaster 11)
list all other rows as well.
Expected result:
idRow idMaster idList
1 10 45
5 11 98
6 14 56
7 16 28
8 20 55
Running SQL Server 2014
I tried combinations of CASE IF but all cases only filter the idMaster=10,11 and idList=45,98, excluding the other rows
Although you didn't mentioned the database name, this following query logic will be applicable for all databases-
FROM your_table
WHERE idMaster NOT IN (10,11)
OR (idMaster = 10 AND idList = 45)
OR (idMaster = 11 AND idList = 98)
You can indeed do this with a (nested) case. Hopefully this helps you understand better.
case idMaster
when 10 then case idList when 45 then 1 end
when 11 then case idList when 98 then 1 end
else 1
end = 1
This might be the best though:
not (idList = 10 and idList <> 45 or idList = 11 and idList <> 98)
Overall it's usually beneficial to avoid repeating that list of values in multiple places. Both of these avoid the need to keep things in sync when changes come.

Creating bins in presto sql - programmatically

I am new to Presto SQL syntax and and wondering if a function exists that will bin rows into n bins in a certain range.
For example, I have a a table with 1m different integers that range from 1 - 100. What can I do to create 20 bins between 1 and 100 (a bin for 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 ... etc. ) without using 20 separate CASE WHEN statements ? Are there any standard SQL functions that do will perform the binning function?
Any advice would be appreciated!
You can use the standard SQL function width_bucket. For example:
WITH data(value) AS (
SELECT rand(100)+1 FROM UNNEST(sequence(1,10000))
SELECT value, width_bucket(value, 1, 101, 20) bucket
FROM data
value | bucket
100 | 20
98 | 20
38 | 8
42 | 9
67 | 14
74 | 15
6 | 2
You can just use integer division:
select (intcol - 1) / 5 as bin
Presto does integer division, so you shouldn't have to worry about the remainder.

why Order by does not sort?

I have a query below, I want it to sort the data by id, but it doesn't sort at all.
Select distinct ec.category,
from print ec
order by asc
What could be the reason?
this is the output :
Looking at your data, the column data type is a varchar, aka 'text'.
If it is text, it sorts like text, according to the place the character occurs in the character set used.
So each column is ordered on the first character, then the second, etc. So 2 comes after 11.
Either make the column a numeric data type, like number, or use to_number in the sorting:
select distinct ec.category,
from print ec
order by to_number(
The difference lies in the way varchar and number are sorted. in your case, since you have used varchar data type to store number, the sorting is done for the ASCII values.
NUMBERS when sorted as STRING
3 )
4 SELECT rn, ascii(rn) FROM DATA
5 order by ascii(rn)
6 /
---------- ----------
1 49
11 49
10 49
2 50
3 51
4 52
5 53
6 54
7 55
8 56
9 57
11 rows selected.
As you can see, the sorting is based on the ASCII values.
NUMBER when sorted as a NUMBER itself
3 )
4 SELECT rn, ascii(rn) FROM DATA
6 /
---------- ----------
1 49
2 50
3 51
4 52
5 53
6 54
7 55
8 56
9 57
10 49
11 49
11 rows selected.
How to fix the issue?
Change the data type to NUMBER. As a workaround, you could use to_number.
Using to_number -
2 SELECT to_char(LEVEL) rn FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL < = 11
3 )
4 SELECT rn, ascii(rn) FROM DATA
5 ORDER BY to_number(rn)
6 /
--- ----------
1 49
2 50
3 51
4 52
5 53
6 54
7 55
8 56
9 57
10 49
11 49
11 rows selected.
Make sure the type of your "id" column is int. (integer = number)
Right now it is probably text, char or varchar(for text, strings).
You can't sort numbers alphabetically or strings/text chronologically like you are trying now.
when you sort a string datatype that has in values it produce result as
21 etc...
Change your Id datatype to int/bigint
You can only just cast/convert the datatype in a query
Select distinct ec.category,
from print ec
order by cast( as int) asc

SQL Query- Partition into groups & calculate max- min value

Need your help with a SQL query in Oracle db. I have data that I want to partition into groups when event = "Start". E.g. Row 1-6 is a group, row 7-9 is a group. I want to ignore rows with event = "Ignore". Finally I want to calculate max(Value)-min(Value) for these groups. I dont have any way to group the data.
Can this be achieved? Is it possible to use partition by Event = start. Same data is below:
Row Event Value Required Result is max-min of value
1 Start 10
2 A 11
3 B 12
4 C 13
5 D 14
6 E 15 5
7 Start 16
8 A 18
9 B 20 4
10 Start 27
11 A 30
12 B 33
13 C 34 7
14 Ignore 35
15 Ignore 36
16 Start 33
17 A 34
18 B 35
19 C 36
20 D 37
21 E 38 5
Yes, you can do this in SQL.
The following query first finds the group that a row is in, by finding the largest start before the row id. This version uses a correlated subquery for this calculation.
It then does the grouping on the id and does the calculation.
select groupid, max(value) - min(value)
from (select t.*,
(select max(row) from t t2 where t2.row < t.row and t2.event = start
) as groupid
from t
) t
where event <> 'IGNORE'

complex sorting sql

I have the following table
Priority Time
100 1
86 3
85 2
I want to sort it by first by priority and then by time, however, priority differce within 20 points are treated the same. e.g. 100 and 85 are considered as the same priority level.
so the result will be:
Priority Time
100 1
85 2
86 3
Try this (assuming that priority is an integer)
select *
from foobar
order by ( priority / 20 ) , -- 0-19 yields 0 , 20-39 yields 1, etc.