Dynamic where clause and operand SQL Server - sql

Having read almost all topics related to dynamic where clauses, I still can't find a way through.
Here is my source table:
Source Table
And the result I want is:
In fact I want to return all values satisfying the Test value condition but don't know how to implement it dynamicly (I have a table with 700K lines).
Thanks a lot for your help.
Following your answers, I will detailed a bit more the approach.
Unfortunately, as I'm a new user, I'm not allowed to post pictures directly in the post.
I'm basicly performing segregation of duties controls over the SAP system.
Basicly, I want to test if some of the access of a customer are conflictual based on SAP extractions against a knowledge template stating potential conflicts.
Here is an simplified example of the SAP extract:
And here is a simplified example of the Potential conflict template:
This is a faxe example of the raw data of the customer:
I thought a way of doing this is to use dynamic where clause.
Thanks a lot for your help


How to execute a sql query in jscript/jscript.NET

First at all sorry for my English, this is not my native language. So.
I want to execute a SQL query in a script to get some data. I don't know if it's possible and if so, how to make it. To summarize :
The script add a button in M3 Smart Office (a ERP). I already done that.
When i select a row in a M3 function (like an article, or a client) i want to take and send his ID (and some other data) to a website.
They're is a lot of function in M3. In each function, they're are some field who contains a data. One of them contain the ID of the object (An article, a client,...). What i want to do, is to get this ID. The problem is that the field who contains the ID doesn't have the same name in all the function. So, i have two solutions :
Do a lot of if/elseif. Like "if it's such function, take such field". But if I (or somebody else) want to add a combination function/field later i (or somebody else ;) )need to do that in the script. It's not practical.
Create a sql table wich contain all the combination function/field. Then is the script, i do a sql query and i get all the data that the script need.
So here the situation. Maybe you have ideas to do that otherwise (without sql) and i take it !
Please see this in depth tutorial from the 4guysfromrolla site:
Server-Side JScript Objects

SQL queries to their natural language description

Are there any open source tools that can generate a natural language description of a given SQL query? If not, some general pointers would be appreciated.
I don't know much about NLP, so I am not sure how difficult this is, although I saw from some previous discussion that the vice versa conversion is still an active area of research. It might help to say that the SQL tables I will be handling are not arbitrary in any sense, yet mine, which means that I know exact semantics of each table and its columns.
I can devise two approaches:
SQL was intended to be "legible" to non-technical people. A naïve and simpler way would be to perform a series of replacements right on the SQL query: "SELECT" -> "display"; "X=Y" -> "when the field X equals to value Y"... in this approach, using functions may be problematic.
Use a SQL parser and use a series of templates to realize the parsed structure in a textual form: "(SELECT (SUM(X)) (FROM (Y)))" -> "(display (the summation of (X)) (in the table (Y))"...
ANTLR has a grammar of SQL you can use: https://github.com/antlr/grammars-v4/blob/master/sqlite/SQLite.g4 and there are a couple SQL parsers:
Parsing is a core process for executing a SQL query, check this for more information: https://decipherinfosys.wordpress.com/2007/04/19/parsing-of-sql-statements/
There is a new project (I am part of) called JustQuery.Me which intends to do just that with NLP and google's SyntaxNet. You can go to the https://github.com/justquery-me/justqueryme page for more info. Also, sign up for the mailing list at justqueryme-development#googlegroups.com and we will notify you when we have a proof of concept ready.

MSAccess SQL Injection

I'm doing some penetration testing for a friend of mine and have total clearance to go postal on a demo environment. Reason for this is because I saw a XSS-hole in his online ASP-application (error page with error as param allowing html).
He has a Access DB and because of his lack of input-validation I came upon another hole: he allows sql injection in a where-clause.
I tried some stuff from:
But this gave limited result:
MSysRelationships is open, but his Objects table is shielded.
' UNION SELECT 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 FROM MSysRelationships WHERE '1' = '1 <-- worked so I know the parent table has at least 9 columns. I don't know how I can exploit the relation table to get tablenames ( I can't find any structures explanation so I don't know on what to select.
Tried brute-forceing some tablenames, but to no avail.
I do not want to trash his DB, but I do want to point out the serious flaw with some backing.
Anyone has Ideas?
Usually there are two ways to proceed from here. You could try to guess table names by the type of data which is stored in them which often works ("users" usually stores the user data ...). The other method would be to generate speaking error messages in the application to see if you can fetch table or column names from there.

MDX query issue

In analysis services, I have cube that is based on hospitalization data. For each hospitalization there are potentially 9 icd codes and these are each stored in their own field in the view on which the cube is based. These are stored in a child table in the relational database on which the SSAS database is based.
I would like to query the cube to return all rows that have a certain ICD code in any one or more of the 9 icd code fields. It seems as if it should be simple to have this sort of "OR" in the WHERE or the Filter clause, but I'm not finding the correct method.
Thanks in advance,
Jeremy Schrader
As far as i understand, you are an SQL guy and new to MDX, so that's why you have difficulties for the query.
it would be better if you tell us what are the measures you want to select with ICD codes but i am going to try to show you an mdx query sample as simple as possible. Your query should like below;
select {Measure1,Measure2,...} on columns
ICDCodeDimension.Children on rows
//{ICDCodeDimension.ICDCode1,ICDCodeDimension.ICDCode5,...} on rows
from Cube
MDX is highly advanced query language and there are many more concept you should know/learn to use it effectively.
Hope this help.
I am guessing that you'd have a dimension called [ICD Codes] with a single level called [Codes] and 9 members called [Code A] and [Code B] or whatever. Perhaps even a member for [No code] too?
In that case your query would be able to tell you the total number of hospitalisation cases for each code, for a certain time period, across all hospitals:
SELECT {[ICD Codes].[Codes].members} ON ROWS,
{[Measures].[Number of Cases]} ON COLUMNS
FROM [CubeName]
WHERE ([Time].[2010].[Quarter 1])
Thanks for both of your feedback. After I researched further (particularly an article here: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/mosha/default.aspx that uses the SUBCUBE method to give some "OR" functionality but with very poor performance) I realized that the OR construct that I was looking for requires record-level information and so doesn't work after the aggregation that SSAS performs. Thus, I need to create a field on the fact table that has the result of the SQL "OR" statement that I need.
In this case I will just create a flag for any record that has a certain range of ICD codes in any of the 9 ICD code fields. Then, I'll create a measure that gives a count of these. Luckily, the requirements of my app are that only a limited number of diagnoses need to be looked at in this way(i.e. any hospitalization that is diabetes-related,tobacco-related,etc.). I'm still curious how one would approach this if you needed to allow the user to choose any ICD code. My understanding at this point is that you would then need to revert back to plain SQL.

How to get multi row data of one column to one row of one Column

I need to get data in multiple row of one column.
For example data from that format
ID Interest
to that format
ID Interest
I wonder that we can do that in MS Access sql. If anybody knows that, please help me on that.
Take a look at Allen Browne's approach: Concatenate values from related records
As for the normalization argument, I'm not suggesting you store concatenated values. But if you want to join them together for display purposes (like a report or form), I don't think you're violating the rules of normalization.
This is called de-normalizing data. It may be acceptable for final reporting. Apparently some experts believe it's good for something, as seen here.
(Mind you, kevchadder's question is right on.)
Have you looked into the SQL Pivot operation?
Take a look at this link:
Just noticed you're using access. Take a look at this article:
This is nothing you should do in SQL and it's most likely not possible at all.
Merging the rows in your application code shouldn't be too hard.