How to build an Angular directive that doesn't generate containing tags? - angular-directive

I'm having a little difficulty with this, I'm hoping maybe someone has some ideas. It's a very complex situation, but I'll try to simplify and nutshell it here.
Let's say that I have a directive that generates several elements, for example, a Label and a Textbox. This directive will need to generate different content in differtag ent scenarious.
The problem with a directive that has more than one element in it is that you can't use the "replace:true" tag unless you wrap everything in one element. "replace" doesn't like multiple root elements. If you don't use the "replace" option then the tag that generates the directive becomes the containing element.
I don't want all these extra tags. It's breaking my CSS and generating unnecessary content. So instead of this:
<div ng-repeat="s in something">
</div><!-- End repeat -->
I want this:
<div ng-repeat="s in something">
</div><!-- End repeat -->
I hope this question makes sense.


Conditionally Add Attribute

Is it possible to conditionally add an attribute to an element using binding syntax? I am aware of if.bind, but that targets elements. Rather I am interested in targeting a specific attribute on an element.
<a href.bind="">${model.text}</a>
If is falsy, then I don't want the href at all--just treat the <a /> as a container element.
I realize I could create two <a /> tags--one with the attribute and one without--and use an if.bind on both, but that seem clunky and un-aurelia like.
I don't think it's supported in Aurelia currently (issue 1, issue 2)
<a href.bind="addLink ? link : ''">Link</a>.
will produce
<a href>Link</a>
if addLink is false.
It won't remove the attribute entirely. If you are using a library which will check the existence of an attribute to manipulate the element, then this won't work. Another option would be to create a custom attribute like this. But that seems like an overhead.

angular2: Why we use asterik with ngif and ngfor?

here is the sample code for the asked question.<p *ngIf="heroes.length >= 4">There are many heroes!</p>
If i remove * it gives me error
The asterisk (*) effect
<div *ngIf="hero">{{hero}}</div>
<div *ngFor="let hero of heroes">{{hero}}</div>
We're prefixing these directive names with an asterisk (*).
The asterisk is "syntactic sugar". It simplifies ngIf and ngFor for both the writer and the reader. Under the hood, Angular replaces the asterisk version with a more verbose form.
The next two ngIf examples are effectively the same and we may write in either style:
<!-- Examples (A) and (B) are the same -->
<!-- (A) *ngIf paragraph -->
<p *ngIf="condition">
Our heroes are true!
<!-- (B) [ngIf] with template -->
<template [ngIf]="condition">
Our heroes are true!
Most of us would rather write in style (A).
It's worth knowing that Angular expands style (A) into style (B). It moves the paragraph and its contents inside a tag. It moves the directive up to the tag where it becomes a property binding, surrounded in square brackets. The boolean value of the host component's condition property determines whether the templated content is displayed or not.
The reason we use asterik for ngIf and ngFor directive is because, they change the structure of the DOM. and they are also called as structural directives. Every structural directive prefix with asterik.
Examples of Structural directives: *ngIf, *ngFor, *ngSwitchCase, *ngSwitchDefault etc are some examples of structural directives
Code Example:
<p *ngIf="true"> Expression is true and ngIf is true. This paragraph is in the DOM. </p>
<p *ngIf="false"> Expression is false and ngIf is false. This paragraph is not in the DOM.</p>
checkout this link to dive deep in structural directives:

Get attributes of a empty child node

I want to transform a old HTML4 code to have closed tags in order to achieve compatibility with WCAG.
I have a lot of anchors without content, used as internal links, like
<h3> <a id="julio" name="julio"></a>Julio 2015</h3>
For reasons I do not understand, some browsers do not understand the self-enclosed tag, and interpret it as the start of an anchor (without end).
<h3> <a id="julio" name="julio"/a>Julio 2015</h3>
Then, I want to delete empty anchors and move the attributes to the parent tag:
<h3 id="julio" name="julio">Julio 2015</h3>
The tool I have to use only supports XSLT 1.0
How can I get it?

How do I select a particular dynamic div, using Selenium when I don't have a unique id or name?

Only the content of the div is unique. So, in the following dynamically generated html, only "My Article-1245" is unique:
<div class="col-md-4 article">
My Article-1245
<p>O ephemeral text! Here today, gone tomorrow. Not terribly important, but necessary</p>
How do I select the edit/delete link of this specific div, using Selenium? assertText/verifyText requires an element locator, but I do not have any unique id/name (out of my control). There will be many such div blocks, with other content text, all dynamically generated.
Any help would be appreciated.
If text 'My Article' appears each time, you may use following:
//For Delete
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//h2[contains(text(),'My Article-')]/a[text()='Delete']"));
//For Edit
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//h2[contains(text(),'My Article-')]/a[text()='Edit']"));
Hope it meets your requirement :)
Matching by text is always a bad automated testing concept. If you want to keep clean and reliable test scripts, then :
Contact your web dev to add unique identifiers to the elements
Suck it up, and create selectors based on what's there.
You are able to create a CSS selector based on what you want.
What you should do is create the selector using parent-child relationships:
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.article:nth-child(X) a[href^='delete']"));
As I am ignorant of your appp, this is also assuming that all of your article classes are under the same parent. You would substitute X with the number of the div you want to refer to. e.g.:
<div id="someparent">
<div class="...article" />
<div class="...article" />

How to get an article description or excerpt within Expression Engine

I saw in Expression Engine I can use {embed:title} and {site_name} variables, but now I need a variable to pull an excerpt or description of the article itself. Is there such a variable/tag?
ExpressionEngine tags are based solely on custom fields which you yourself have defined. So in the field group for your "articles" channel, you'll have some fields, maybe {article_summary}, {article_body}, {article_image}, etc. To display your summary, just use {article_summary} in your template.
I'm assuming that you're coming from something like WordPress maybe, where every piece of content has the_content() and the_excerpt() ... aside from a handful of global variables, and some fields which are universal to all entries (like {title}, {entry_date}, etc), ExpressionEngine isn't like that. You define what fields you use for each channel - you have complete control.
Here is the actual code you have to include in your EE template.
{exp:channel:entries channel="article" limit="5" dynamic="no"}
<div class="home_thumb">
<div class="home_thumb_img">
<img src="{article_image}">
{if article_content}