laravel 5.2 how to use the count query with where query - sql

I have tried every where all examples I came across but still have the same problem error 'htmlentities() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given'
I need to select count from the database and would like to use the raw select as i will have more flexibility on it but any point towards the right direction will be appreciated here is what i have been doing'
$totalOpen = DB::table('dam')
->select(array('dam.*', DB::raw('COUNT(dam.mivisjobid) as followers')))
->whereRaw( 'miviswf.mivisid=dam.mivisjobid')
->whereIn('miviswf.Status', $inputIds) // pass an array
->orderBy('miviswf.datetimesubmitted', 'ASC');'
and i get this error 'htmlentities() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given (View: '

Try with this, don't use array inside the select method
->select('dam.*', DB::raw('COUNT(dam.mivisjobid) as followers'))
for reference:

This worked fine
DB::table(' dam')


API parameters - filter with ARRAY_CONTAINS (cosmos db back end)

I have an API I am pinging which queries a cosmos db to return records.
I can filter on a simple string in my api call like so:
// return objects where '_Subject' field equals "filterTest"
string getUrl = $"...baseApiPath/?$filter=_Subject+eq+'filterTest'";
This is working perfectly.
But I cannot figure out the filter syntax to make my API query be based on ARRAY_CONTAINS.
// return objects where '_Attachments' field CONTAINS "945afd138aasdf545a2d1";
How would I do that? Is there a general reference for API filter syntax somewhere?
If you're asking about how to query, a query against a property with an array of values looks like this:
SELECT * FROM c WHERE ARRAY_CONTAINS(c._Attachments, "945afd138aasdf545a2d1")
Another example in this answer.

Why am I getting a `Data type mismatch` error when I add "CF" to the end of my search string in a SQL statement in Access?

The following query (qryCurLotNewProducts) produces a data set that I want process further with another query (qryBNP_CFRecordset):
SELECT tblNewProducts.*
FROM tblNewProducts INNER JOIN tblCurLot ON (tblCurLot.CatalogNum = tblNewProducts.CatalogNum) AND
(tblNewProducts.LotNum = tblCurLot.CurLot);
When I run this second query to list only the "CF" products found in the first query, I get the `Data type mismatch in criteria expression' error.
SELECT qryCurLotNewProducts.*, tblABCategory.UNSPSC, tblAmount.ProductSize
FROM tblAmount RIGHT JOIN (tblABCategory RIGHT JOIN qryCurLotNewProducts ON tblABCategory.ABCategory = qryCurLotNewProducts.ABCategory) ON tblAmount.Amount = qryCurLotNewProducts.Amount
WHERE (((qryCurLotNewProducts.CatalogNum) Like "A700-###CF") AND ((qryCurLotNewProducts.DateEntered) Between #1/1/2000# And #3/1/2020#))
ORDER BY qryCurLotNewProducts.CatalogNum, Abs(qryCurLotNewProducts.LotNum);
If I remove the CF from the search string (so "A700-###"), the query correctly outputs a list containing all items that contain that pattern:
If I use strings like "A700-####F" or "A700-###ZZ" or other combinations like that, I don't get an error but rather an empty results set.
Notably, "A700-001CF", "A700-002CF", etc all create the data type error. It seems there is something about the CF key combination that is causing trouble.
Has anybody else ever seen this issue? Do I need to use some kind of delimiter to tell SQL to not view CF as some kind of special switch?
Abs(qryCurLotNewProducts.LotNum) wont work with the values for Products ending in CF. Your LotNum-Column has a text-type.
Edit: Your LotNum-Column has a text-type as you can see in your first screenshot.

Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord query select only column string field value with where clause?

I was wondering if there is a way to use a select statement with a where clause similar to this way that does not seem to work for me in Ruby version 2.0/Rails 4.0 trying to retrieve a single record string value of a city where the building name is a certain name:
building_city = building).uniq
I have also tried:
building_city = building).distinct
Currently I have my code working like this:
building_city = Building.where(building_name: building).first
This grabs an entire Building object, and then I can call the city by doing a:
This works fine with what I am trying to achieve, but I was wondering if there is a smarter way to do this. Specifically, I was wondering if there is a way to grab only the string value of a city where the building name equals a certain building and store it into a variable?
Any help/advice is greatly appreciated! :)
Are you perhaps looking for pluck? Something like:
cities = Building.where(building_name: building).uniq.pluck(:city)
That will perform this SQL:
select distinct city from buildings where building_name = '...'
and give you the cities as an array of strings. You'll still get an array but a quick first call will take care of that if you're certain that there will only be one entry.
building_city =, :building_name).where(building_name: building).uniq — you need to include the building_name
city = Building.where(building_name: building).pick(:city)
Rails 6 introduced pick method with works like where(..).pluck(..).first. Docs

Mule ESB: How to do Condition checking in Datamapper using Xpath

i'm facing issue in xpath-I need do a check two attribute values, if the condition satisfies need to do hard code my own value. Below is my xml.
I need to check the condition like inside subroot- if ItemType=Table1 and ItemCondition=Chair1 then i have to give a hard coded value 'Proceed'( this hard coded value i will map to target side of datamapper).
....Will have multiple subroot
I have tried to define rules as below, but it is throwing error
Type: String
Xpath: substring("Proceed", 1 div boolean(/SubRoot[ItemType="Table1" and ItemCondition="Chair1"]))
But it is throwing error like
net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: Arithmetic operator is not defined for arguments of types (xs:integer, xs:boolean)
Is there any other shortcut way to perform this.Could you please help me, i have given lot more effort. Not able to resolve it. Thanks in advance.
I am not sure where you are applying this but the XPath expression you are looking for is:
fn:contains(/Root/SubRoot[2]/ItemCondition, "chair") and fn:contains(/Root/SubRoot[2]/ItemType, "Table")
So here is an example returning "Proceed" or "Stop" as appropriate:
if (fn:contains(/Root/SubRoot[1]/ItemCondition, "Chair") and fn:contains(/Root/SubRoot[2]/ItemType, "Table")) then 'Proceed' else 'Stop'
To implement the above condition , i was initially tired to do in xpath, gave me lot of error. I have implemented by simple if else condition in script part of data mapper
if ( (input.ItemType == 'Table') and (input.ItemCondition == 'chair')) {
output.Item = 'Proceed'}
else {
output.Item = 'Stop '};
Make sure about your precedence. Example, Here in the xml structure( or converted POJO) ItemType has to be checked first then followed with ItemCondition.
&& not seems to be working for me, change to 'and' operator
If you were first time trying to implement the logic. It may help you.

Rails3 Find Distinct gives result not object

I'm trying to select the User Id as a variable in the console however I keep ending up with:
[#<User id: 4>]
The find statement I have tried is:
userid ='id').where('username = ?', 'uwZgf')
I've also tried with find_by_sql with same result.
What do I need to get the value out instead of the hash?
What you've got there is an array of one User object.
Would do the trick (you'd probably want to check the value returned by first before trying to call id on it.
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