Apache routing without htaccess - apache

I am working with a custom website built in PHP running on Apache server. The client wants to move it to a new server. I moved everything including the .htaccess file, the homepage loads fine but all the other urls like site.com/register isn't working. I'm sure this is not handled by code in the old server because I renamed everything (including .htaccess) and it still works. If I create a file like test.php in the old server, I can access it like site.com/test. It doesn't even hit the index.php file. Also, not all the urls work like this, some are loading through files in other folders.
So my question is - what are the possible ways that Apache can let user access site.com/test without the .php extension. It must not be using .htaccess. Also, we should be able to add exceptions to this so that some urls can be loaded differently.

you can achieve same thing in hosts file if you are using Linux server. you need to define same rules in hosts configuration file.


perl cgi shows plain text in https only?

I have an odd issue with my webserver (redhat/apache). There are two sites on the server, each with their own virtualhost section in httpd-vhosts.conf and ssl.conf.
One site is primarily perl/cgi and works fine. I am able to properly execute perl/cgi scripts in the root folder as well as cgi-bin and subfolders of both areas. I can access the cgi files from http and https URLs.
If I try to put a cgi file in my other site it will execute if I access it via http but not if I access it via https. (it only displays the code as plain text if I use https)
As far as I can tell both sites are configured identically in both .conf files.
Any idea why it might be doing this?
I tracked down the issue. There was an entry in ssl.conf for '' and it had the same url as the site that wasnt working. That one was apparently overriding the one farther down which had the correct cgi config.

How to avoid displaying directory path in url?

I set up a little Apache2 server on a Raspberry PI4. Now I’m looking for a way to hide the real directory path displayed in the URL. I read around that you should deal with a file called .htaccess but, I don’t even know what to actually look for on the internet. How can I display an arbitrary url in the address bar of the browser, Hiding file extension like .php and file path?
You make rewrite rules in an Apache config file, a .htaccess file for example. One way you could achieve this is to create re-write rules in a .htaccess file. Use to below link to test your rewrite rules, then once you have that part working implement on your live apache installation.

htaccess http request re-routing

Reason for Problem:
I'm working on a website and wanted to work on it without making edits to the live website. My hosting package allows for "infinite" domains. So instead of editing the live website I create a new domain, without purchasing the domain name and am trying to develop with this new domain.
Issue At Hand:
This issue is that the reference file paths don't work anymore and return 404 when trying to load the webpage. My original website directory structure looks like this
The new one is the same structure however when you open the "temporary web address" the URL looks like this"
instead of
so when my index.html file looks for /JSfiles/someJSfile.js its requesting
when it needs to be requesting
Things I've Tried Unsuccessfully:
I would really like to fix this by redirecting with the .htaccess file in the root directory on the server. Ive tried using the following directives with no success.
Redirect /
Redirect /JSfiles
Redirect /JSfiles
Redirect /JSfiles
How can I redirect the requests to the right location? I need all the the requests to be of the form
You need to read up a bit more on Virtual Hosting in particular name based virtual hosting.
It sounds like your provider might support name based VHosts but what you're trying to do is not taking advantage of that. To do what you want ie have path that points to a different version of your site is best achieved using mod_rewrite. See this
You need to make sure that your provided actually supports this.

.htaccess works on Apache server, but not on FTP directory

I recently found the use of a .htaccess file to edit the URL of my webpages. This is done with mod_rewrite (Apache). I use XAMPP and the working files are inside of the appropriate htdocs folder. While in the local directory, the .htaccess file does the job and it edits the URL. I have a domain name that I've been working on and periodically update the working files to that. When I upload these files to the domain through FTP, the .htaccess file doesn't work correctly, as you can imagine since Apache modules have no way of working on a web directory. So my question is, how do I make a .htaccess file work in a web directory without Apache's mod_rewrite module?
Your question is not sufficiently clear. URL rewriting won't work if you're just accessing the static files (i.e. file:///home/user/www/index.html) rather than going through the Apache server (http://localhost/~user/index.html) since Apache will never process the request.
Perhaps your .htaccess file is not being uploaded properly? Some programs will complain a bit when you try to upload strangely named files, such as those beginning with a period.

Prevent access to files from Apache without .htaccess

(LAMP server configuration)
As a workaround for another problem, I need PHP to be able to access local files, but prevent these files from being served over http by Apache.
Normally, I would just use .htaccess to accomplish this, however due to institutional restrictions, I cannot. I also can't touch php.ini, although I can use php_ini_set within php.
As a creative solution, I thought that if php executes as its own linux user (not as apache) I could use normal chown's and chmod's to accomplish this.
Again, the goal is simply to have a directory of files that apache will not display, but php can access.
I'm open to any suggestions.
Put the files outside of your web accessible root (DocumentRoot), but keep them accessible via PHP.
/sites/my.site.com/data // <-- data goes here
/sites/my.site.com/web // <-- web root is here
Here's a thought. Set the permissions on the files to be inaccessible to even the owner, then when PHP needs them, chmod() then, read them, then chmod() them back to inaccessible.