SQL check if record exists in table before bulk insert - sql

I currently have a stored procedure that performs bulk insert into a table named "TomorrowPatients" from a .csv file. When performing the bulk insert, I need to determine if the record being added already exists within the table and if so DO NOT add the record. If the record does not exist then I need to APPEND it to the table. What is the most efficient way to go about this? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I have created a temp table called "TomorrowPatients_Temp". I am trying to use this table to determine which records to insert.

Insert your the whole data into a temporary table, say #TempData.Then use the following code :
INSERT INTO TommorowPatients
LEFT JOIN TommorowPatients TP ON TT.PatientId = TP.PatienId
AND TT.PatientName = TP.PatientName
AND TT.PatientSSN = TP.PatientSSN
Where PatientId is you primary key for the TommorowPatients table.
DO NOT add the "RoomNumber" column with the LEFT JOIN like : TT.RoomNo = TP.RoomNo. This way even if the room number changes, new data won't be inserted as we have joined only based on patient specific data.


How to append unique values from temp_tbl into original_tbl (SQL Server)?

I have a table that I'm trying to append unique values to. Every month I get list of user logins to import into this table. I would like to keep all the original values and just append the new and unique values onto the existing table. Both the table and the flatfile have a single column, with unique values, built like this:
I'm bulk ingesting the flat file into a temp table, with this:
ntlogin2 nvarchar(15)
FROM 'C:\ImportFiles\logins_Dec2021.csv'
Is there a join that would give me the table with existing values + new unique values appended? I'd rather not hard code a loop to evaluate it line by line.
Something like (pseudocode):
append unique {login} from temp_tbl into original_tbl
Hopefully it's an easy answer for someone out there.
Poster on Reddit r/sql provided this answer, which I'm pursuing:
Merge statement?
It looks like using a merge statement will do exactly what I want. Thanks for those who already posted replies.
You can check if a record exists using 'EXISTS' clause and insert if it doesn't exist in the target table. You can also use MERGE statement to achieve the same. Depending on what you want to do to the existing records in the target table, you can modify the Merge statement. Here since you only want to insert new records, you need to specify only what you want to do when a new record comes in. Here is an example
MERGE original_tbl T
USING temp_tbl S
ON T.login = S.login
INSERT (login)
Another solution would be to left join the target table to the temp table and insert only when the record doesn't exist.
INSERT INTO original_tbl(login)
FROM temp_tbl S
LEFT JOIN original_tbl T
ON S.Login = T.Login

Sql Trigger After Insert Update another table with conditions

I am creating After Insert trigger , its working fine, but I have certain conditions before executing the statements inside the trigger
Based on Different CustomerId Run the trigger, I want check which CustomerId got inserted in my LoyaltyDetailsTable, say if last insert
was Customerid=2 then pass that Customerid in where condition then run
the trigger , or if Customerid = 1 then run the trigger for that Id,
so on.
I want to check whether in PriceClaimTable the inserted CustomerId exist or not, If exists then update the details else just insert the
values in LoyaltyDetailsTable only.
Trigger query
CREATE TRIGGER DetailsAfterInsert ON [dbo].[LoyaltyDetailsTable]
UPDATE PriceClaimTable
SET CurrentPoints =
(SELECT SUM(LoayaltyPointsTable.Points) AS RecentPoints FROM LoayaltyPointsTable
join LoyaltyDetailsTable ON LoayaltyPointsTable.LoyaltyPointsId
= LoyaltyDetailsTable.LoyaltyPointsId
WHERE CustomerId=1 and LoyaltyDetailsId= (SELECT MAX(LoyaltyDetailsId)
AS LoyaltyDetailsTable FROM LoyaltyDetailsTable))
(SELECT CurrentPoints FROM PriceClaimTable WHERE ClaimCustomerId=1 and
PriceClaimId=(SELECT max(PriceClaimId) FROM PriceClaimTable
WHERE ClaimCustomerId=1 and PriceClaimId=(SELECT max(PriceClaimId) FROM PriceClaimTable)
This is my first attempt to write a trigger, and here is table structure.
Any help would be great.
What you're looking for here is the inserted table. Every time you issue an UPDATE statement, SQL Server generates two virtual tables called inserted and deleted that store information on the data modifications you're making. These tables are accessible from your trigger. For more information, see here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191300.aspx
You can use inserted to get the IDs you're looking for. So, instead of:
WHERE ClaimCustomerId=1
you can use:
WHERE ClaimCustomerId=inserted.ClaimCustomerId

How to Update a Single record despite multiple Occurances of the same ID Number?

I have a table that looks like the below table:
Every time the user loan a book a new record is inserted.
The data in this table is derived or taken from another table which has no dates.
I need to update this tables based on the records in the other table: Meaning I only need to update this table based on what changes.
Example: Lets say the user return the book Starship Troopers and the book return is indicated to Yes.
How do I update just that column?
What I have tried:
I tried using the MERGE Statement but it works only with unique rows of data, meaning you get an error if the same ID appears more than once.
I also tried using a basic UPDATE Statement and a JOIN but that's not going well.
I am asking because I have ran out of ideas.
Thanks for reading
If you need to update BooksReturn in target table based on the same column in source table
SET t.booksreturn = s.booksreturn
FROM target t JOIN source s
ON t.userid = s.userid
AND t.booksloaned = s.booksloaned
Here is SQLFiddle demo
You can do this by simple Update & Insert statement.....
Two table A & B
From B you want to insert data into A if not exists other wise Update that data....
,First Insert into temp table....
,Second Check data and insert into A.
And at last write one simple update statement which update all data of A. If any change then it also reflect to that data otherwise data as it is.
You can also update from #MYTEMP table.

merging data from old table into new for a monthly archive

I have a sql statement to insert data into a table for archiving, but I need a merge statement to run on a monthyl basis to update the new table(2) with any data that changed in the old table(1) that should now be moved into archive.
Part of the issue is to remove the moved data from the old table. My insert is not doing that, but I need to have it to where the saved data is purged from the original table.
Is there a single sql statement that will move data out of one table into another in this way? Or does it need to be a two step operation?
the initial statement moved data depending on age and a few other relative factors.
insert is:
INSERT /*+ append */
INTO tab1
FROM tab2
WHERE (Postingdate < TO_DATE ('2001/07/01', 'yyyy/mm/dd')
OR jobname IS NULL)
AND STATUS <> '45';
All help appreciated...
The merge statement will let you do this in one statement by adding a delete statement in the update clause. See Oracle Documentation on Merge.
I think you should try this with a partition table. My idea is to create table which have range partition on date:
create table(id number primary key,name varchar,J_date date )
partition by range(J_date)(PARTITION one_mnth VALUES LESS THAN(sysdate-30)),
partition by range(J_date)(PARTITION one_mnth VALUES LESS THAN(maxvalue)));
then move that partition in to another table and and truncate that partition

How to fix this stored procedure problem

I have 2 tables. The following are just a stripped down version of these tables.
Id <pk> incrementing
Name varchar(50)
TableAId <pk> non incrementing
Name varchar(50)
Now these tables have a relationship to each other.
User 1 comes to my site and does some actions(in this case adds rows to Table A). So I use a SqlBulkCopy all this data in Table A.
However I need to add the data also to Table B but I don't know the newly created Id's from Table A as SQLBulkCopy won't return these.
So I am thinking of having a stored procedure that finds all the id's that don't exist in Table B and then insert them in.
INSERT INTO TableB (TableAId , Name)
SELECT Id,Name FROM TableA as tableA
WHERE not exists( ...)
However this comes with a problem. A user at any time can delete something from TableB so if a user deletes say a row and then another user comes around or even the same user comes around and does something to Table A my stored procedure will bring back that deleted row in Table B. Since it will still exist in Table A but not Table B and thus satisfy the stored procedure condition.
So is there a better way of dealing with two tables that need to be updated when using bulk insert?
SQLBulkCopy complicates this so I'd consider using a staging table and an OUTPUT clause
Example, in a mixture of client pseudo code and SQL
create SQLConnection
Create #temptable
Bulkcopy to #temptable
Call proc on same SQLConnection
INSERT tableA (..)
SELECT .. FROM #temptable
close connection
temptable will be local to the connection and be isolated
the writes to A and B will be atomic
overlapping or later writes don't care about what happens later to A and B
emphasising the last point, A and B will only ever be populated from the set of rows in #temptable
Add another column to A and B called sessionid and use that to identify row batches.
One option would be to use SQL Servers output clause:
INSERT YourTable (name)
VALUES ('NewName')
This will return the id, name of the inserted rows to the client, so you can use them in the insert operation for the second table.
Just as an alternative solution you could use database triggers to update the second table.