How to 301 redirect when a user's IP address is not authorized? - apache

I'm setting up a development server on one of my subdomains. I'm controlling access to the site using the visitor's IP address. When I see a visitor that is not authorized, I want to 301 redirect them to the main website. I've got a temporary solution using the following .htaccess directive:
ErrorDocument 403
But my understanding is that's a 302 redirect. I want to do a 301.
In looking for a solution I came across the following:
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} !=""
RewriteRule ^$ [R=301,L]
It does not appear to be working, however. Just for reference, I'm blocking on IP, not a login, so this are my settings:
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Anyone know how to get this working as a 301?


How to deny entry in .htaccess and redirect to another domain

I am using htaccess config for allow only my IP:
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from MY.IP
How can I redirect on 403 to another domain, for example when 403 -> go to
You can't send a 403 and redirect (3xx) in the same request. You do one or the other.
To redirect when the requesting IP is not your own then you would need to use mod_rewrite instead of mod_authz... as you are doing. For example, at the top of your .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !=
RewriteRule ^ [R,L]
Where is your IP address and the is the URL you want to send all other users to.
However, sending a 403 Forbidden is probably the better response.

How to Allow From IP Address, Serve 404 Otherwise?

I am looking to deny access to my /wp-admin/ folder to everyone but specific IP addresses. For everyone else, the page should serve a 404 error. Here's what I'm working with thus far:
<Limit GET POST>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from
RedirectMatch 404 ".*"
I believe I'm close, but the problem is that a 404 error is not served, instead it creates a redirect loop. This would obviously be taxing on my server for no reason. So how then, can a simply serve a 404 error to everyone but these specific IP addresses and also deny them access to the repository?
Interesting idea. I'm curious as to why you're so keen on a 404 error as opposed to a 403! I guess you could be trying to mask WordPress but then you'll have to mask all the references to wp-content on the frontend too.
Anyway, let's get on with this. In order to do this, do this:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} != [OR]
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !=
RewriteRule ^wp-admin($|/) - [L,R=404]
Set to your real IP Address. You can add additional OR conditions to whitelist other IPs the same way I did with localhost (
You will need to be using Apache 2.1.1 or above because we are using the R=404 flag.

Redirect all request from old domain to new domain

I am looking to migrate from old domain to new domain.
I have my old domain and new domain pointing to same ip address for now.
I have Apache server inplace to handle requests.
How do I 301 redirect all my*
Can I get exact regex or configuration that I need to add in htaccess.
My and both are being serverd by same apache from same IP so "/" redirect might lead to cycles? And so was looking for effecient way
I tried
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^localhost$ [OR]
# RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
RewriteRule (.*)$ http://comp16/$1 [R=301,L]
And even tried adding in virtual host
RedirectMatch (.*)\.jpg$ http://comp17$1.jpg
But it does not redirect site when i hit localhost in browser to my computer name i.e comp16
In the configuration (VirtualHost) for each of your host try this:
Redirect permanent /
Apache documentation for Redirect. This is the preferred way when everything should be redirected. If you must use mode_rewrite/htaccess there are plenty of questions around this on SO and one of them is:
How do I 301 redirect one domain to the other if the first has a folder path
Recommendation from Apache regarding simple redirects:
mod_alias provides the Redirect and RedirectMatch directives, which provide a means to
redirect one URL to another. This kind of simple redirection of one URL, or a class of
URLs, to somewhere else, should be accomplished using these directives rather than
RewriteRule. RedirectMatch allows you to include a regular expression in your
redirection criteria, providing many of the benefits of using RewriteRule.
I also recommend to use an If statement as you can use it also in a multisite server. Just type:
<If "%{HTTP_HOST} == ''">
Redirect "/" ""
Write the below code in to your .htaccess and it will redirect all your old domain request to new domain.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]

.htaccess - Redirect for all users, except me

Please help me with the htaccess. I tried to create a rule whereby a user visiting a particular web page is automatically redirected to another page on the site, but if I visit it page, this rule does not work for me (for a specific IP address).
LiteSpeed ​​installed on the server, and I think fits the rule for Apache (correct if I'm wrong, I just do not understand the server software).
Sorry for bad english.
This is a 302-Moved Temporarily redirection.
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} !^xxx\.xxx\.xxx\.xxx
RewriteRule \.html$ /anotherPage.html [R=302,L]
where is your ip and anotherPage.html is the redirection page.

apache .htaccess alternative to "deny from X.X.X.X"?

I have nginx reverse proxying to apache and if I add "Deny from" to my htaccess it still allows them through as nginx doesn't forward the remote_addr ip of the visitor.
Is there a rule or something I can add to htaccess so if an the visitors ip address using "HTTP_X_REAL_IP" I can just redirect them to a static html page?
Something like this should work:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:HTTP_X_REAL_IP}
RewriteRule (.*) - [F,L]
That rewrite rule will send them a 403 forbidden response without substituting another url. This should cause your default 403 error page to be shown.
You can specify your 403 error page using this:
ErrorDocument 403 /path-to-file
see: and for more info.