Unable to connect WIA Scanner over virtual machine - vb.net

I have following vb code to connect scanner via WIA in a Windows form application.
Private Function Connect() As Device
Dim WiaDev As Device = Nothing
Dim manager As New DeviceManager()
For Each info As DeviceInfo In manager.DeviceInfos
If info.DeviceID = DeviceID Then
WiaDev = info.Connect()
Return WiaDev
End If
Throw New Exception(ex.Message)
End Try
End Function
It works fine in local. But in virtual machine it throws following exception while executing the line info.Connect(). Exception =>
"Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component". It will be nice if anybody suggest some solution. Thanks :)

I found solution that , it is necessary to install corresponding scanner driver in both local and virtual machine.


WebClient works in Win10 but after deploying to Win Server 2019 not working

I have an app which will download publicly available data as a string from a website.
The below code on a WinForm app on Windows 10 works perfectly, but it doesn't work at all on Windows Server 2019.
I have tried enabling the "Allow App Through Firewall" option & have also tried allowing the program in outbound rules in the firewall, but nothing is working.
What is the issue?
Private Async Function Run_WebRequest(URL As String) As Task(Of String)
Dim client As WebClient = New WebClient()
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12
client.Headers.Add("scheme", "https")
client.Headers.Add("accept-language", "en-US, en;q=0.9, ml;q=0.8")
Dim Response = client.DownloadString(URL)
Return Response
Catch ex As Exception
Return ex.ToString
End Try
End Function
I missed to add that this is a Virtual Private Server OS Windows Server 2019 from Contabo hosting services
Please see below screenshot of the app which is a standalone exe file with three buttons having different Webclients for testing, none of them works on

Issue with SSH.NET UWP

I am having issues using SSh.net in a UWP App. This app will run on Win10.
I get the following error:
An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. I have looked online and there is no one actually dealing with this.The exact same code works in a standard Desktop App (WPF)
The key is the key string and I had to replace \r with \n because the PrivateKeyFile creation gave an error message and I tracked this down to carriage return placed instead of new line (by the textbox).
key = key.Replace("\r", "\n");
client = new SshClient(ip, port, username, pkf);
if (!client.IsConnected)
connected = true;
catch (Exception ex)
exception = ex.Message.ToString();
connected = false;
Finally resolved this issue - Look here: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions
Go down to the following line:
If you're getting the same error in Windows 8 development, it could be that you haven't enabled access over Private Networks in your Package.appxmanifest file:
Select the Private Networks (Client & Server) option as shown on the image.
Click here for the image

How to use new geckodriver endpoints?

The new geckodriver v0.17.0 has a new way to install addons as mentioned here:
POST /session/{session id}/window/fullscreen to invoke the window manager-specific full screen operation
POST /session/{session id}/moz/addon/install to install an extension [Gecko only]
POST /session/{session id}/moz/addon/uninstall to uninstall an extension [Gecko only]
How can I use these endpoints to install my addon to firefox for my selenium tests?
You have to know the ip and port in which geckodriver starts. And Once the geckodriver started you can get the Session Id from the driver Instance.
You can get the Ip Address and Port as mentioned here
For ex: if the ip and port is
and session id is 1e53412a-05eb-40a9-8a7b-bb8dd6fd75ab
Then you can post a json message to
The body of post message should be
In case somebody need to use this from .NET client
(as it is not yet implemented)
Public Class MyFirefoxDriver
Inherits OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox.FirefoxDriver
Public Sub New(fo As OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox.FirefoxOptions)
MyBase.CommandExecutor.CommandInfoRepository.TryAddCommand("moz-install-web-ext", New CommandInfo(CommandInfo.PostCommand, "/session/{sessionId}/moz/addon/install"))
End Sub
Public Sub InstallWebExtension(path As String)
Dim params As New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
params.Add("path", path)
params.Add("temporary", True)
MyBase.Execute("moz-install-web-ext", params)
End Sub
End Class

flex 4.6 : Application crash if no internet connection

My mobile application is interact with WCF web services i build it in flash builder with Data/Services then put the url in the WSDL services
my issue is if the mobile starts with no internet connection it crashed
the error message in the console
ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/getChildIndex()
at mx.managers::SystemManager/http://www.adobe.com/2006/flex/mx/internal::rawChildren_getChildIndex()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\SystemManager.as:2187]
at mx.managers::SystemRawChildrenList/getChildIndex()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\SystemRawChildrenList.as:181]
at spark.components.supportClasses::StyleableStageText/getFormIndex()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\mobilecomponents\src\spark\components\supportClasses\StyleableStageText.as:1956]
at spark.components.supportClasses::StyleableStageText/findTopmostForm()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\mobilecomponents\src\spark\components\supportClasses\StyleableStageText.as:1933]
at spark.components.supportClasses::StyleableStageText/updateProxyImageForTopmostForm()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\mobilecomponents\src\spark\components\supportClasses\StyleableStageText.as:2172]
at spark.components.supportClasses::StyleableStageText/commitProperties()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\mobilecomponents\src\spark\components\supportClasses\StyleableStageText.as:1510]
at mx.core::UIComponent/validateProperties()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\UIComponent.as:8219]
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/validateClient()
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/validateClient()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\LayoutManager.as:950]
at mx.managers::PopUpManagerImpl/addPopUp()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\PopUpManagerImpl.as:382]
at mx.managers::PopUpManager$/addPopUp()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\PopUpManager.as:193]
at spark.components::SkinnablePopUpContainer/open()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\SkinnablePopUpContainer.as:450]
at debug.ondevice.util::EnterDebugHostIPDialog/show()[/ndepot/fb_46_release_branch/ide_builder/com.adobe.flashbuilder.launching.multiplatform.contributor/utilswcs/src/debug/ondevice/util/EnterDebugHostIPDialog.mxml:47]
at debug.ondevice.util::DebuggerHostInfo$/showIPErrorDialog()[/ndepot/fb_46_release_branch/ide_builder/com.adobe.flashbuilder.launching.multiplatform.contributor/utilswcs/src/debug/ondevice/util/DebuggerHostInfo.as:129]
at mx.netmon::NetworkMonitorImpl/ioErrorHandler()[/ndepot/fb_46_release_branch/ide_builder/com.adobe.flexbuilder.monitors.network/netmonlibrary/src/mx/netmon/NetworkMonitorImpl.as:645]
i want to handle this error with message if no connection
i tried to put condition for internet connection when creation complete
protected function view1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
monitor = new URLMonitor(new URLRequest('http://www.adobe.com'));
monitor.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, announceStatus);
public function announceStatus(e:StatusEvent):void {
trace("Status change. Current status: " + monitor.available);
(new AlertMsg()).open(this, false) ;
but it doesn't reached if no connection
Note : My target is android
Thanks in advance , for any help

Error using FTPWebRequest on IIS7.5 and .NET 4.0

I have a simple class in an ASP.NET webservice. It runs fine on my local system and even on the development environment I've set up, but Anytime I try to send a file on the production server I get the following error:
Exception Error: The underlying provider failed on Open.
Here is the code that is being called:
public class FTPHelper
public static string SendFile(string ftpuri, string username, string password, string ftppath, string filename, byte[] datatosend)
if (ftppath.Substring(ftppath.Length - 1) != "/")
ftppath += "/";
FtpWebRequest ftp = (FtpWebRequest) FtpWebRequest.Create( ftpuri + ftppath + filename);
ftp.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
ftp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password);
ftp.UsePassive = true;
ftp.ContentLength = datatosend.Length;
Stream requestStream = ftp.GetRequestStream();
requestStream.Write(datatosend, 0, datatosend.Length);
FtpWebResponse ftpresponse = (FtpWebResponse)ftp.GetResponse();
return ftpresponse.StatusDescription;
How can I troubleshoot this issue. The Server is IIS 7.5 running on Windows 2008 Server. I'm using .NET 4.0. Is there a simple reason why the FtpWebResponse would not be working?
If it's a security issue, then is there any way around it? I need to get this working immediately.
It was a security issue, the user that the website was running as did not have permission to establish the FTP connection. I am a programmer and not a web site administrator, so I did not have a clue how to accomplish this. After searching through Microsoft's IIS help on IIS, finally worked my way through it. The solution to change the user is on SuperUser:
If anyone has any better solutions, please respond. If anyone feels this would open up security issues, also, please post more information.