I using Weblogic 10.3.6 in my Enterprise environment.
i have a cluster of 10 servers serving 15 web service.
every month i want to stop a specific service at 00:00 and start that at 05:30
how can i schedule that job for weblogic
I have a weblogic cluster with cluster node running in 2 VMs to have resiliency during failure in any node. I use the WLST scripts to manage the start & stop of the deployed components as some components will be brought down during specific time frame.
Incase VM in which admin console is running is down, Is there any way to start / stop my deployed components if Im not able to bring up the admin console.
This is WebSphere 9 ND. I've stopped the node agent and the serverStatus.sh script reports that it is down: ADMU0509I: The Node Agent "nodeagent" cannot be reached. Why are the applications still authenticating and appear to be working?
See this article explaining the basic concepts of IBM Websphere application server Network Deployment.
node agent
A node agent manages all managed processes on a WebSphere Application Server on a node by communicating with the Network Deployment Manager to coordinate and synchronize the configuration. A node agent performs management operations on behalf of the Network Deployment Manager. The node agent represents the node in the management cell. Node agents are installed with WebSphere Application Server base, but are not required until the node is added to a cell in a Network Deployment environment.
application server
The application server is the primary component of WebSphere. The server runs a Java™ virtual machine, providing the runtime environment for the application's code. The application server provides containers that specialize in enabling the execution of specific Java application components.
Apps are deployed into the Application server and not to the nodeagent. The role of the node agent is to perform management operations on behalf of Deployment Manager.
So, if the nodeagent is stopped, you will only loose the ability to manage the servers running under that node and it will not stop already running application
servers or applications deployed to servers in that node.
You can validate this by grepping the server name (eg:server1) from the list of all running processes:
ps -ef | grep java | grep servername
Sample output (for an app server) is given below:
wasadmin 12345 98765 2 13:18 pts/0 00:04:57 /opt/ibm/WebSphere/AppServer/java/8.0/bin/java -Dosgi.install.area=/opt/ibm/WebSphere/AppServer <collapsed text> cellname nodename servername
wasadmin - is the os username running the application server on that
12345 - is the pid of the application server running on that node.
98765 - is the pid of the parent process (nodeagent). This will be
"1" if the nodeagent is stopped
we have ambari cluster with 872 data-nodes machines , when ambari version is 2.6.x
we have for now some network problem ,
after long investigation we found that , ambari agent that runs on some machine not communicate well with the ambari server
therefore we get some strange behaviors as 5 dead data-nodes from ambari dashboard , while for sure datanodes machine are healthy
is it possible to give more tolerated value in ambari agent configuration so the ack between ambari agent to ambari server will be after more little time in order to ignore the network problems ?
something like timeout or time connection between the ambari agent to ambari server
First of all, you need to get the root cause of the issue why Data Node is showing as Dead.
Ambari agent runs on every node. It is responsible for sending
metrics and heartbeat to the Ambari server which then publishes to
your Ambari web UI.
The name node waits for 10 minutes till it declares the data node as dead and copies
the blocks to other data nodes.
If it's showing that data node is dead then please check the Ambari agent status in
the specific node by running-service ambari-agent status. Parallelly you can check the ambari-agent.log in the worker node to check why Ambari agent stopped working.
You can configure your http timeouts in ambari-agents for service tasks, http timeouts
There's a HTTP Timeout section you can configure it based on your network throughput.
The file should be in /etc/ambari-agent/ambari.properties
As mentioned in ignite documentation, I am starting the ignite webconsole and web agent using the below scripts. We have 3 ignite clusters to monitor (3 web agents):
./gridgain-web-console-linux --server:port 3000
What is the script to gracefully shutdown the ignite webconsole and webagent components.
At present, I am manually killing the respective process ids.
Need to schedule the startup and shutdown of ignite webconsole on the server.
If Web Console is started from console, you can just press Ctrl-C to terminate it.
If it is detached or needed to be killed automatically, you can use kill <pid>.
I have the following setup: a ELK stack on CentOS server with RB with mirrored Queue. Publishers are using Nlog-HAF-Rabbitmq appender to forward logs to RabbitMQ nodes behind load balancer.
One publisher is a web application which hosted on IIS. Sometimes, it stops logging to ELK stack post-recycle which happens early in morning.
Here are my findings:
I logged Nlog internal logs to identify if any connection failure.
while recycling we have Warning on Event viewer on WAS
A process serving application pool exceeded time limits during shut down. The process id.
A worker process serving application pool failed to stop a listener channel for protocol 'http' in the allotted time. The data field contains the error number.
IIS shutdown time limit 3 seconds (default)
IIS start up time limit 3 seconds (default)
Based information above, what could be the reason?