display data labels column stacked epplus - epplus

I have a stacked column report and i need to show the label value inside each of the series, is this possible. here is the code i have so far. It does look like barcharts have this option, not sure if i need to convert report to that type.
chart.Title.Text = "Total Pipeline - Initiative Count by Release";
chart.Title.Font.Size = 8;
chart.SetPosition(45, 0, 3, 0);
chart.SetSize(400, 300);
chart.YAxis.MajorUnit = 10;
var series1 = chart.Series.Add(Chartsheet.Cells["L23:Q23"], Chartsheet.Cells["L22:Q22"]);
series1.HeaderAddress = new ExcelAddress("'Graphs'!K23");
var series2 = chart.Series.Add(Chartsheet.Cells["L24:Q24"], Chartsheet.Cells["L22:Q22"]);
series2.HeaderAddress = new ExcelAddress("'Graphs'!K24");
chart.Legend.Position = eLegendPosition.Bottom;
chart.YAxis.LabelPosition = eTickLabelPosition.NextTo;
chart.XAxis.MajorTickMark = eAxisTickMark.Out;
chart.XAxis.MinorTickMark = eAxisTickMark.None;
chart.ShowDataLabelsOverMaximum = true;

so i just forced a format of a barchart and i have the label option
var chart = (OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Chart.ExcelBarChart) Chartsheet.Drawings.AddChart("chart", eChartType.ColumnStacked);


Remove space between name and percentage in pie chart legend (amcharts4)

I want to get rid of that space in the legend between the name and the percentage. In the pic, I have highlighted the space in yellow.
For example, I want the first legend item to be "Lithuania (30.5%)". That extra space between "Lithuania" and "30.5%" spoils my UI.
My code for the legend is the following:
// Add and configure Series
var pieSeries = chart.series.push(new am4charts.PieSeries());
pieSeries.dataFields.value = "litres";
pieSeries.dataFields.category = "country";
pieSeries.slices.template.stroke = am4core.color("#fff");
pieSeries.slices.template.strokeWidth = 2;
pieSeries.slices.template.strokeOpacity = 1;
pieSeries.ticks.template.disabled = true;
pieSeries.labels.template.disabled = true;
// This creates initial animation
pieSeries.hiddenState.properties.opacity = 1;
pieSeries.hiddenState.properties.endAngle = -90;
pieSeries.hiddenState.properties.startAngle = -90;
pieSeries.legendSettings.labelText = '{category}';
pieSeries.legendSettings.valueText = null;
pieSeries.labels.template.text = "{category}: {value}";
pieSeries.slices.template.tooltipText = "{category}: {value}";
chart.legend = new am4charts.Legend();
chart.legend.fontSize = 5;
chart.legend.markers.template.width = 5;
chart.legend.markers.template.height = 5;
What change must I make in order to get this done?
You can move the value to the "labelText":
pieSeries.legendSettings.labelText = "{category}: {value.percent.formatNumber('#.0')}%";
And disable value labels altogether:
chart.legend.valueLabels.template.disabled = true;

Corona SQL pass row ID in tableView to new Scene

I've found a similair question to my problem and so far its working for me, Im getting the row ID printed with a print statement.
I am displaying data from my Database in a tableView. With the onTouch function I want the data showed in a new Scene in a scrollView that gets that data specifically to that clicked row. So for example I am clikcing on the tableView on Capital_NL, it has to show Amsterdam in the scrollView (Scene 2).
This is my code so far:
Scene 1:
local count = 0
local baslikRow = {}
for row in db:nrows("SELECT dua_id, baslik FROM dua") do
count = count + 1
baslikRow[count] = {}
baslikRow[count].baslik = row.baslik
baslikRow[count].dua_id = row.dua_id
local function tableViewListener( event )
local function onRowRender( event )
local row = event.row
local rowHeight = row.contentHeight
local rowWidth = row.contentWidth
local options =
parent = row,
text = baslikRow[row.index].baslik,
x = 20,
y = 0,
font = native.systemFont,
fontSize = 16
local rowTitle = display.newText(options)
rowTitle:setFillColor( 0, 0, 0 )
rowTitle.anchorX = 0
rowTitle.x = 15
rowTitle.y = rowHeight * 0.5
local function onRowTouch( event )
local row = event.row
if event.phase == 'tap' then
print("Pressed rowNR: " .. row.index )
print("Pressed rowID: " .. event.target.params.paramID)
local tableView = widget.newTableView{
left = 0,
top = 0,
height = display.contentHeight,
width = display.contentWidth,
onRowRender = onRowRender,
onRowTouch = onRowTouch,
for i = 1, count do
rowHeight = 50,
rowid = baslikRow[count].dua_id,
params = { paramID = baslikRow[i].dua_id }
Scene 2:
local scrollView = widget.newScrollView
left = 0,
top = 0,
width = display.contentWidth,
height = display.contentHeight,
topPadding = 0,
bottomPadding = 0,
horiontalScrollDisabled = true,
verticalScrollDisable = false,
listener = scrollListener,
for row in db:nrows("SELECT metni FROM dua") do
local rowParams =
duaID = row.dua_id,
Metni = row.metni,
local options =
text = row.metni,
x = display.contentCenterX + 20,
y = display.contentHeight / 2,
width = 300,
width = display.contentWidth,
font = native.systemFontBold,
fontSize = 18,
local t = display.newText(options)
What I have right now is, whenever I click on, for example Capital_NL or Capital_USA or Capital_Germany, I always get the result Amsterdam back.
How do I pass the data thats in the same Row in the database from Scene 1 to Scene 2
I think you want to display the (metni) data based on the row number tapped on the previuos scene ..
Try this inside scene1 ..
for row in db:nrows("SELECT dua_id, baslik, metni FROM dua") do
count = count + 1
baslikRow[count] = {}
baslikRow[count].baslik = row.baslik
baslikRow[count].dua_id = row.dua_id
baslikRow[count].metni = row.metni
inside the onRowTouch event handler:
composer.gotoScene("scene2",{params = baslikRow[row.index].metni})
This way you can pass the data you want to use .. I guess you don't need to use the database code inside scene2 ..
to access the data passed from scene1 to scene2
local selectedRow = event.params
Then ..
local options =
text = selectedRow,
x = display.contentCenterX + 20,
y = display.contentHeight / 2,
width = 300,
width = display.contentWidth,
font = native.systemFontBold,
fontSize = 50,
local t = display.newText(options)
I think thats what you asked for .. If NOT, please explain more and give us a screenshot of your "dua" table ..

Modify value at the time of binding DataGrid Compact Framwork

I have used BindingSource to bind DataGrid in my window 6.5 application. But problem is that I want to change the text of a column from Int to string while grid is binding.
If you look at below code I am binding DataGrid with Designation which value is 502 but I need to display "SE" instead, I cant take that value in my Candidate object so I need to modify DataGrid at runtime. I dont know how can I achieve this. Please help . Thanks
cand.Add(new Candidate { ID = 10, Name = "Andrew", Designation =501 ,DCode="SSE" });
cand.Add(new Candidate { ID = 11, Name = "Peter", Designation = 502 , DCode="SE"});
DataGridTableStyle myDataGridTableStyle = new DataGridTableStyle();
myDataGridTableStyle.MappingName = "Candidate";
DataGridTextBoxColumn colA = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
colA.MappingName = "Name";
colA.HeaderText = "Field A";
colA.Width = 50;
DataGridTextBoxColumn colB = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
colB.MappingName = "Designation";
colB.HeaderText = "Position Holding";
colB.Width = 100;
DataGridTextBoxColumn colC = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
colC.MappingName = "DCode";
colC.HeaderText = "Code Position";
colC.Width = 50;
myBindingSource.DataSource = cand.ToBindingList();
myDataGridTableStyle.MappingName = myBindingSource.GetListName(null);
dataGrid1.TableStyles.Clear(); // Recommended on MSDN in the code examples.
dataGrid1.DataSource = myBindingSource;
Why don't you make the DCode property a slave to your Designation property so that:
Canidate c = new Candidate();
c.Designation = 501;
print(c.DCode);//outputs "SSE"
then you can bind to DCode when you just want the string interpretation of Designation.

Visualization SPmenuField in SPGridView

I have created SPGridView and added one SPMenuField as the first column and some BoundFields. Then I added MenuTemplate to the first column. But there are rectangles with white color border. I want to hide them. How can I do it ?
Here is the code I use:
SPMenuField colMenu = new SPMenuField();
colMenu.HeaderText = "Title";
colMenu.TextFields = "Title";
colMenu.MenuTemplateId = "TitleListMenu";
colMenu.NavigateUrlFields = "WebId, ListId, ID";
colMenu.NavigateUrlFormat = "default.aspx?WebID={0}&ListID={1}&ListItemID={2}";
colMenu.TokenNameAndValueFields = "Param1=ID";
colMenu.SortExpression = "Title";
MenuTemplate typeListMenu = new MenuTemplate();
typeListMenu.ID = "TitleListMenu";
// ... //
Here is the answer on my question. It is nesseccery to narrow the .ms-menuimagecell css class.

How to add a text on top of a column with ZedGraph?

How can I add some text on top of a bar in a chart.
This is the code I have to add the bar:
var color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(row.Colour);
var barItem = graphPane.AddBar(row.Propensity.ToString(), null, Ys.ToArray(), color);
Thank you
Here is a quick example using TextObj to simply add labels to each bar.
GraphPane myPane = zedGraphControl1.GraphPane;
double[] y = { 100, 50, 75, 125 };
BarItem myBar = myPane.AddBar("Data", null, y, Color.Red);
for (int i = 0; i < myBar.Points.Count; i++)
TextObj barLabel = new TextObj(myBar.Points[i].Y.ToString(), myBar.Points[i].X, myBar.Points[i].Y + 5);
barLabel.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;
myBar.Label.IsVisible = true;
Of course this just uses the value of the data as the label. If you wanted to use custom labels, you could create a string array or list and use that inside the loop.
Here are some ZedGraph references:
Introduction and examples: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/graphics/zedgraph.aspx
Source code documentation: http://zedgraph.sourceforge.net/documentation/default.html
You need to define AlignH and AlignV in your text object:
TextObj textLabel = new TextObj(value.ToString(), positionX, value, CoordType.AxisXYScale, AlignH.Center, AlignV.Top);
AlignV define the position of your value on the bar.
Providing you want the label text to match the value of each bar, then you can do it with a single line of code:
BarItem.CreateBarLabels(graphPane, false, "F0");
Note that the 3rd parameter is a double.ToString format. e.g. "F0" = 12, "F2" = 12.34
However, if you want any flexibity with it then this solution is not ideal. It also doesn't work very well if you have a stacked bar chart, because having any 0 value data will cause labels to overlap and look horrific