How do .swift files keep the 'privacy' which the .h and .m files did in Obj-C - objective-c

I have just started to shift from Obj-C to Swift in Xcode.
My question is about the new .swift files which replace the .h and .m files. The answers to this question partially tells me the differences, but I am still puzzled by the issue of 'privacy' with the new .swift file.
If I look up the definition of a class in Obj-C, I will be only be able to view the .h file (#interface) which contains the declaration of the class, its variables and methods. I cannot view the .m file (#implementation) which contains the code which controls how the class works (they are private which stops others from seeing/possibly plagiarising your code, I guess).
However, in Swift, it seems that something such as:
class NewClass: ParentClass {...}
creates a class in one go without the need for 2 sections - the #interface and #implementation. But when I look up the definition of a class (say, SKScene) in Swift, the code for the methods, etc, are still kept private somehow... How is this done?

The same situation in which you only see header files (e.g. a pre-compiled framework) will, with Swift, only make the interface available. The Swift files themselves will not be included in the framework. Instead, Xcode will generate pseudo-interface files that will be visible to users of the framework. You get property definitions and method signatures, but no implementations.


Object C, Public Functions and Classes

Brand new to objective C, have been working on some Swift, converting some reusable files into an importable framework. For swift, I mostly only had to make the classes as well as some functions public so that they could be accessed when imported as a framework, how is this achieved in objective C? (& how are bridging files handled when this is done) Thanks!
In Objective-C, you generally define the #interface in a .h file and include any public methods and properties in that .h file. And then to expose those in your framework, you #include that .h file in the umbrella header. Or, if including this in Swift project, you'd import that .h file in the bridging header.
Define any private properties or ivars inside a private class extension inside the .m file. That keeps them from being exposed in the .h file.

Adding objective c class that uses swift classes to bridging header Projectname_swift.h not found

I have an objective-c class that uses swift classes. It all works fine.
I wanted to import the objective-c class into a swift class, so I added its header file to the bridging header. All the sudden I got an error the Projectname_swift.h file is not found.
Any ideas how to resolve this issue?
Is it actually possible?
a circular reference has been created, making it so the Swift code is unable to compile (which leads to the canary error stating that the _Swift.h file is not found).
i have provided a more in depth answer to a similar questions here and here.
long story short, the documentation explicitly says not to this:
To avoid cyclical references, don’t import Swift code into an Objective-C header (.h) file. Instead, you can forward declare a Swift class or protocol to reference it in an Objective-C interface.
Forward declarations of Swift classes and protocols can only be used as types for method and property declarations.
in order to make your code compile again you will need to remove the #import "Projectname_Swift.h" line from the offending Objective-C header. ideally you can simply move the import statement into your .m file, however if you need to publicly expose the Swift class in your ObjC header, then you must forward declare it using #class SomeSwiftClass;.
Let the Xcode build the bridge file from Objective-C to Swift.
Create a temporary directory elsewhere. In there, you create a dummy Xcode Swift project, give the project name the same as your existing Current Project Name.
Then add new file, Objective-C (.m file). The XCode will prompt you to create a bridge header file, click on the create bridge file (the right most button).
Now you locate the header file location in Finder. Then drag into your Current Project of Interest, don't forget to checked the copy file if necessary option. Add necessary #import '.....' in the header file.
You should be good. If everything works fine, delete the dummy project.
Clean derived data. and then #import "ProjectName-Swift.h" in your objective c files.
Go to
Build Settings->Objective-C Generated Interface Header Name
and set the value to YourModule-Swift.h (this is usually already set, this is the filename you need to import on .m file #import "YourModule-Swift.h"
Go to Build Settings and search for "Defines Module", set both values to YES
Create a class in swift with prefix of #objc for example
#objc class mySwiftClass{...}
Build the project again
it will be better if you use error syntax or screen shot. you can simply try this
1. Goto your project on top of right navigation
2. select build settings from middle pain.
3. search for Objective-C bridging header
4. just below this you will find "Generated interface HeaderName"
5. add correct address of your swift file
6. clean and build the project.

ObjC files which only contain C (or minimal ObjC..)

Every so often I'll start a little 'helper class' and find that I can cover my needs entirely with C functions (although these functions may often have ObjC within them, maybe return type or some args of NSDictionary* or whatever..), and so i'll delete the #implementation and #interface and there is no class there at all, just .h and .m files..
What is the best practice, ought I change my .m file to a .c file? Or is this impossible/difficult with ObjectiveC types in there? Is there any benefit to using a different file type that I'm unaware of or is what I'm doing just fine? (I only develop for OsX and iOS, and entirely with xCode, at least for now.)
thanks for your time :)
When you make a Command Line tool using Xcode it gives you a .m file for your code despite the fact that the initial file is not a class implementation file, so it may be best to follow this pattern (this is also true for the main file in other projects).
If you select a file in Xcode and have the right hand bar open you can let Xcode know how to parse that file. So if you've got ObjectiveC in your .c file you can change the Parse type from a C file to an ObjC file and it will all work correctly.

How can I add forward class references used in the -Swift.h header?

I'm integrating Swift code into a large Objective-C project, but I'm running into problems when my Swift code refers to Objective-C classes. For example, suppose I have:
An Objective-C class called MyTableViewController
An Objective-C class called DeletionWorkflow
I declared a Swift class as follows:
class DeletionVC: MyTableViewController {
let deleteWorkflow: DeletionWorkflow
If I now try to use this class by importing ProjectName-Swift.h into Objective-C code, I get undefined symbol errors for both MyTableViewController and DeletionWorkflow.
I can fix the problem in that individual source file by importing DeletionWorkflow.h and MyTableViewController.h before I import ProjectName-Swift.h but this doesn't scale up to a large project where I want my Swift and Objective-C to interact often.
Is there a way to add forward class references to ProjectName-Swift.h so that these errors don't occur when I try to use Swift classes from Objective-C code in my app?
You can create another header file that forward declares or imports the necessary classes, and then imports ProjectName-Swift.h. For example, create a file named ProjectName-Swift-Fixed.h with the contents:
// ProjectName-Swift-Fixed.h
// Forward declarations for property classes
#class DeletionWorkflow;
// Imports for superclasses
#import "MyTableViewController.h";
#import "ProjectName-Swift.h"
Then, instead of #import "ProjectName-Swift.h" in your codebase, use #import "ProjectName-Swift-Fixed.h.
This is a little silly, but it sounds like your "workaround" is what Apple intended, at least for now. From the interoperability guide:
If you use your own Objective-C types in your Swift code, make sure to import the Objective-C headers for those types prior to importing the Swift generated header into the Objective-C .m file you want to access the Swift code from.
In this devforums thread, someone mentioned they already filed a bug in Radar. You probably should too.

How to encrypt .m files in Objective-C Xcode

I wrote several .h and .m files, I want to make .m files inaccessable to others. They can use these methods I defined, but they cannot see how these methods are defined and modify them. Some kind of "Library" or "framework", I don't know, please tell me.