Apache Nutch 1.11 installation on AIX machine giving bin/nutch: not found - apache

I am installing Apache nutch 1.11 binary distribution in an AIX machine. After unzipping the zip file "apache-nutch-1.11-bin.zip " under /usr directory. I just tried to run the bin/nutch command as per the instruction at https://wiki.apache.org/nutch/NutchTutorial
I am getting the following exception : bin/nutch: not found
I am using root user and have also tried running the "chmod +x bin/nutch" for permissions.
Can anyone help me in understanding what I am missing here ? Thanks in advance.

Just to be sure, after unzipping the zip file, you did changed the directory to "apache-nutch-1.11" in your command prompt and then entered the bin/nutch command. right?
if you did please look for a "bin" subdirectory in "apache-nutch-1.11" directory. If there isn't any, I guess the zip file you downloaded has a problem. If there is, in your command prompt first change the directory to where it is in, and then run the command. I hope it helps.


Can't attach solidity-lsp for .sol files in neovim

Firtsble solidity-ls installed by mason via neovim command
:LspInstall solidity-ls
wasn't executable from terminal, altough it was shown as an executable one when typing :LspInfo in .sol file. After I installed it manually via npm
npm i solidity-ls -g
This is configuration for solidity-ls
on_attach = on_attach,
With this empty configuration however root directory is not found, also solidity-ls is not attached to the file which I guess is just a consequence.
After adding root_dir manually in a following way and checking the file via luafile %
on_attach = on_attach,
root_dir = function(fname)
return vim.fn.getcwd()
I get this error
LSP[solidity]: Error SERVER_REQUEST_HANDLER_ERROR: "/usr/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/handlers.lua:86: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)"
Although :LspInfo shows root_dir is set up solidity-ls still is not attached
LspInfo from .sol file after
Any suggestion how to solve this?
Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
NVIM v0.7.2
I am new in vim, neovim and lua programming so apologizes in advance in case the question is too silly. Thanks.

pocketbase: command not found

I am trying to set up a pocketbase on a Debian server.
on the server I created a dir called pb and scp over the pocketbase file which I downloaded from https://pocketbase.io/docs/
I downloaded all three linux packages pocketbase_0.10.2_linux_amd64.zip , pocketbase_0.10.2_linux_arm64.zip and pocketbase_0.10.2_linux_armv7.zip
I download the file, unzip it and then move the pocketbase file over to the server.
Note, Ive downloaded these onto a windows machine and then SCP pocketbase file over to my server.
When I run pocketbase serve I get the error command not found.
I can't find a good solution to this issue.
Execute it as instructed by pocketbase's documentation if you are within the same directory as the bin file:
./pocketbase serve
If you want to run it as pocketbase serve alone you will need to move the bin file under /usr/bin or ideally /usr/local/bin which should be under your system's $PATH variable.
Run ./pocketbase --help or ./pocketbase [command] --help for more assistance.

How to install Apache on OmniOS

I am attempting to install Apache on OmniOS. I followed the instructions here: option 2 https://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/3.+Installing+software+and+package+management
Ran the command:
echo $PATH results in /opt/local/sbin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
curl https://pkgsrc.joyent.com/packages/SmartOS/bootstrap/bootstrap-2016Q4-x86_64.tar.gz | gtar -zxpf - -C /
pkgin -y update
pkgin -y install apache-2.4.6 resulted in the messages Calculating dependencies...done and then nothing to do
I can not find the apache service or configuration directory as they are described here: https://docs.joyent.com/public-cloud/instances/infrastructure/images/smartos/apache
/opt/local/etc/httpd The configuration directory for Apache
svcs pkgsrc/apache Checking service for Apache
Server Info:
uname -v results in omnios-r151026-d9b45886bd
Running x86
Also running SunONE webserver
Though incomplete, my commands did make a change. My Perl scripts can no longer find DBI.
Why does the Apache install say there is nothing to do? What am I missing?
Ran which apache2 resulted in no apache2
Ran pkgin list to list all installed packages. Only apache
reference is apache-maven-3.5.4
Ran find . -name '*apache*' in the following directories:
\etc nothing
\opt found:
vim, el, and elc files in SUNWspro
org-apache-tools-ant-module files and folder in netbeans/3.5V11/modules/patches
apache folder in SUNWwbsvr/plugins/java/samples/webapps/jstl/src/org which contains java files
vim, tag, el and elc files in sfw --- also an apache folder in sfw which contains readme/bash type files for apache/php and one so file
apache-maven-3.5.4 files/folders in local
org-apache-xml-resolver* files in sunstudio12.1
'\usr' found:
2 vims in share/vim/vim80/syntax
apache-fcgi.conf in lib/python2.7/vendor-packages/cherrypy/scaffold
'\var' nothing
As far as I can tell, the binaries have not been installed
I tried running pkgin -y install apache-2 and it worked. It installed apache-2.4.3. Perhaps apache-2.4.6 does not exist in the repository.
This mean apache is already installed on the Linux system. To run below command which will tell the location of the system binary.
which apache2
for the configuration folder look for below directory:

SSH opening file error - no idea why

Running Debian Linux - newest version.
cp /included/filename /usr/bin/
It gives me error "cannot stat '/included/filename': No such file or directory
I don't get why there should be an error. I am doing it as superuser.
From your latest comment i conclude you got the paths mixed up. If you want to copy the file install.sh located under /usr/bin/included/ you would need to do
cp /usr/bin/included/install.sh /usr/bin/
to make something similar to your provided command work, id assume you are in /usr/bin and the first argument needs to be a relative one
cd /usr/bin
cp ./included/install.sh /usr/bin/
Please provide more information on what you are trying to do and provide realworld example code.

Hive script not running in crontab with hadoop must be in the path error

After setting Hadoop Home path and Prefix path in .bashrc and /etc/profile also im getting the same error - Cannot find hadoop installation: $HADOOP_HOME or $HADOOP_PREFIX must be set or hadoop must be in the path
If i run the script from crontab im facing this error from hive> prompt its working fine
plz help with the regarding how to solve this
Set $HADOOP_HOME in $HIVE_HOME/conf/hive-env.sh
try loading user bash profile in the script, as below,
. ~/.bash_profile
bash is included in user bash_profile and it will have user specific configurations as well.
see the similar question Hbase commands not working in script executed via crontab