Labview : delete files having same extension - labview

I've been trying to delete files having same extension by using labview.
I am using to delete files like below.
But, I want to delete all files having same extension.
Imagine a folder like below.
Here, I would like to delete all files having '.MASTER, .jou, .IFPDAT, . f06, .f04, .DBALL' as extension.
I would like to make an automatic file delete function like below.
Would there be any good examples?

The best way is to use "List Folder" with wild-cards (using "pattern" input) to get an array of files. Then you have to delete files one by one.

You can use System
Here's an example to delete all DXF files in a folder:
Drawback: portability


How to get all files and folders recursively using GetMetadata activity

I need to delete many folders with an exempt list which has a list of folders and files that I should not delete. So I tried delete activity and tried to use if function of Add dynamic content to check whether the file or folder name is the same of the specified ones. But I do not have what should be the parameters #if(). In other words, to use these functions, how do we get the file name or folder name?
It is difficult to get all files and folders by using GetMetadata activity.
As workarounds, you can try these ways:
1.create a Delete activity and select List of files option. Then create a file filled with those path of files and folders need to be deleted.(relative path to the path configured in the dataset).
2.using blob SDK to do this thing.

While loop files in folder

I'm relatively new to Netlogo and already struggling ;)
I have the following problem: I want my program to open a folder, check a file in that folder and afterwards remove that file from that folder. I figured the best way to do this is via a while loop, but I'm struggling to find the right syntax. Hope you all can help!
The command 'file-open' will open a file using the path provided (the string after file-open: e.g. file-open "C:\Documents\model-out.txt" will open a file titled model-out.txt in the Documents folder on the C drive.)
You can then use 'file-read' or 'file-write' to read or write to the file respectively.
The command 'file-close' will close the file, which then can be deleted with 'file-delete'.
You can also check if a file exists in a folder using the command if file-exists? "C:\Documents\model-out.txt", and if true, the file can be deleted using file-delete.
Also check the command 'set-current-directory'.

Show `.map` files under their respectives files in WebStorm/IntelliJ

Using Filewatchers it's possible to show a generated file under it's respective source file:
The problem I am having is that only the generated .jsfile is 'watched' and grouped whilst the .map file still shows up separately. Is there a way to set it up so that both files are shown under their respective source file?
You need to modify your file watcher settings accordingly. Please make sure to set 'Output paths to refresh' to '$FileNameWithoutExtension$.js:$FileNameWithoutExtension$.map'

Rename a file at runtime with

i try to rename a file using in this way:,newname)
But if i use a software to recover files deleted, i find a file named :"_ldname", and if i recovery the file "_ldname" i have, in this way, two files equals.
Can i do this without have a duplicate of my file?
Best regards
You cannot, this is a windows filesystem limitation and nothing to do with programming. Two files cannot have the same name in the same location.
The recovery software should be forcing a rename to Myfile(1).txt or something like that to distinguish between the two files.
You could always use:
If File.Exists(path) = False Then
To make sure the file doesn't already exists. Then if it does exist you could add a "(1)" to the file name.

Automatically locating a file

By default AutoCAD installs a text based file called acad2010.lsp at the set location below
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2010\Support\acad2010.lsp"
However it my be that the user/ administrator/ or third party has changed the location of this file. Is it possible to then locate it using the following
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:\*\acad2010.lsp"
In other words search the entire c:\ drive for file acad2010.lsp?
If this doesn't work can you please let me know what would?
You could search for it with an FSO. It's not going to be fast however you do it but this is the fastest way I can think of. should give you a rough idea of how it's done.
Your solution will not work. Is not possible to locate it using *. (BTW is possible in ms-builds scripts). The only way of doing it is:
1- Create a FindFile function (check for example
2- Use it to locate the exact path of the file. (It could be really time
3- From this point your code is the same...
Unfortunately, you can't use wildcards in a filepath. You have two options:
Prompt the user for the file location using the "Open File" dialog. The code to do this varies based on which Office product you are using. In Excel, you would use the Application.FindFile method (more info here).
Write your own function to search the filesystem for the file. Microsoft provides an example here.
If that file is used by internal functions of the application, the installer will have recorded a registry key for the file's location.
Open regedit.exe and search for the file name and path.
You can read a registry entry using this VBA one-liner:
You may need a terminating backslash on the key address, but that's a safe and simple registry access method. More details on the MSDN site: