Execute a bpmn from Camunda Modeler - bpmn

Has anyone found how to execute a diagram modeled in camunda's new modeler? With the old eclipse plug-in I could build the model with maven and put the war file on the apache server (https://docs.camunda.org/get-started/bpmn20/deploy/). Is there a way to export as war from the new modeler?

The scope of the Camunda Modeler is the creation and annotation of BPMN2, CMMN and DMN models. In the next step you insert your finished model in your IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ, ...) and use maven to build the WAR file.
These steps are also explained in the getting started guide:


Can't produce an executable jar from Spring Boot, Gradle, and IntelliJ-Idea

I have created a Spring Boot Microservice using IntelliJ-Idea and Gradle as the build engine. I have made no changes to the initial Spring Boot configuration. I also have made no modifications to the build.gradle file provided. I built the application using starter.spring.io through IntelliJ-Idea and have the following dependencies:
The application currently contains 12 classes and 2 interfaces and is a Web Service provider. It runs fine on my system but when I build with Gradle, the Manifest.MF contains no Main-Class entry.
I created a very simple Hello World app and tried several combinations of IDE’s and build tools(Gradle and Maven)
and got the following results:
Interestingly, I was able to produce executable jars in Eclipse which has a separate Runnable JAR Export process.
I'm fairly new to IntelliJ and Gradle. Has anyone see this behavior before? Any ideas what I might be doing wrong in IntelliJ? I have my Hello World project zipped up if anyone needs it.
I took the advise of M. Denium and I did the Gradle build from the Command Line. The jars created were formatted correctly to be executable. Everything worked like a charm. In fact the Main-Class is a Spring Boot class called org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher and the main class for my app was in a property called Start-Class. The IDE totally misses this.
Looks like you will need to include spring boot plugin for gradle - org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-gradle-plugin
More details in the gradle section of the getting started guide

JBoss Drools - BPMN IntelliJ Plugin

I am looking for a plugin to use in IntelliJ to edit visually a .bpmn file. I installed the JBoss jBPM plugin, but it doesn't associate or open up a *.bpmn2 file. Can someone suggest if this supported in IntelliJ or another plugin is available to visually edit a .bpmn2 file?
JBoss JBPM plugin is an old plugin that covers Jboss proprietary jPDL notation but doesn't cover BPMN. There is also ActiBPM plugin ((https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7429?pr=), but it seems to be dead. Unfortunately there is no better tool for IntelliJ, so you probably remain stuck with your current tools (I'm stuck with Eclipse + Camunda plugin).
Unfortunately, most BPMN 2.0 engines I've seen use slightly different dialects. It means that the file structure is the same. But the details, like executed Java class reference, are provided in a slightly different way, for example by using custom XML namespace that is relevant to the concrete BPMN engine.
I've created a plugin for Flowable BPMN and IntelliJ with navigation-to-code-support:
And sources are here:
What I suggest is community participation in expanding this plugin or forking it to support i.e. JBPMN BPMN 2.0 dialect, as all we need to change is XML Parser, and all other parts of the plugin can remain as is

Mule and Gradle build tool

1) Can I use Mule(3.7) application with Gradle, is it fully supported?
2) Continuous Integration runs with Gradle and Jenkins for other non Mule based applications in our organization, can I have local Maven build with Anypoint studio and CI with Gradle? Is there any issues with this kind of configuration, since Mule is well built with Maven build tool?
I have gone through the Gradle plugin for Mule here
Yes, you can use it but it is not a MuleSoft officially supported tool. Here is the link to the GitHub project. The problem with using two different build tools is that the configuration will probably get out of sync at some point. Anypoint Studio doesn't provide a very complete Maven support anyway, so you could just use Gradle and update Studio dependencies manually or try using an Eclipse Gradle plugin. This can still be out of sync, but will have to maintain only Gradle config.

How to vizualize spring integration file in intellij idea 14?

On the page https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/whatsnew/ it is said that Intellij Idea 14 has got a visual diagrams for spring integration.
But I can't find how to visualize my integration xml file.
(right click on file)/Diagrams/Show Diagram... shows a diagram with links between the beans. It is not very usefull.
Spring Integration Patterns plugin is enabled
I have Intellij Idea installed on a computer without access to the internet. May it be the reason why the diagrams are not working properly?
What do you want to see there?
For example.
We have stomp-chat sample: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-integration-samples/tree/master/applications/stomp-chat
And here is a diagram for this config: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-integration-samples/blob/master/applications/stomp-chat/src/main/resources/org/springframework/integration/samples/chat/stomp/server/stomp-server.xml
I'd say that it is OK, however I agree that it would better if I'd provide id attribute for all components.
Of course, Spring Integration Patterns plugin has to be switched on.
This link helps - https://devnet.jetbrains.com/message/5529839#5529839
"Please make sure the XML file is correctly configured in Spring context setup via Spring facet.
It requires spring-integration-core to be in module dependency of selected XML file."
I had the same problem, and found that in addition to having the Spring facet enabled, and having the spring-integration-core dependency and having the relevant context file set as an application context under the facet, you also need to have just the containing module open. i.e. the stomp-chat spring-integration sample provides the "Spring Integration" diagram option if it is opened from its own pom.xml, however if you open the parent applications\pom.xml then the "Spring Integration" diagram option is not available, regardless of facets etc.
I have the same problem in a project where I use spring integration 2.1.4.
In a newer project I use 4.0.0 and there Intellij Idea offers the option to open the spring integration diagram.
Perhaps that is the reason and you "only" need a newer version of spring integration.
The issue is that the newer versions of Intellij create separate modules per source set by default which somehow ends up conflicting with earlier setups. Using Intellij 2016.1, I instead reimported my project with the following options checked:
Once I did that then (right click on file)/Diagrams/Show Diagram once again gave me the Spring Integration Option.
Yes, click on your Spring Integration context file > Diagrams > Show Diagram... > Spring Integration., but if you haven't this menu follow below:
You should have identified integration context as Spring XML based configurations. Instruction here : Create a Intellij file set
I don't know why, but I had a problem with Spring Integration Diagram when I installed Springirun plugin.

Sonar Intellij integration on a multi-module Gradle project

I have a multi-module Gradle java-based project. I have a Sonar server configured with a host of rules. I have tried to integrate Sonar rules into the project in the three following ways, none of which yield a solution where the IDE issues flagged match the Sonar server's flagged issues.
Has anyone integrated Sonar Findbugs, PMD and Checkstyle rules with Intellij on a multi-module Gradle-built java project?
I've tried these steps:
Attempt #1
Sonar has put out an Intellij plugin (https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-intellij). I attempted to install and configure it with my Sonar server. The plugin was able to hit the Sonar server to pull down profiles, but it was not able to integrate with our gradle project. Right now only multi-module Maven projects appear to be supported by this plugin.
Attempt #2
There is a community developed Sonar Intellij plugin (https://github.com/sonar-intellij-plugin/sonar-intellij-plugin). I stepped through documentation install steps and did troubleshooting to integrate the plugin with individual modules and the top level project. Neither works. When i select 'sync with sonar' I am not able to see the sonar profile when I edit the profiles in 'Analyze code' within the Intellij IDE.
Attempt #3
I found another Intellij plugin called QAPlug (http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/4594) and followed some instructions to export Sonar Findbugs, PMD & Checkstyle rules so that I could import them into this QAPlug and analyze the code using the same rules as the Sonar server. I followed these instructions (http://qaplug.com/about/tutorials/) and got errors when trying to import the FindBugs config I had exported from Sonar. I did some Regex and reformatted the Findbugs component of the export from Sonar to convert it to the format that is importable to the QAPlug plugin in Intellij. I was able to import this ruleset, but got different results from those in Sonar itself. I got the same effect when I followed the advice from post: Sonar, QAPlug, IntelliJ Integration - Multiple profiles?
I contacted Intellj directly and their response to me was to use the community developed plugin (Attempt #2 above).
Given that answer and the lack of additional feedback here, the answer appears to be sonar integration with Intellij 13 is not supported for multi-module gradle java projects by the currently available plugins.