Tesseract OCR implementation in Windows phone 8.1 application - windows-phone

Q. Not able to add Tesseract-OCR to References in windows phone application.
I have added "Install-Package Tesseract" from nuget manager. I am not able to refer it my application.
Can anyone please guide me through.
Thanks in advance.


Error submission app update: packages Windows 8.1 (desktop and Phone bundle) + Windows 8.0

I try to send an update for my app to Windows Store by Windows Dev Center Dashboard, this update contains 3 packages: 2 for Windows 8.1 (Desktop and Phone) as a bundle and 1 for Windows 8.0 that does not support any bundle.
Before the new dashboard the package for Windows 8.0 was accepted too in this configuration... not now and it reports this error:
A previous submission for this app was released with a Windows Phone 8.1 appxbundle. Subsequent submissions must continue to contain a Windows Phone 8.1 appxbundle.
but it isn’t a Phone package and for Windows 8.0 I can’t make a bundle! there is a solution? with the old dashboard that worked great.
Best regards,
Not sure if it is applicable here. But in my case I've got the same error when updating UWP version of the application on the store where I had UWP, WP81 and W8.1 apps. The error was signaling the fact that the existent store UWP package was build with as a bundle but the new package was not.
So the solution was to replace in .csproj the <AppxBundle>Never</AppxBundle> with <AppxBundle>Always</AppxBundle>. If you publish from Visual studio directly you can do that from UI as described here.
I had this problem. I deleted all the files in the folder where the package is building to the store. Then I created a package for store. This problem is solved.
I had the same error message appearing from nothing (just making a new build, no changes to platform). When I checked the box "do not automatically increment" (in UI, lead to <AppxAutoIncrementPackageRevision>False</AppxAutoIncrementPackageRevision> in csproj) and filled in my own number, the package that came out was called:
If I did not do it it looked like:
The latter did not work for some reason. So setting own build number fixed this particular problem for me. Why it fixed it? No clue.

Microsoft.Phone.Tasks namespace is not available

Namespace Microsoft.Phone.Tasks is not available in XAML page code behind file of my Windows Phone application. Please see the screenshot.
In the properties windows of the project I see:
Target: Windows Phone 8.1
Am I missing an assembly reference or something?
Windows Phone 8.1 XAML apps don't have Microsoft.Phone.Tasks namespace to make common UI framework with windows Runtime APIs. Still you can code up a few tasks by using Windows.ApplicationModel namespace. As you havent claried which task you want to use, so here's the link to the whole MSDN article. http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/WindowsPhone-Store-81-vs-25c80c2a
From your Screenshot. I see your project is Windows Phone 8.1, not Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 . Please see your Solution Explorer, is it Windows Phone 8.1? If so, there are not Microsoft.Phone.Tasks namespace anymore. If you want to choose picture, you should use FileOpenPicker.

LayoutTransform not in Windows Phone Toolkit

The examples I have found for using a LayoutTransformer with windows phone are all from before they split off the Windows Phone Toolkit from the Silverlight Toolkit.
The Windows Phone Toolkit does not have the LayoutTransformer.dll that was referenced.
So the question is, what do you use to do a LayoutTransform now?
Literally, just use the code from the Silverlight toolkit with minor changes.
Here's how to do it for Windows 8 (note: this is from my blog). You can reuse this completely, just change a few namespaces and at one place from 'protected' to 'public' and it builds and works.
Edit: I published a WP8 version on GitHub. Enjoy :)

Windows Phone Library projects

I am complete newbie to the windows phone development and just starting to write a module that i hope to deploy as library project that could be referenced from with in a windows mobile application and could access the UI components etc. I have been looking to find a way to do that but no luck so far. Basically what i am looking for is an alternate of a an android library project or a jar file for windows phone apps. I'd really appreciate an informed opinion about it.
In order to create a library project, when creating the new project select the Windows Phone Library project template:

How do I bundle an exe with OpenCandy's offer platform?

I have an existing exe file which I would love to have launched from a new installer using the OpenCandy platform.
See here: http://www.opencandy.com/developers/signup/ for OC's integration options. Maybe it could be in the form of a downloader? Or maybe it could just be a fairly empty installer that has OC's api integrated and then will open an embedded exe (all I have is the exe).
You can download our SDK at http://media.opencandy.com/sdk/OpenCandyPublisherKit.zip, which includes instructions for integrating OpenCandy. If you have any questions, there's also a contact address in there.Basically you create an installer (like NSIS or Inno) to install your app/exe and integrate OpenCandy into it.
Be well and good luck integrating!
Dr. Apps
Software Community Guru