Cannot make a method for ArrayList to work - arraylist

I'm new to Java, and currently working in Bluej. I have a bit of a problem I can't solve and would appreciate someone helping me out.
Thank you all in advance!
I have these two classes. Song and AudioCD. And I need to write down this method in AudioCD:
" I need to write down a method that will add a new song to the disc if the length of the disc after adding this song is below the maximum length stored in maxLength. '
public class Song{
private String name;
private int length; // in minutes
public Song (String name, int length)
//Return methods
public String GiveName()
{return name;}
public int GiveLength()
{return length;}}
And other one is:
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class AudioCD
private String name;
private String singer;
private int length;
private int maxLength;
private ArrayList<Song> songs;
public AudioCD(String name, String singer, int maxLength)
songs=new ArrayList<Song>();}
I tried these two methods:
public void addSong(String Name, int songlength)
{if ((length+songlength)<maxLength) {songs.add(Name);}}
But this just get me a message:
No suitable method found for add(java.lang.String);
Method java.util.Collection.add(Song) is not applicable;
(argument mismatch;java.lang.String cannot be converted to Song);
Other one I tried:
public void addSong(Song Name, int songlength)
{if ((length+songlength)<maxLength) {songs.add(Name);}}
When I compile it, its okay. But I cannot type any parameter for Song when creating a new object.
Please help. :|

I'm not sure exactly what it is you're trying to do, but if you change the ArrayList to type <String> instead of the Song object, you can just append the song's name property (because it is a String) via songs.add(
I'm assuming you just want the ArrayList to contain the names of the songs


How to easily access widely different subsets of fields of related objects/DB tables?

Imagine we have a number of related objects (equivalently DB tables), for example:
public class Person {
private String name;
private Date birthday;
private int height;
private Job job;
private House house;
public class Job {
private String company;
private int salary;
public class House {
private Address address;
private int age;
private int numRooms;
public class Address {
private String town;
private String street;
How to best design a system for easily defining and accessing widely varying subsets of data on these objects/tables? Design patterns, pros and cons, are very welcome. I'm using Java, but this is a more general problem.
For example, I want to easily say:
I'd like some object with (, Person.height,, Address.street)
I'd like some object with (, House.numRooms,
Other assumptions:
We can assume that we're always getting a known structure of objects on the input, e.g. a Person with its Job, House, and Address.
The resulting object doesn't necessarily need to know the names of the fields it was constructed from, i.e. for subset defined as (, Person.height,, Address.street) it can be the array of Objects {"Joe Doe", 180, "ACompany Inc.", "Main Street"}.
The object/table hierarchy is complex, so there are hundreds of data fields.
There may be hundreds of subsets that need to be defined.
A minority of fields to obtain may be computed from actual fields, e.g. I may want to get a person's age, computed as (now().getYear() - Person.birtday.getYear()).
Here are some options I see:
A SQL view for each subset.
They will be almost the same for similar subsets. This is OK just for field names, but not great for the joins part, which could ideally be refactored out to a common place.
Less testable than a solution in code.
Using a DTO assembler, e.g.
This could be used to flatten the complex structure of input objects into a single DTO.
I'm not sure how I'd then proceed to easily define subsets of fields on this DTO. Perhaps if I could somehow set the ones irrelevant to the current subset to null? Not sure how.
Not sure if I can do computed fields easily in this way.
A custom mapper I came up with.
Relevant code:
// The enum has a value for each field in the Person objects hierarchy
// that we may be interested in.
public enum DataField {
PERSON_NAME(new PersonNameExtractor()),
PERSON_AGE(new PersonAgeExtractor()),
COMPANY(new CompanyExtractor()),
// This is the container for field-value pairs from a given instance of
// the object hierarchy.
public class Vector {
private Map<DataField, Object> fields;
// Extractors know how to get the value for a given DataField
// from the object hierarchy. There's one extractor per each field.
public interface Extractor<T> {
public T extract(Person person);
public class PersonNameExtractor implements Extractor<String> {
public String extract(Person person) {
return person.getName();
public class PersonAgeExtractor implements Extractor<Integer> {
public int extract(Person person) {
return now().getYear() - person.getBirthday().getYear();
public class CompanyExtractor implements Extractor<String> {
public String extract(Person person) {
return person.getJob().getCompany();
// Building the Vector using all the fields from the DataField enum
// and the extractors.
public class FullVectorBuilder {
public Vector buildVector(Person person) {
Vector vector = new Vector();
for (DataField field : DataField.values()) {
vector.addField(field, field.getExtractor().extract(person));
return vector;
// Definition of a subset of fields on the Vector.
public interface Selector {
public List<DataField> getFields();
public class SampleSubsetSelector implements Selector {
private List<DataField> fields = ImmutableList.of(PERSON_NAME, COMPANY);
// Finally, a builder for the subset Vector, choosing only
// fields pointed to by the selector.
public class SubsetVectorBuilder {
public Vector buildSubsetVector(Vector fullVector, Selector selector) {
Vector subsetVector = new Vector();
for (DataField field : selector.getFields()) {
subsetVector.addField(field, fullVector.getValue(field));
return subsetVector;
Need to create a tiny Extractor class for each of hundreds of data fields.
This is a custom solution that I came up with, seems to work and I like it, but I feel this problem must have been encountered and solved before, likely in a better way.. Has it?
Each object knows how to turn itself into a Map of fields, keyed on an enum of all fields.
public enum DataField {
public class Person {
private String name;
private Date birthday;
private int height;
private Job job;
private House house;
public Map<DataField, Object> toMap() {
return ImmutableMap
.add(DataField.PERSON_NAME, name)
.add(DataField.BIRTHDAY, birthday)
.add(DataField.HEIGHT, height)
.add(DataField.AGE, now().getYear() - birthday.getYear())
Then, I could build a Vector combining all the Maps, and select subsets from it like in 3.
Enum name clashes, e.g. if Job has an Address and House has an Address, then I want to be able to specify a subset taking street name of both. But how do I then define the toMap() method in the Address class?
No obvious place to put code doing computed fields requiring data from more than one object, e.g. physical distance from Address of House to Address of Company.
Many thanks!
Over in-memory object mapping in the application, I would favor database processing of the data for better performance. Views, or more elaborate OLAP/datawarehouse tooling could do the trick. If the calculated fields remain basic, as in "age = now - birth", I see nothing wrong with having that logic in the DB.
On the code side, given the large number of DTOs you have to deal with, you could use classless dynamic (available in some JVM languages) or JSON objects. The idea is that when a data structure changes, you only need to modify the DB and the UI, saving you the cost of changing a whole bunch of classes in between.

pass variable into main method java

I am trying to write a simple program that has two classes. I want one class (with the main method) to handle all the input and output and the other class to handle all of the mathematics then return the calculations to the main method. I can successfully pass variables from main method to an object in the mathematics class and have tested the results in that method with a println but can't seem to pass the finished calculations back to my main method. Here is my code, please help me understand. Thank you very much
Here is class with main method
import java.util.Scanner;
public class io {
public static void main (String[] args){
Scanner chargeTankStartGaugeFeetInput = new Scanner(;
Scanner chargeTankStartGaugeInchesInput = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("What is the charge tank's start gauge feet: ");
String chargeTankStartGaugeFeet = chargeTankStartGaugeFeetInput.nextLine();
System.out.println("What is the charge tank's start gauge inches: ");
String chargeTankStartGaugeInches = chargeTankStartGaugeInchesInput.nextLine();
math mathObject = new math();
+ " is total inches in io");
I get an error that says "totalInches" in the main method cannot be resolved to a variable. Is my thinking even close as to how this is supposed to work?
And here is the math class
public class math {
public void changeGaugesToInches(String arg1, String arg2) {
double arg1Double = Double.valueOf(arg1).doubleValue();
double arg2Double = Double.valueOf(arg2).doubleValue();
double totalInches = arg1Double * 12 + arg2Double;
System.out.println(totalInches + " is the total inches");
You can return the value from the method...
public double changeGaugesToInches(...)
return totalIncehs;
Firstly, by convention, all class and enum names in java should begin with a capital letter. Secondly, you may want to use a more descriptive name for your math class, "UnitsConverter" if that is all that it does.
In changeGaugesToInches, you should rename arg1 and arg2 to feet and inches.
Most importantly, you need to change the method to return the result, and assign it to a variable in your main method:
double totalInches = mathObject.changeGaugesToInches(chargeTankStartGaugeFeet, chargeTankStartGaugeInches);
public double changeGaugesToInches(String arg1, String arg2){
return totalInches;
Because this method does not use any instance variables, unless you think you might over ride this method in a subclass (to add metric units, for example) the code would be more efficient if you declared it as static. Also, you can probably use integers unless you require more accuracy.
double totalInches = UnitsConverter.changeGaugesToInches(chargeTankStartGaugeFeet, chargeTankStartGaugeInches);
public static int changeGaugesToInches(String feet, String inches){
return changeGaugesToInches( Integer.parseInt(feet), Integer.parseInt(inches) );
// this method can be used more efficiently from parts of your app that already have the units as integers.
public static int changeGaugesToInches(int feet, int in
return totalInches;
Any void method can't have return value. Since,
public void changeGaugesToInches(String arg1, String arg2) is a void method therefore it has no return type.
If you make it static then you can't use math mathObject = new math();

Hibernate/Spring taking out class mapping. About reflection

Im trying to write an aplication with uses hibernate to write to database, however in some actions i have to use JDBC on data in tables made by HB.
JDBS is requred to give administrator ability to create SQL queries with will return statistic info about data in database like number of processed document of specified type, numbers of success/failed log in attempts or total value of products in orders.
To do that i've done an from that allows to create class that has override toString() with return nice sql query string.
All works but now im trying to make administrator live easier by hiving him an ability to choose of table/column names. And here is an problem, because they are created by hibernate. some by #column annotation other by field name.
How can i check how field mapping?
I know its all about reflections but didnt do much of that in java yet.
#Table(name= "my_table_name" )
public class TableOFSomething implements Serializable{
//This field isn't mapped into database and info about it is not requred.
//In fact, info about it may cause an error.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7L;
private String id;
private String fieldOne;
private String fieldTwo;
private int Number;
//code with getters & setters
How to write methods that will have definition like
public <T> String tableName(Class<T> Target); //returns name of table in database
public <T> ArrayList<String> tabelFields(Class<T> Target); //returns name of fields in database
Hibernate has API - getClassMetadata that can explore the mapping. The API might change and is now located in another place , but i will use it and not in reflection for this.
look on this post for more details:
Get the table name from the model in Hibernate
if you want reflection , so use this link
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Table;
import odi.beans.statistic.QueryBean;
public class ReflectionTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ReflectionTest test=new ReflectionTest();
System.out.println("Table name of "+QueryBean.class.getName()+" is "+test.getTableName(QueryBean.class));
System.out.println("Column names in this table are:");
for(String n: test.getColumnNames(QueryBean.class)){
System.out.println("Good bye ;)");
public <T> ArrayList<String> getColumnNames(Class<T> target) {
ArrayList<String> ret=new ArrayList<>();
Field[] fields = target.getDeclaredFields();
String fieldName =null;
for (Field f : fields) {
//jump to next if if field is static
if (Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()))
if (f.isAnnotationPresent(Column.class)) {
Column a = f.getAnnotation(Column.class);
fieldName =;
} else {
fieldName = f.getName();
return ret;
public <T> String getTableName(Class<T> target){
String ret=target.getSimpleName();
if (target.isAnnotationPresent(Table.class))
Table t=target.getAnnotation(Table.class);;
return ret;
Is it cover all possibilities?
I know now that Hibernate way would be easier, but this is also about learning of very useful reflection mechanism :)
Important question:
Will this work only on annotations or also on xml mapping?

does it make sense to cache in private field arrays that not part of the class?

One method of my class need fresh copy of some array for internal stuff, so I should write something like that:
public void FrequentlyCalledMethod {
int[] a = new int[100];
But because method is frequently called and because content of the array doesn't make sense (it will be replaced anyway) and because array is big enough i want to optimize and write something like that:
private int[] a = new int[100];
public void FrequentlyCalledMethod {
Assuming that method is called 100 times per second I will save about 100 * 100 * sizeof(int) bytes of heap memory every second.
The problem is that now class declaration is "dirty". It contains in field the information that only one method needs. Having too much such fields will make class very "unreadable" as "normal" fields will be mixed with "perfomance optimizations" field.
What can I do? Or I should just choose either perfomance or readablity? Can I have both somehow?
No your class declaration is not dirty. Class declaration is dirty only when you mangle its public interface. And this is a private field. Private fields are used for this.
If you are too worried about the too many private variables then try using small classes. If a method needs 3 private variables you can create a class with those 3 variables and store the object as private filed in current class.
class A{
private int a;
private int b;
private int c;
public int get_num(){
return a+b+c;
you can use this,
class B{
private int a;
private int b;
private int c;
public int get_num(){
return a+b+c;
class A{
private B b;
public int get_num(){
return b.get_num();
If the first case, the array inside FrequentlyCalledMethod is referenced using a local variable, so it will be garbage-collected when the method ends: there's no heap over-usage in that scenario.
However, if you declare your array as a member attribute; the array instance will persist for all your parent-object life, even if the method FrequentlyCalledMethod is called or not.
In conclusion, if you wanna preserve heap-space and make your program more memory efficient go with local attributes and avoid instance variables in your particular case.

Final/const keyword equivalent in Progress-4GL

If I had a class with immutable members in Java, I would do this:
class MyClass {
private final String name;
private final int id;
myClass(String name, int id) { = name; = id;
String getName() { return name; }
int getId() { return id; }
In Progress-4GL, you'd typically see something like this: (Please, no lectures on Hungarian Notation. I hate it too, but it's very common in the Progress community, so it's something I just live with.)
CLASS MyClass :
ASSIGN mcName = ipcName
miId = ipiID.
END. /* constructor(char,int)*/
END CLASS. /* MyClass */
I was told in that in Progress 10.2B, they added the ability to make constants/final variables. However, I am unable to find any reference to it anywhere. In my Architect (version 10.2A) I do see that FINAL is considered a keyword. But the documentation behind it simply eludes me.
And if you've ever tried to search for Progress documentation, you know my dilemma.
How can I do immutable variables in Progress 10.2B? Are there any gotchyas I need to be aware of?
EDIT 1 I found documentation on FINAL. It appears to only apply to classes and methods. My current approach is
CLASS ImmutableString :
ASSIGN mcValue = ipcValue.
RETURN mcValue. /* Is a defensive copy required? */
You could also create a public property with a public "GET" and a private "SET":
Value = ipcValue.
That's a little less code and does the same thing.
EDITED to change the property name to match the original poster's example.