Specify ninja version in Meson? - meson-build

I'm running Elementary OS, which is based on Ubuntu 14.04LTS. Ninja is at version 1.3.4. When running Meson, I get the error:
ninja: fatal: ninja version (1.3.4) incompatible with build file ninja_required_version version (1.5.1).
According to http://www.mariocampos.io/blog/meson,-first-impressions/ I can fix this by getting a newer version of Ninja. That's fine, I can do that. However, I prefer to keep to the software in the package repos, so my question is:
Can I tell Meson to generate a Ninja build file that doesn't require such a high version, or does Meson use Ninja features only available in 1.5.1?

Indeed, as you can see in meson git repository, ninja minimum version was raised from 1.3.4 to 1.5.1 on December 3 2014 for the following reason:
To celebrate the new version of Ninja in Debian, start using the console pool.
One solution would be to use an older meson-build version (basically MAXIMUM version 0.21.0).

Can I tell Meson to generate a Ninja build file that doesn't require such a high version
No. It's hard coded in the meson source code.
does Meson use Ninja features only available in 1.5.1?
Yes. It's the Console Pool.


How to install protobuf and link to cmake?

I have been trying to do a build with cmake3 that involves using protobuf library version >=3.11. I think I correctly installed the compiler at least, since protoc --version returns libprotoc 3.12.3 . However, the library does not seem to be properly linked cor cmake, just the compiler. If I try to do a cmake command, it warns that
Protobuf compiler version 3.12.3 doesn't match library version 2.5.0
which seems off since I installed protobuf 3.12 using the instructions here https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/tree/master/src. This leads to errors when I try to do the make install when it doesn't recolonize headers introduced in later versions.
Protobuf 2.5.0 is the one that comes with sudo yum install protobuf and I need a more recent version for the cmake installation. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong so that cmake links the correct library version when compiling? I am on Centos 7 if that matters.

cmake version in catkin_make different from global cmake version?

I'm trying to build some package in ROS using catkin.
When I run catkin_make in the top level directory, I got complaint about cmake version:
CMake Error at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/ignition-math4/ignition-math4-config.cmake:26 (cmake_minimum_required):
CMake 3.5.1 or higher is required. You are running version 3.3.2
Then I updated my cmake version, and also modified the path. I verified that the version of cmake is now 3.15:
~/catkin_ws$ cmake --version
cmake version 3.15.0
CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware (kitware.com/cmake).
when I go back and try catkin_make again, the problem still remains.
I suppose that catkin has defined its own path or environment variable somewhere and are using cmake from a different place, but I couldn't figure out how to change it. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
you could remove .catkin_tools from your working directory, and redo the initialization of catkin:
source /opt/ros/<your-ros-development>/setup.bash
catkin init
if your environment setup is correct, that should do the trick.

cmake 3.11 installation in solaris11

I am new to solaris 11 machine. I have a vitual box and I can only interact via command promt. I am trying to install cmake 3.11 version. I tried downloading cmake source code and building it. But failed at one point where in code uses c++11 and the our gcc compiler is not able to compile it.
It will be very greatfull if anyone can give me steps for installing and using cmake in solaris11.
Thanks in advance.
Solaris 11 offers a cmake package in its package repos, so pkg install cmake as root should do it.

cmake failed to configure due to GL.h

I am trying to build cmake 3.10.2 from source.
I already have cmake installed but an older version so I am running
cmake .
make install
but the machine I am on doesn't have gl and cmake fails on missing gl/gl.h is there a way to not require gl.h?

installation of cmake on debian 8

I tried to install mcsema on my debian linux but I am stopped by error
Cmake 3.1 or higher is required. You are running 3.0.2. On debian this is the only version could be installed by apt-get install. Building CMake from sources, I get several errors as well. Does anyone know how to install the latest version of Cmake on Debian 8?
Download latests cmake release and follow the README.rst instructions:
UNIX/Mac OSX/MinGW/MSYS/Cygwin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
You need to have a compiler and a make installed. Run the
bootstrap script you find in the source directory of CMake. You
can use the --help option to see the supported options. You may
use the --prefix=<install_prefix> option to specify a custom
installation directory for CMake. You can run the bootstrap script
from within the CMake source directory or any other build directory of
your choice. Once this has finished successfully, run make and
make install. In summary::
$ ./bootstrap && make && make install