Remove unnecessary Characters by using SQL query - sql

Do you know how to remove below kind of Characters at once on a query ?
Note : .I'm retrieving this data from the Access app and put only the valid data into the SQL.
select DISTINCT ltrim(rtrim(a.Company)) from [Legacy].[dbo].[Attorney] as a
This column is company name column.I need to keep string characters only.But I need to remove numbers only rows,numbers and characters rows,NULL,Empty and all other +,-.

Based on your extremely vague "rules" I am going to make a guess.
Maybe something like this will be somewhere close.
select DISTINCT ltrim(rtrim(a.Company))
from [Legacy].[dbo].[Attorney] as a
where LEN(ltrim(rtrim(a.Company))) > 1
and IsNumeric(a.Company) = 0
This will exclude entries that are not at least 2 characters and can't be converted to a number.

This should select the rows you want to delete:
where company not like '%[a-zA-Z]%' and -- has at least one vowel
company like '%[^ a-zA-Z0-9.&]%' -- has a not-allowed character
The list of allowed characters in the second expression may not be complete.
If this works, then you can easily adapt it for a delete statement.


SQL query to exclude numbers, brackets or special characters at the end of a name

I'm trying to exclude all names with numbers in it, but still include certain special characters like:
So far, i've got this query:
SELECT FirstName FROM Client WHERE FirstName NOT LIKE '%[^0-9]%';
This excludes most names with numbers in it, however, a few like the following are still coming through (not being excluded):
How do i exclude these from above, but still keep rows that look like the ones below:
Thank you in advance!
I'm trying to exclude all names with numbers in it.
Assuming you are using SQL Server, your logic has too many negations. You want:
WHERE FirstName NOT LIKE '%[0-9]%';
This translates to FirstName not having any number in it.
If you want names that are only alphabetical and spaces, then use:
WHERE FirstName NOT LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z ]%';
Your version simply states that the string has no character which is not like a digit -- that is, it consists only of digits.

Consider a query to find details of research fields where the first two parts of the ID are D and 2 and the last part is one character (digit)

The ID of research fields have three parts, each part separated by a period.
Consider a query to find the details of research fields where the first two parts of the ID are D and 2, and the last part is a single character (digit).
IDs like D.2.1 and D.2.3 are in the query result whereas IDs like D.2.12 or D.2.15 are not.
The SQL query given below does not return the correct result. Explain the reason why it does not return the correct result and give the correct SQL query.
select *
from field
where ID like 'B.1._';
I have no idea why it doesnt work.
Anyone can help on this? Many thanks
D.2.1 and D.2.3 are in the query result whereas IDs like D.2.12 or D.2.15 are not.
An underscore matches any single character in a LIKE filter so B.1._ is looking for the start of the string followed by a B character followed by a . character then a 1 character then a . character then any single character then the end of the string.
You could use:
FROM field
WHERE ID like 'B.1._%';
The % will match any number of characters (including zero) until the end of the string and the preceding underscore will enforce that there is at least one character after the period.

SQL: insert space before numbers in string

I have a nvarchar field in my table, which contains all sorts of strings.
In case there are strings which contain a number following a non-number sign, I want to insert a space before that number.
That is - if a certain entry in that field is abc123, it should be turned into abc 123, or ab12.34 should become ab 12. 34.I want this to be done throughout the entire table.
What's the best way to achieve it?
You can try something like that:
select left(col,PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',col)-1 )+space(1)+
when PATINDEX('%[.]%',col)<>0
then substring(col,PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',col),len(col)+1-PATINDEX('%[.]%',col))
else substring(col,PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',col),len(col)+1-PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',col))
from tab
It's not simply, but I hope it will help you.
SQL Fiddle
I used functions (link to MSDN):
and regular expression.

SQL String contains ONLY

I have a table with a field that denotes whether the data in that row is valid or not. This field contains a string of undetermined length. I need a query that will only pull out rows where all the characters in this field are N. Some possible examples of this field.
Any suggestions on a postcard please.
Many thanks
This should do the trick:
FROM YourTable
WHERE Field NOT LIKE '%[^N]%' AND Field <> ''
What it's doing is a wildcard search, broken down:
The LIKE will find records where the field contains characters other than N in the field. So, we apply a NOT to that as we're only interested in records that do not contain characters other than N. Plus a condition to filter out blank values.
FROM mytable
WHERE field NOT LIKE '%[^N]%'
I don't know which SQL dialect you are using. For example Oracle has several functions you may use. With oracle you could use condition like :
WHERE LTRIM(field, 'N') = ''
The idea is to trim out all N's and see if the result is empty string. If you don't have LTRIM, check if you have some kind of TRANSLATE or REPLACE function to do the same thing.
Another way to do it could be to pick length of your field and then construct comparator value by padding empty string with N. Perhaps something like:
WHERE field = RPAD('', field, 'N)
Oracle pads that empty string with N's and picks number of pad characters from length of the second argument. Perhaps this works too:
WHERE field = RPAD('', LENGTH(field), 'N)
I haven't tested those, but hopefully that give you some ideas how to solve your problem. I guess that many of these solutions have bad performance if you have lot of rows and you don't have other WHERE conditions to select proper index.

Is it possible to get the matching string from an SQL query?

If I have a query to return all matching entries in a DB that have "news" in the searchable column (i.e. SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE %news%), and one particular row has an entry starting with "In recent World news, Somalia was invaded by ...", can I return a specific "chunk" of an SQL entry? Kind of like a teaser, if you will.
select substring(column,
CHARINDEX ('news',lower(column))-10,
FROM table
WHERE column LIKE %news%
basically substring the column starting 10 characters before where the word 'news' is and continuing for 20.
Edit: You'll need to make sure that 'news' isn't in the first 10 characters and adjust the start position accordingly.
You can use substring function in a SELECT part. Something like:
SELECT SUBSTRING(column, 1,20) FROM table WHERE column LIKE %news%
This will return the first 20 characters from column column
I had the same problem, I ended up loading the whole field into C#, then re-searched the text for the search string, then selected x characters either side.
This will work fine for LIKE, but not full text queries which use FORMS OF INFLECTION because that may match "women" when you search for "woman".
If you are using MSSQL you can perform all kinds VB-like of substring functions as part of your query.