IntelliJ: Delete Highlighted Portion With Just the Delete Key - intellij-idea

One of the more annoying aspects of IntelliJ for me is how the default way to delete a portion of text I highlight with my mouse is to press shift+delete, rather than simply delete. I'm aware that I can go to Preferences --> Keymap to customize controls like this, but I'm not sure exactly which function to change and how to set it to the delete key.
I'm using the 2016.1.3 Community Edition for OS X.

I figured out what was going on — I had rather absentmindedly installed the IdeaVIM plugin, which adds weird (vim-like) keybindings, one of which is that you need to press shift+delete to delete a highlighted portion.


How do I dismiss file structure view in Intellij IDEA?

I'm using Intellij IDEA 2017.1.4 (Community Edition). How do I dismiss the file structure view (Navigate > File Structure)? I've been hitting the esc with no results; it stays there until I either choose an item in the list or click elsewhere with my mouse pointer (which is very inconvenient to me).
My problem was due to the esc being used as primary keyboard shortcut for a few other keyboard shortcuts. I'm using Emacs keybindings and I think they were set there by default. The escape function was mapped to esc+esc, which I already knew. To resolve this issue, I looked for all shortcuts whose primary key was esc, and remove that particular binding (or replaced them with something I'm more comfortable with). I also updated the mapping of escape to only use single key press.
I actually also set another binding to the escape functionality, ctrl+G, which also doesn't work to dismiss the file structure view. I think within the context of file structure view, the IDE follows a slightly different set of keybindings so no matter what I map to the escape functionality, it will only honor the single key press of esc.

Delete to tab boundaries in IntelliJ IDEA 13.1

When I press tab IntelliJ inserts two spaces (which is what I want), but when I press delete IntelliJ only removes one space at a time. How do I make it delete to the tab boundaries instead of just one at a time?
I tried to solve this problem too, but it appears that it is not possible at the moment.
The closest solution to this problem is probably the Smart backspace feature, which will be present in IntelliJ IDEA 14. According to a comment in the blog post mentioned below it seems that the same functionality is planned for the Delete key, but it is probably not implemented yet.

how to return run default content for intellij

I used one of the best shortcuts for Intellij:
And it runs default content, which will be open.
I don't know how, but now it really do nothing.
All other short cuts are ok. And this one is dead (doesn't work anymore).
How to return to this useful short cut (or general set to Intellij default)?
Well since you have a psvm method, and your focus is in the code for that class when you press the shortcut, and given your caps key isn't on, then you should see IntelliJ try to make before running your code.
Do you see it Making ?
If not, it's likely another plugin or action has stolen the key shortcut.
Go to Settings -> Ide Settings / Keymap, and type RunClass in the search box.
You should see this: Run context configuration -> Ctrl + Shift + F10
If the key shortcut is missing, assign it.
Hope this helps.
P.S. I was recently using the Haskell IntelliJ plugin which conflicted with this shortcut. Disabling it did the trick to restore it.

Intellij IdeaVim change keys

I would really like to be able to use IdeaVIM but I am unable to figure out where I can set my custom vim key mappings. For example instead of using Esc I would like to use Ctrl-C and instead of using hjkl I like to use wasd.
I have all these already set in my .vimrc but IdeaVIM failed to load them. I can copy them over manually to whatever file is needed but there is no documentation on how to do this.
As of IdeaVim 0.35 (released 2014-05-15), key mappings in ~/.ideavimrc are supported. You can put source ~/.vimrc in that file if you want to include mappings from ~/.vimrc.
Release announcement
(Note: This question could probably be considered a duplicate of this other StackOverflow question.)
I've done this myself, and its pretty easy in IntelliJ 11. I know that in previous versions (9, maybe?) setting up keymap values is significantly different.
In IntelliJ 11 you can do the following:
Go to Settings
Select Keymap from the left menu
Search for Exit Insert Mode on the right side and associate whatever key you want to use, such as CTRL-C
If you like to have Vim plugin installed (I find it very handy for typing) and at the same time have Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V working for copy and paste actions, do the following:
In the IntelliJ Idea, click on File > Setting. On the left pane, expand Editor and click on Vim Emulation.
Here, under the Shortcut column, find Ctrl+C and change it's Handler (under Handler column) to IDE instead of Vim.
Repeat it for Ctrl+V as well and hit Apply and Ok.
Now, you should be able to use the keyboard shortcuts for copy and paste while keeping the Vim Emulator enabled.
IntelliJ 12.1:
Go to Settings
Select Keymap from the left menu
Find Escape under the Editor Actions section and add the Ctrl-C shortcut there. ("Escape" under the "IdeaVim" section didn't work for me)
Following the same steps, but replacing "Escape" with "Exit Insert Mode" only partially worked for me. It exited insert mode correctly but ignored the following keystroke. So typing Ctrl-C,j,j would exit insert but only go up one line instead of two.

How to fix IntelliJ Idea not closing tabs by Ctrl+F4?

I happen to use IntelliJ Idea 10.5.2 with Scala and SBT plugins to code in Scala on an XUbuntu 11.10 system with Oracle JDK 7.
And I can't close editor tabs with Ctrl+F4 (while right-clicking on a tab shows this shortcut for closing).
Any ideas about the reason probable and a way to fix?
Looks like xfce uses Ctrl+F4 as global shortcut that gets captured before it's propagated to IntelliJ. See this page for how to change shortcuts.
Alternatively you can also change the keybindings in IntelliJ. Use 'File|Settings' and got to 'Keymap' in the settings window. The 'close' action is bound to Ctrl+F4
Adding a new answer to this old question as duckduckgo brought me here. This shortcut can be edited quite easily on any version of Xfce (4) which has the Settings Editor app (tested on XUbuntu 18.04).
Launch Settings editor, and on the left column (channel) select xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts. Now on the right find any entry with the value <Primary>F? (primary means ctrl). Some entries can be deleted by pressing the reset button (the ones under xfwm4->custom). While you are at it, you might want to remove all the <Alt>F? bindings too (except Alt+F4).
The entries under xfwm4->default cannot be deleted, but the trick here is to edit the entry and remove any value.
I've read that this was editable in previous versions, but the value was in a text file somewhere (just sharing this in case anyone is using an older version of Xfce).
If you are using a Dell laptop where the F4 keys is used to 'mute' the sound. Muting the sound with the F4 key will disable the F4 key.
Try to unmute, function key 'fn'+F4 to unmute (lamp is not lit on key).
Then you can use CTRL+F4.