Comparison of lists in lisp vs Comparison of numbers(value and objects) - variables

I am having trouble understanding how to compare numbers by value vs by address.
I have tried the following:
(setf number1 5)
(setf number2 number1)
(setf number3 5)
(setf list1 '(a b c d) )
(setf list2 list1)
(setf list3 '(a b c d) )
I then used the following predicate functions:
>(eq list1 list2) T
>(eq list1 list3) Nil
>(eq number1 number2) T
>(eq number1 number3) T
Why is it that with lists eq acts like it should (both pointers for list1 and list3 are different) yet for numbers it does not act like I think it should as number1 and number3 should have different addresses. Thus my question is why this doesn't act like I think it should and if there is a way to compare addresses of variables containing numbers vs values.

Equality Predicates in Common Lisp
how to compare numbers by value vs by address.
While there's a sense in which can be applied, that's not really the model that Common Lisp provides. Reading about the built-in equality predicates can help clarify the way in which objects are stored in memory (implicitly)..
EQ is generally what checks the "same address", but that's not how it's specified, and that's not exactly what it does, either. It "returns true if its arguments are the same, identical object; otherwise, returns false."
What does it mean to be the same identical object? For things like cons-cells (from which lists are built), there's an object in memory somewhere, and eq checks whether two values are the same object. Note that eq could return true or false on primitives like numbers, since the implementation is free to make copies of them.
EQL is like eq, but it adds a few extra conditions for numbers and characters. Numbers of the same type and value are guaranteed to be eql, as are characters that represent the same character.
EQUAL and EQUALP are where things start to get more complex and you actually get something like element-wise comparison for lists, etc.
This specific case
Why is it that with lists eq acts like it should (both pointers for
list1 and list3 are different) yet for numbers it does not act like I
think it should as number1 and number3 should have different
addresses. Thus my question is why this doesn't act like I think it
should and if there is a way to compare addresses of variables
containing numbers vs values.
The examples in the documentation for eq show that (eq 3 3) (and thus, (let ((x 3) (y 3)) (eq x y)) can return true or false. The behavior you're observing now isn't the only possible one.
Also, note that in compiled code, constant values can be coalesced into one. That means that the compiler has the option of making the following return true:
(let ((x '(1 2 3))
(y '(1 2 3)))
(eq x y))

One of the problems is that testing it in one implementation in a specific setting does not tell you much. Implementations may behave differently when the ANSI Common Lisp specification allows it.
do not assume that two numbers of the same value are EQ or not EQ. This is unspecified in Common Lisp. Use EQL or = to compare numbers.
do not assume that two literal lists, looking similar in a printed representation, are EQ or not EQ. This is unspecified in Common Lisp for the general case.
For example:
A file with the following content:
(defvar *a* '(1 2 3))
(defvar *b* '(1 2 3))
If one now compiles and loads the file it is unspecified if (eq *a* *b*) is T or NIL. Common Lisp allows an optimizing compiler to detect that the lists have the similar content and then will allocate only one list and both variables will be bound to the same list.
An implementation might even save space when not the whole lists are having similar content. For example in (a 1 2 3 4) and (b 1 2 3 4) a sublist (1 2 3 4) could be shared.
For code with a lot of list data, this could help saving space both in code and memory. Other implementations might not be that sophisticated. In interactive use, it is unlikely that an implementation will try to save space like that.
In the Common Lisp standard quite a bit behavior is unspecified. It was expected that implementations with different goals might benefit from different approaches.


Is it possible / what are examples of using hygienic macros for the compile time computational optimization?

I've been reading through, and it states (about clojure's macros)
Another example is performing expensive calculations at compile time as an optimization
I looked up, and it seems clojure has unhygienic macros. Can this also be applied to hygienic ones? Particularly talking about Scheme. As far as I understand hygienic macros, they only transform syntax, but the actual execution of code is deferred until the runtime no matter what.
Yes. Macro hygiene just refers to whether or not macro expansion can accidentally capture identifiers. Whether or not a macro is hygienic, regular macro expansion (as opposed to reader macro expansion) occurs at compile-time. Macro expansion replaces the macro's code with the results of it being executed. Two major use cases for them are to transform syntax (i.e. DSLs), to enhance performance by eliminating computations at run time or both.
A few examples come to mind:
You prefer to write your code with angles in degrees but all of the calculations are actually in radians. You could have macros eliminate these trivial, but unnecessary (at run time) conversions, at compile time.
Memoization is a broad example of compute optimization that macros can be used for.
You have a string representing a SQL statement or complex textual math expression which you want to parse and possibly even execute at compile time.
You could also combine the examples and have a memoizing SQL parser. Pretty much any scenario where you have all the necessary inputs at compile time and can therefore compute the result is a candidate.
Yes, hygienic macros can do this sort of thing. As an example here is a macro called plus in Racket which is like + except that, at macroexpansion-time, it sums sequences of adjacent literal numbers. So it does some of the work you might expect to be done at run-time at macroexpansion-time (so, effectively, at compile-time). So, for instance
(plus a b 1 2 3 c 4 5)
expands to
(+ a b 6 c 9)
Some notes on this macro.
It's probably not very idiomatic Racket, because I'm a mostly-unreformed CL hacker, which means I live in a cave and wear animal skins and say 'ug' a lot. In particular I am sure I should use syntax-parse but I can't understand it.
It might not even be right.
There are subtleties with arithmetic which means that this macro can return different results than +. In particular + is defined to add pairwise from left to right, while plus does not in general: all the literals get added firsto in particular (assuming you have done (require racket/flonum, and +max.0 &c have the same values as they do on my machine), then (+ -max.0 1.7976931348623157e+308 1.7976931348623157e+308) has a value of 1.7976931348623157e+308, while (plus -max.0 1.7976931348623157e+308 1.7976931348623157e+308) has a value of +inf.0, because the two literals get added first and this overflows.
In general this is a useless thing: it's safe to assume, I think, that any reasonable compiler will do these kind of optimisations for you. The only purpose of it is to show that it's possible to do the detect-and-compile-away compile-time constants.
Remarkably, at least from the point of view of caveman-lisp users like me, you can treat this just like + because of the last in the syntax-case: it works to say (apply plus ...) for instance (although no clever optimisation happens in that case of course).
Here it is:
(require (for-syntax racket/list))
(define-syntax (plus stx)
(define +/stx (datum->syntax stx +))
(syntax-case stx ()
;; return additive identity
[(_ a)
;; identity with one argument
[(_ a ...)
;; the interesting case: there's more than one argument, so walk over them
;; looking for literal numbers. This is probably overcomplicated and
;; unidiomatic
(let* ([syntaxes (syntax->list #'(a ...))]
[reduced (let rloop ([current (first syntaxes)]
[tail (rest syntaxes)]
[accum '()])
[(null? tail)
(reverse (cons current accum))]
[(and (number? (syntax-e current))
(number? (syntax-e (first tail))))
(rloop (datum->syntax stx
(+ (syntax-e current)
(syntax-e (first tail))))
(rest tail)
(rloop (first tail)
(rest tail)
(cons current accum))]))])
(if (= (length reduced) 1)
(first reduced)
;; make sure the operation is our +
#`(#,+/stx #,#reduced)))]
;; plus on its own is +, but we want our one. I am not sure this is right
It is possible to do this even more aggressively in fact, so that (plus a b 1 2 c 3) is turned into (+ a b c 6). This has probably even more exciting might-get-different answers implications. It's worth noting what the CL spec says about this:
For functions that are mathematically associative (and possibly commutative), a conforming implementation may process the arguments in any manner consistent with associative (and possibly commutative) rearrangement. This does not affect the order in which the argument forms are evaluated [...]. What is unspecified is only the order in which the parameter values are processed. This implies that implementations may differ in which automatic coercions are applied [...].
So an optimisation like this is clearly legal in CL: I'm not clear that it's legal in Racket (although I think it should be).
(require (for-syntax racket/list))
(define-for-syntax (split-literals syntaxes)
;; split a list into literal numbers and the rest
(let sloop ([tail syntaxes]
[accum/lit '()]
[accum/nonlit '()])
(if (null? tail)
(values (reverse accum/lit) (reverse accum/nonlit))
(let ([current (first tail)])
(if (number? (syntax-e current))
(sloop (rest tail)
(cons (syntax-e current) accum/lit)
(sloop (rest tail)
(cons current accum/nonlit)))))))
(define-syntax (plus stx)
(define +/stx (datum->syntax stx +))
(syntax-case stx ()
;; return additive identity
[(_ a)
;; identity with one argument
[(_ a ...)
;; the interesting case: there's more than one argument: split the
;; arguments into literals and nonliterals and handle approprately
(let-values ([(literals nonliterals)
(split-literals (syntax->list #'(a ...)))])
(if (null? literals)
(if (null? nonliterals)
#`(#,+/stx #,#nonliterals))
(let ([sum/stx (datum->syntax stx (apply + literals))])
(if (null? nonliterals)
#`(#,+/stx #,#nonliterals #,sum/stx)))))]
;; plus on its own is +, but we want our one. I am not sure this is right

Where is the Idris == operator useful?

As a beginner in type-driven programming, I'm curious about the use of the == operator. Examples demonstrate that it's not sufficient to prove equality between two values of a certain type, and special equality checking types are introduced for the particular data types. In that case, where is == useful at all?
(==) (as the single constituent function of the Eq interface) is a function from a type T to Bool, and is good for equational reasoning. Whereas x = y (where x : T and y : T) AKA "intensional equality" is itself a type and therefore a proposition. You can and often will want to bounce back and forth between the two different ways of expressing equality for a particular type.
x == y = True is also a proposition, and is often an intermediate step between reasoning about (==) and reasoning about =.
The exact relationship between the two types of equality is rather complex, and you can read for my own attempt to understand some aspects of it. (One thing to note is that even though an inductively defined type will have decideable intensional equality, you still have to go through a few hoops to prove that, and a few more hoops to define a corresponding implementation of Eq.)
One particular handy code snippet is this:
-- for rel x y, provide both the computed value, and the proposition that it is equal to the value (as a dependent pair)
has_value_dpair : (rel : t -> t -> Bool) -> (x : t) -> (y : t) -> (value: Bool ** rel x y = value)
has_value_dpair rel x y = (rel x y ** Refl)
You can use it with the with construct when you have a value returned from rel x y and you want to reason about the proposition rel x y = True or rel x y = False (and rel is some function that might represent a notion of equality between x and y).
(In this answer I assume the case where (==) corresponds to =, but you are entirely free to define a (==) function that doesn't correspond to =, eg when defining a Setoid. So that's another reason to use (==) instead of =.)
You still need good old equality because sometimes you can't prove things. Sometimes you don't even need to prove. Consider next example:
countEquals : Eq a => a -> List a -> Nat
countEquals x = length . filter (== x)
You might want to just count number of equal elements to show some statistics to user. Another example: tests. Yes, even with strong type system and dependent types you might want to perform good old unit tests. So you want to check for expectations and this is rather convenient to do with (==) operator.
I'm not going to write full list of cases where you might need (==). Equality operator is not enough for proving but you don't always need proofs.

How to generate random elements depending on previous elements using Quickcheck?

I'm using QuickCheck to do generative testing in Clojure.
However I don't know it well and often I end up doing convoluted things. One thing that I need to do quite often is something like that:
generate a first prime number from a list of prime-numbers (so far so good)
generate a second prime number which is smaller than the first one
generate a third prime number which is smaller than the first one
However I have no idea as to how to do that cleanly using QuickCheck.
Here's an even simpler, silly, example which doesn't work:
(prop/for-all [a (gen/choose 1 10)
b (gen/such-that #(= a %) (gen/choose 1 10))]
(= a b))
It doesn't work because a cannot be resolved (prop/for-all isn't like a let statement).
So how can I generate the three primes, with the condition that the two latter ones are inferior to the first one?
In test.check we can use gen/bind as the bind operator in the generator monad, so we can use this to make generators which depend on other generators.
For example, to generate pairs [a b] where we must have (>= a b) we can use this generator:
(def pair-gen (gen/bind (gen/choose 1 10)
(fn [a]
(gen/bind (gen/choose 1 a)
(fn [b]
(gen/return [a b]))))))
To satisfy ourselves:
(c/quick-check 10000
(prop/for-all [[a b] pair-gen]
(>= a b)))
gen/bind takes a generator g and a function f. It generates a value from g, let's call it x. gen/bind then returns the value of (f x), which must be a new generator. gen/return is a generator which only generates its argument (so above I used it to return the pairs).

Languages that support boolean syntactic sugar

There's a certain over-verbosity that I have to engage in when writing certain Boolean expressions, at least with all the languages I've used, and I was wondering if there were any languages that let you write more concisely?
The way it goes is like this:
I want to find out if I have a Thing that can be either A, B, C, or D.
And I'd like to see if Thing is an A or a B.
The logical way for me to express this is
//1: true if Thing is an A or a B
Thing == (A || B)
Yet all the languages I know expect it to be written as
//2: true if Thing is an A or a B
Thing == A || Thing == B
Are there any languages that support 1? It doesn't seem problematic to me, unless Thing is a Boolean.
Yes. Icon does.
As a simple example, here is how to get the sum of all numbers less than 1000 that are divisble by three or five (the first problem of Project Euler).
procedure main ()
local result
local n
result := 0
every n := 1 to 999 do
if n % (3 | 5) == 0 then
result +:= n
write (result)
Note the n % (3 | 5) == 0 expression. I'm a bit fuzzy on the precise semantics, but in Icon, the concept of booleans is not like other languages. Every expression is a generator and it may pass (generating a value) or fail. When used in an if expression, a generator will continue to iterate until it passes or exhausts itself. In this case, n % (3 | 5) == 0 is a generator which uses another generator (3 | 5) to test if n is divisible by 3 or 5. (To be entirely technical, this isn't even syntactic sugar.)
Likewise, in Python (which was influenced by Icon) you can use the in statement to test for equality on multiple elements. It's a little weaker than Icon though (as in, you could not translate the modulo comparison above directly). In your case, you would write Thing in (A, B), which translates exactly to what you want.
There are other ways to express that condition without trying to add any magic to the conditional operators.
In Ruby, for example:
$> thing = "A"
=> "A"
$> ["A","B"].include? thing
=> true
I know you are looking for answers that have the functionality built into the language, but here are two other means that I find work better as they solve more problems and have been in use for many decades.
Have you considered using a preprocessor?
Also languages like Lisp have macros which is part of the language.

prolog syntax problem

I can't distinguish these symbols:
= and =:=
\= and =\=
[X,Y] and [X|Y]
What’s the difference ?
For the comparison operators (=, =:=, \=, =\=):
= succeeds if the terms unify (basically, if they're bound together)
=:= succeeds if the values of the terms are equal (should be equivalent to = if you're dealing with numbers, I believe)
\= is the negation of =
=\= is the negation of =:=
For more info about these operators and more, see this page.
For the list operators, [X|Y] is a way to refer to a list where X is the first element and Y is the list of the remaining elements. [X, Y] is just another way to refer to this, but it limits Y to being a single element, instead of possibly a whole list of them. For more info, see this section of the same page.