Update from statement in hive - hive

I have 2 tables with identical schemas in hive.
I want to update tbl1 as follows
update x from tbl1 x,tbl2 y
set x.c=y.c
where x.a=y.a
and x.b=y.b
But this didn't run on hive.
Whats the best way to achieve this?

This is a bit long for a comment.
Hive does not support updating one table using values from another (at least with the update statement).
The syntax for the statement is:
UPDATE tablename
SET column = value [, column = value ...]
[WHERE expression]
In particular, value cannot be a subquery:
The value assigned must be an expression that Hive supports in the
select clause. Thus arithmetic operators, UDFs, casts, literals, etc.
are supported. Subqueries are not supported.
Do note that subqueries are allowed in the where clause.


Update field values of table with field values that is in query

UPDATE Tbl, Qry SET Tbl.Submit_Date = [Qry]![FirstOfTIMESTAMP]
WHERE (((Tbl.Info_ID)=[Qry]![INFO_ID]));
I want to update Tbl.Submit_Date with values from [Qry]![FirstOfTIMESTAMP] where both of their info_id are equal.
I get an error saying Operation must have an updateable query. I am using MSAccess. Any help is greatly appreciated.
As you learned, in MS Access queries must be updateable in order to be used in UPDATE queries. As a workaround consider converting your SQL aggregation to domain aggregation with DMin() assuming FirstOfTIMESTAMP is the Min() aggregation from a source table
SET Tbl.Submit_Date = DMin("TIMESTAMP","SrcTable","Info_ID=" & Tbl.[INFO_ID])

Why do I need the 'match' part of a SQL merge, in this scenario?

Consider the following:
merge into T t1
using (select ID,Col1 from T where ID = 123) t2
on 1 = 0
when not matched then insert (Col1) values (t2.Col1);
Cominig from a programming background, to me this translates to:
"Evaluate false (i.e. 1 = 0), and when it is false (i.e. all the time), insert."
Is it not possible to just omit the match condition?
Is it because of my select's where condition that I'm confused here? Should this condition be moved to the on?
Due to restrictions with output, I cannot use insert. I need to output the results of this merge into a temporary table for reasons outside of the scope of what I'm asking.
In the answer you've linked to in the comments, as I've hopefully made clear, we are abusing the MERGE statement.
The query you've shown here could trivially be replaced by:
insert into T(Col1) select Col1 from T where ID = 123
However, if you want to be able to add an OUTPUT clause, and that OUTPUT clause needs to reference both the newly inserted data and data from the source table, you're not allowed to write such a clause on an INSERT statement.
So, we instead use a MERGE statement, but not for its intended purpose. The entire purpose is to force it to perform an INSERT and write our OUTPUT clause.
If we examine the documentation for MERGE, we see that the only clause in which we can specify to perform an INSERT is in the WHEN NOT MATCHED [BY TARGET] clause - in both the WHEN MATCHED and WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE clauses, our only options are to UPDATE or DELETE.
So, we have to write the MERGE such that matching always fails - and the simplest way to do that is to say that matching should occur when 1 = 01 - which, hopefully, is never.
1Since SQL Server doesn't support boolean literals

Update from aggregate in same table if aggregate value wrong - SQL Server/Oracle/Firebird

I have a table with grouped tasks:
tt_plan_task_id is the id
records with tt_plantype=1 represent 'groups'
tasks in/under a group have a tt_group_id pointing to the tt_plan_task_id
there are tasks that don't belong to a group (tt_group_id is null)
groups nest multiple levels
I need to fix (update) the tt_fromdate field values for the group records if they do not match the min(tt_fromdate) from the underlying tasks (they always have a value).
To fix them all I could do
update tt_plan_task g
set tt_fromdate=
(select min(t.tt_fromdate) from tt_plan_task t
where (t.tt_group_id=g.tt_plan_task_id))
where (g.tt_plantype=1)
This statement avoids the UPDATE FROM syntax that I see in many (SQL server) answers - Firebird does not support that.
There are 2 complications
I want to do the update only if g.tt_fromdate <> min(t.tt_fromdate), so I would have to add a reference to min(tt_fromdate) to the outer where.
I tried using an alias for the aggregate and referencing that but that got me nowhere (syntax errors)
SQL Server does not like the table alias in the update, but solutions like these use the UPDATE FROM syntax again ;-( How do I work around that then?
How do I tie 1. and 2. into my update statement so that it works?
As noted in the title, this needs to execute in SQL Server, Oracle, and Firebird
Note: Since groups can contain groups, the update should ideally be executed 'from the bottom up', i.e. deepest groups first.
But since this is just a rough correction for a corrupt database, doing one 'lineair' pass over all groups is good enough.
To get around SQL Server's non-standard way for update table aliases, simply don't use any.
As to using the aggregate result in both the SET clause and the WHERE clause, I suppose the only way all DBMS work with, is to write the aggregation query twice.
update tt_plan_task
set tt_fromdate =
select min(t.tt_fromdate)
from tt_plan_task t
where t.tt_group_id = tt_plan_task.tt_plan_task_id
where (tt_plantype=1)
tt_fromdate <>
select min(t.tt_fromdate)
from tt_plan_task t
where t.tt_group_id = tt_plan_task.tt_plan_task_id

Set a column equal to a value in Oracle SELECT

I want to Select a column and set it equal to 0. In SQL I just do this: SELECT Dealer_Fee = 0.
Do I have to use an update? When I try the same thing in Oracle I get "FROM keyword not found where expected."
I am not sure what do you want to do and in which SQL dialect the construction you mentioned works. If you just want to retrieve some value and place it in a named column in Oracle you have to use DUAL table. Try this:
SELECT 0 AS dealer_fee FROM dual;
On the other hand, if you ment T-SQL and placing a value into variable you need to use PL/SQL SELECT INTO clause, like that:
SELECT 0 INTO dealer_fee from dual;
If not try to explain in more detail what are you trying to achieve.
1) In Oracle you must specify FROM clause within SELECT, is not like MS sqlserver where you can omit a FROM clause.
2) If you want to update one specific value, you must use UPDATE clause instead SELECT.
You should use the Update statement. Please visit this oracle reference which explains the Update statement in detail: Update Statement
Take a look at the reference for UPDATE in Oracle:
UPDATE <table_name>
SET <column_name> = <value>

Using an Alias column in the where clause in ms-sql 2000

I know you cannot use a alias column in the where clause for T-SQL; however, has Microsoft provided some kind of workaround for this?
Related Questions:
Unknown Column In Where Clause
Can you use an alias in the WHERE clause in mysql?
“Invalid column name” error on SQL statement from OpenQuery results
One workaround would be to use a derived table.
For example:
select *
select a + b as aliased_column
from table
) dt
where dt.aliased_column = something.
I hope this helps.
Depending on what you are aliasing, you could turn it into a user defined function and reference that in both places. Otherwise your copying the aliased code in several places, which tends to become very ugly and means updating 3+ spots if you are also ordering on that column.