Can I put Open Graph tags out of the head tag of my page? - seo

I am talking about the Open Graph tag here. Can I put the og meta tag anywhere on the page?
I want to use my detail page image for the og tag, the easiest solution is putting the og:image tag in the body of my page.

Open Graph meta tags should always be nested between <head> tags.
To turn your web pages into graph objects, you need to add basic
metadata to your page. We've based the initial version of the protocol
on RDFa which means that you'll place additional <meta> tags in the
<head> of your web page.
Additionally, keep in mind that order of the tags matters, especially when dealing with array tags (which includes og:image).

Open Graph Tag should be always always be placed on header tag until knowledge goes.. People please correct me if I am wrong..


Can meta tag description be declared dynamically in a web page

I have a dynamic page, where the contents and title will change based on the parameters in the URL. I want the same to be done for meta tag description. As I don't have a sound knowledge of SEO, I don't know whether it will be valid or not.
Say suppose URL contains word "test"
I will do,
if("test" is present)
<meta decription="test"/>
<meta decription="test1"/>
Can I do this? Does giving two meta tag descriptions for same page work.
It is best practice to have different, on the page content based values of the title element and the meta description for each web page. It is not forbidden by the the HTML5 specification to have multiple <meta name="description" content="YOUR DESCRIPTION"> elements but I would guess that search engines process only the first appearance of the element. So my recommendation would be use one <meta name="description" content="YOUR DESCRIPTION"> element for each page.
As long as you code it server-side (eg in PHP) when the page is generated rather than client-side (javascript) after the page has loaded, then it will be fine. That's how most CMS systems work already.
Done server-side, only one of the description tags will actually appear in the code Google see.
Done client-side, it is likely that they will see no description at all as I don't think many search engines render javascript.

How prevent indexing of contents of a page, not the page itself?

How can I make front-page and category pages of my CMS being indexed just by their meta description tag not by their contents (posts, navigation, ...)?
edit: Contents on these pages are generated dynamically and change frequently, so I want to prevent users don't find what they saw in search result summary
edit: Can nosnippet help for this or does it prevent the display of meta description content too?
Also How I can prevent indexing of contents of particular tag in a page?
Add this between your head tags:
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"/>
But, Yandex does not care about this which is not respectful.

Prevent a div from Google being read and followed without JavaScript

I don't want some of divs on my page to be followed by Google because they contain duplicate content from other websites, is this possible that I prevent those divs to be 'no-followed'?
I have seen this:
Methods for preventing search engines from indexing irrelevant content on a page
but its suggesting JavaScript for this purpose and I can't use JS in my case, also that question is from 2009, I hope things are bit changed now?
If you really do not want use javascript for this, the only way I'm sure will stop Google for index some content of your page is using iframe + robots noindex/nofollow.
Instead of use a div, create a normal iframe, in a way that it appears that is not a iframe.
To page that is target of iframe, add metatag robots <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
Keep in mind that it will probably be interpreted as if it were adversing, so there will be some penalty, but this penalty may be lower than copying significant amount of content.

Is There any way to change the snippet created by google indexed results?

Is There any way so that i change the snippet created by google indexing,so that it Drives more Traffic,Making it more Relavent which i can show to the users
Google will choose your search results snippets from the following places (not necessarily in this order):
The page's Meta Description tag
The page's Open Directory Project (ODP) Listing
Page content relevant to the search query
If you do not want Google to use the ODP listing's description then you can tell them not to do so with the following Meta tag:
<meta name="robots" content="NOODP">
If you want to encourage Google to use your Meta Description tag then make sure it is unique to each page. Also make sure it contains an accurate description of the page's content.
In thew absence of an ODP description and Meta Description tag, Google will use a portion of the page's text as the description. This text will contain the closest matches to the search query. I have not seen any official limit to how long this can be but a couple of sentences seems about right.
On a related note, if you don't want a snippet to be shown with a particular page you can use the following Meta tag to prevent one from being shown:
<meta name="robots" content="nosnippet">
See this blog post for Google's tips on using the meta description tag.
According to this site, "The meta description should typically be at most 145 to 150 characters in length as these are the maximum number of characters typically displayed at Yahoo! and Google, respectively."

Use search engine meta tag outside of the <head> section

I'm using a meta tag to restrict access to specific parts of a website. The problem is that I'm using a CMS and I can only insert the <meta> tag inside the <body>, because the <head> sections is part of the universally used main template. Dose the <meta> tag still work outside the <head> section?
You can accomplish the same effect as that meta tag using an HTTP header. The X-Robots-Tag can be set in an .htaccess file and will do the exact same thing as the meta tag. If your CMS doesn't support it you can always add it manually and it won't be affected by the CMS creates pages at all.